The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 202: Damn it! Nobody shoots the lights!

The LED baffle opened, and all five mentors saw Yang An wearing a hat and holding an acoustic guitar, and there was a little doubt. One eyed it and recognized it. Can't believe it and asked, "Are you ... Yang An?"

Yang An then turned his face, let the light shine on his face, revealing his true features, and said with a smile: "Hello teachers! I'm Yang An." Music> Wen "novel ww. し"

Hahahaha ...

The audience laughed, their stomach hurt, and their tears burst into laughter. The five mentors looked at each other and couldn't say a word.

Chen Jianhao buzzed. Yang An sang just now. After playing the wrong sound, he kept saying that it was a waste of time. This man had no future, kept beeping, kept developing his advantages, and commented with ruthless poison tongues. Grab a shot, every word he said was recorded.

He wanted to draw his mouth. He said that Yang An had no future, but the fact kept beating his face. If Yang An had no future, what would Chen Jianhao be?

He began to complain about the CCTV program group, neuropathy, you, the students who come here to sing are ordinary people. What do you mean by calling this product?

Chen Jianhao felt he couldn't sit still. He asked, "Sabbie, what does this mean? Yang An is a student?"

Shabe explained: "Before the show aired, Yang An signed up for the competition. Now he is a singer Yang An, and has nothing to do with other identities. It ’s just a bit ..."

Shabei couldn't go on. He himself felt incredible. The show team was optimistic about Yang An. Chi Jun even vowed to enter the top five. As a result, he couldn't even pass the election. This is not a story. This is definitely an accident. He believes that The director team will definitely come up with a solution.

The audience was very angry, Yang An signed up to participate ... Yang An was eliminated ... Yang An couldn't even pass the election ...

A well-known singer, well, at least a well-known domestic singer and songwriter, a well-known singer on the Internet, he wrote "Swing Together", "Chaos", "Xingbo Zuolang" he wrote, and even "Jiangnan Style", He also wrote the famous song "Gee" of the girl group's girlhood. His song has spread throughout Asia and has gone global. Today, he ate a big deal!

Not bad!

Wow, your "Singing the Divine Land" is so high that even Yang An doesn't look at it. This program is really wonderful, you guys!

Now let ’s see how CCTV handles it!

The audience is all happy, just waiting to see some people ugly!

Five mentors, look at me, I look at you, nobody wants to talk.

Fortunately, the program team gave instructions in time, and Shabei breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's take a break for a while!"

The five mentors stepped down and gathered together to discuss the countermeasures. Shabei also came to Yang An, turned off the microphone, and whispered, "What do you mean?"

Yang Andao: "It's only a few months since I practiced guitar. It's very good to be able to play at this level. It's not intentional to play something wrong in the middle. I'm at this level."

Shabei's face is not good-looking: "You have given us a big problem! None of the five of them shot you. Where do you leave us?"

Yang An chuckled: "They don't shoot me, is your host not allowed to shoot?"

Shabe shook her head.

"That's not it! I was eliminated because the mentor did not recognize me and did not lose the face of your host. If there is a huge controversy outside of this, isn't it what you need? Yang An participates in" Singing the Divine Land ", The election was eliminated, what a hot topic, the ratings of "Singing China" have doubled! "

Yang An said these words with a smile, and Shabe couldn't help crying: "It really has nothing to do with me, but isn't this a negative effect? ​​Who dares to eliminate you!"

Yang An shook his head: "In fact, if the truth is true, it would be normal to eliminate me. I didn't sing well. Yesterday I recorded the first issue of my new show" I Am a Singer. "I also sang on stage. In the end, the audience was criticized, and I will be eliminated in the next round! "

Shabei almost collapsed: "I can't tell you! It's a completely different concept to eliminate yourself from your own program, and our program to eliminate you! This is a totally different concept! Hey! What does it mean to eliminate you, it is absolutely impossible, you Wait for re-recording! "

Yang An grinned and whispered to Shabei who walked away, "Okay, I'm trying to record again!"

Chi Jun hurriedly led someone over, and after meeting with the five mentors, he asked furiously: "Why don't you shoot him? Because he doesn't sing well?"

The mentors were even more annoyed: "Hey! Why don't you remind me in the monitor when we see that we don't shoot?"

"If you make such a big oolong, your show team also has a problem! Why did you call him to participate? Isn't this a nonsense?"

"It's okay to let famous singers participate, so please give me a reminder! You're a shame! Make a shame!"

"I've participated in so many drafts and I have never seen a show like this one of you. Any student who deserves attention should say hello in advance!"

The mentors shirk their responsibilities one by one. Chi Jun is really angry. He doesn't mention Yang An. In fact, he wants to see one of the mentors take pictures. The other mentors did not take pictures. Endlessly, this dramatic result will greatly increase the viewing of the show!

If he informs in advance that the player is Yang An, the five Dai instructors will definitely take pictures. At the same time, they will pretend that they are not Yang An. The expression on their faces is absolutely stiff. To death!

Who knows that no one was shooting, and he hadn't had time to remind him, this is really off!

Now is not the time to pull the muscles. Seeing that these mentors are still pushing, pushing, and complaining, Ji Jun is overwhelmed and walks to the middle of the stage: "Yang An, if you are eliminated in this period, wait for resurrection Will it affect your reputation if you are selected again during the match? "

Yang An thought for a while: "It doesn't matter. I didn't sing well enough at first, and it's normal for you to eliminate me. What is the resurrection?"

Chi Jundao: "The last phase of the blind election will not start until November."

Yang An nodded: "I can cooperate. I'm worried that during this interval, your show crew can't bear the pressure. There are many fans in the good voice. Liu Feng Mowen are all my friends. I have millions of fans ... ... "

Chi Jun had a headache when he thought about it. He was worried that he would be laughed at by the domestic singers. The shame was definitely CCTV!

He hated a bit: "What if you repeat it again at this time?"

Yang Annu nodded and motioned over there: "I'm fine here, you can see if the audience can agree or not, and the instructors can't agree."

Chi Jun cursed, came back, and said with a somber face: "Re-record again, he sings again, you shoot the lamp again!"

The five mentors are also full of fire. Anyway, there are two people who are professors at the regular school of music. At the first hearing, they have to re-record. This is to treat them as actors and pose?

Hundreds of spectators present watching it. Can you hide it? They are all seniors in the domestic music scene. Who cares about feathers? In case someone spreads it, the reputation of the five mentors will be ruined. What will they say in the future?

Oops, let me tell you, instructor Chen Jianhao participated in "Singing the Divine Land", and Yang An sang without a lot of photos. However, after the singing, it was found that Yang An was re-recorded for him. Kneeling and licking Yang An, everyone burst into praise that Yang An is a rare music genius for a century!

Shameless? The thought of the rumors frightened the five mentors.

No, you ca n’t shoot. If you do n’t shoot, you do n’t shoot. Yang An really sings badly. It ’s right to not shoot. As for the external pressure, it ’s the program group that does n’t remind you.

"No! Never re-record, this is insulting us!"

"If you don't shoot, you don't shoot. Isn't there a resurrection match? Let him sing in the resurrection match, just find someone to shoot him!"

The mentors have already discussed the common progress and retreat. They must stand on the moral high ground and prove that they are doing the show with due diligence and not let the audience grasp the handle!

Chi Jun is about to collapse. How does he choose?

Seeing that there is no retreat, the tutors went on strike!

The mentors threatened that it was absolutely impossible to put on shots. If the program team did this, they would not be able to guarantee seriousness and professionalism in the future when they were blindly selected. Simply change the method to play this program. Which mentor shoots the lamp and directly puts it out, everyone will follow the show!

Chi Jun was furious. The recording scene was suspended for half an hour. The instructors were invited to negotiate in the next meeting room. The deputy director arrived and several hosts and directors arrived. After a long argument, the show team finally compromised. , Put Yang An in the resurrection match.

However, in order to reduce the impact, this period of eliminating Yang An was placed in the final blind election at the end of October, and then immediately followed by the resurrection match.

The tutors reluctantly accepted this plan. For this reason, the directors had to rack their brains to arrange the content of the dialogue. In short, everyone was not happy.

Back at the scene and restarting the recording, Yang Anzheng was joking with the band teachers, playing guitar and playing music, and Chi Jun and his mentors saw nothing in this scene.

The recording started, pretending that Yang An had just finished singing.

"Are you Yang An?"

"Oh my god, Yang An, why are you here?"

Is he ~ ~ these old things can't even act? Too blunt, too fake, Chi Jun scolded this group of people over and over again, really not work, cut it!

Yang An explained: "Today I am participating as a singer, maybe I have had some results before, but various reasons have prevented me from being able to sing on the stage." Singing China "is a professional and fair stage, and the show team is willing to give I was grateful for the opportunity to show myself once. Although the mentors did not shoot the lights, I was still very happy. I finally made up for some of my previous regrets. "

Chi Jun felt hot in his face!

All five mentors are embarrassing and have nothing to say!

The audience at the scene all laughed into internal injuries!

Is he too funny?

This is the funniest music draft show they have seen this year!

The audience were all shouting in glee: "The show is not over yet, come on, mentors, comment on Yang Geer's songs! Look at you ~" (To be continued.)

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