The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 209: Full Mosaic

A genius remembers "Love to go ÷ small? Speak → Net" in one second to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

For a long time, Yang An was not a proactive person, but if others provoked him, he would fight back.

In October, Yang An and Chen Jianhao and others fought for a month, and both sides scolded the real fire.

The reason was that the "Singing China" program was suspended.

Fermentation is the rising ratings of "I Am a Singer", and the third-stage supplementary singer Qi Shan has sparked a big discussion in the whole society.

In the end, it was because of Chen Jianhao's poisonous tongue that he was frequently moved out as a negative teaching material. He became angry and angry, regardless of his image.

At the beginning, CCTV programs said that they would stop broadcasting. They are not bad for money. They would rather not broadcast or make mistakes. Last time, CCTV invited an artist to an interview program. The artist had independent speeches in the past, but the CCTV program group did not know. The program has been recorded and will be broadcast soon. CCTV realized that there was a problem, so it made an amazing move.

The interview program was broadcast as usual, with a group of six guests, the artist in question was mosaiced all the way!

All issues related to the artist were cut off by CCTV, often inaccessible to the context, and inexplicable for the audience to watch. Looking at five normal people and a mosaic on the TV screen, the audience was stunned and didn't know what to say.

The director of the CCTV show group also said an oil poem: "

Know, we won't please

Please, we will not record

Recorded, we will not use it;

Used, we will not broadcast. "

CCTV is so domineering!

It ’s so uriney!

you have a problem? OK, your individual shots are cut in full, and you can't get around to give you mosaic, the sound processing is not good? Hum, the whole time [Beep Beep]!

But Yang An did nothing wrong, and his image was very positive. The national idol MC, so CCTV could n’t put him on the mosaic, and he could n’t cut it off. In the end, the seven-injury punch could only hit himself. People grab the handle!

The fermentation is the third issue of "I Am a Singer". The supplementary singer Qi Shan is a recognized singer in the music industry. She was hailed as the "first female voice in Asia" more than ten years ago. Wen and others are recommending her. [Love ↑ go △ small ↓ said △ net WwW.AiQu]

But when the third stage came on stage, the audience did not know her at all, who was she? She sang "Waiting" and instantly conquered all the audience!

The audience all posted on the official website and asked, "Who is Qi Shan? Singing so well, why haven't you heard of her before?"

The official website gives a resume, and a long list of honors is listed. Qi Shan actually participated in a lot of offline music events, published several CDs, participated in music festival awards, and received some local music list awards. She has never been silent in the singing world.

Netizens were puzzled, and searched her past history little by little, plus Qishan became popular all over the country after the third period, and her friends in the circle swept away the resentment for many years and took the initiative to report to reporters. Tell the truth about how hard she has been in these years.

Qi Shan is very ugly, so in the past, in the era of CD recording, she was very unpopular with fans, and there were no ugly idols.

But her singing skills are really good, her emotions are very surging, and the treble is really amazing. She has a fight with Yao Beina's treble, but it feels different. Qi Shan's treble is crying, making people cry. The kind of ears that explode will explode emotionally.

Recently, the popular saying that "the treble is king" has come from the only two episodes of "Singing China", and was personally said by the great instructor Chen Jianhao.

In those two installments, Chen Jianhao's rare two students without poisonous tongues were both soaring high-pitched players. Chen Jianhao said: "Students who can't sing high-pitched voices, our tutors generally don't take them, because you can't sing many difficult songs."

This is very low, but Chen Jianhao is a poisonous tongue. He is not afraid of controversy when he speaks it.

More than ten years ago, he was at a Beijing Music Festival, and there was Qi Shan at that time. The two were in conflict because of the judges. He accused Qi Shan in the background in front of the organizer: "In addition to you, you will not only treble. What are you singing? It doesn't matter if you look ugly, it's not right to be scary! "

At that time, this sentence deeply hurt Qi Shan's heart. Qi Shan covered her face and wept in tears on the spot. Many people in the circle knew it.

But Chen Jianhao was a well-known senior in the music industry. A big critic, Qi Shan was really not hot at that time, but you Chen Jianhao couldn't say in front of others, lacking the basic qualities of being a man!

More than ten years later, "Good Voice of China" made the audience no longer care about the singer's appearance, but only paid attention to the good voice. Chen Jianhao also praised the high pitch in "Singing the Divine Land", and "I am a singer" did not pay much attention to the appearance of Qi Shan. , Sent her to the stage as a supplementary singer, making her raging all over the country.

So the conflict between the two sides exploded!

Chen Jianhao became the object of everyone's shouting, and the black history of the past was turned out one by one again.

Netizens were furious and screamed on his Weibo: "What **** critics are paralyzed! I thought Yao Beina was the only singer you have been hacked by! You originally had this kind of vice ten years ago! I Qi Mom tricked you into messing with you. Want to treat a woman like that? "

"Animal! I will kill your dog today and cut your dog's tongue!"

"Bullying my family Beibei, bullying Yang Er, and bullying Qi Mom, are you still human? I do n’t know how many people in China have been bullied by you! Many people have been ruined by you!"

Chen Jianhao was suspended for "Singing the Divine Land" for a long time, was blamed by the director, and was laughed at by the audience, making his nerves tense!

As a result, there is another Qishan now. This name, which has not been heard for nearly two decades, entangles him like a nightmare!

Qi Shan got angry. Some things he said in the past were turned into old accounts. Come on, more than ten years later, he couldn't remember saying no!

The yin and yang strangers, the colleagues who went down the rocks, ignited the wind, the ridiculous experts, filled with indignation, like a crazy dog ​​bite and let go of netizens, driving Chen Jianhao almost crazy!

The last time he tore with Yang An was to use Weibo to scold him. Now he is back in battle, and continues to post in the swollen Weibo space: "I am wrong all over the world? Qi Shan's treble is good, but Her bite words, her crying cavity, her expression, her aesthetic of song selection, listening to it for a long time is tortured by the audience! No matter how good the singing skills are, you wo n’t choose songs or aesthetics. Can you get angry? ”

Netizens scolded: "Mother Qi's fire is not up to you, Chen Jianhao can decide? Then how did you tell her appearance in the past? You Chen Jianhao is also a frustrated face, horse-eye donkey nose blood pot mouth, long So ugly you're fooling around! "

Chen Jianhao almost vomited blood: "The commercial value of music is not directly related to its quality! Is the singing technique you always say good and useful? The shape of the singer is also part of the commercial value! She hasn't fired these years, the biggest problem right here!"

Netizens were angry: "Li Ye's appearance is not good. Why can he get an invitation for the Spring Festival Gala? Chen Jianhao, you old dog, is crazy!"

Chen Jianhao was biting wildly. In order to prove that he was not wrong, all the evidence was based on the sadness and pain of others, very uncultivated and very disgusting.

In response, Yang An couldn't help it: "Chen Jianhao, you have targeted me, your show, and my players. Where did you come from?"

Yang An furious, the Yang family will naturally be reluctant to show weakness. Fans headed by ghost knife brothers have washed all the space of Chen Jianhao, even if he changed his trumpet, as long as he was found out, it will be hacked!

On the Internet, Chen Jianhao's crusade fell to the side, saying that the predecessors of this singing scene had no quality and morality.

But in reality, there are still a handful of people who support some of Chen Jianhao's views, such as the evaluation of Qi Shan, saying that she has a single song and can only sing solo. From her past records, you can know that an entire record is A crying smell, can this singer be hot?

For this, Yang An put a ruthless word on his Weibo!

"It is said that Qi Ma has a single song, and she questioned her singing, please continue watching! See if" I am a singer "will be eliminated in the first quarter! These buried good voices have just reappeared in the world. Hope, you are not supporting, but taking turns to suppress, is there still humanity? Some people in the domestic music industry are really disgusting, really say a dog! I solemnly declare that "Good Voice of China" excavates the buried good voice of the folk, " "I'm a Singer" excavates the professional good voice suppressed by the wicked, and I'm willing to always take the lead for the buried musician! "

As soon as this was said, the domestic music scene exploded!

The two producers of China's top two song draft shows are so disappointed and so opinionated by the domestic producers that many well-known singers have thought deeply.

Gradually, Liu Feng, Mo Wen, and others began to support Yang An. More and more people supported Yang An in the domestic music scene. The tone of public opinion has also changed, gradually affecting ordinary people, what is good music, what is good sound, What is called song art must be rethought.

In the fourth installment, Jin Zhiwen was eliminated. In the fifth installment, Yao Beina topped and sang "My Tomorrow" for the highest number of votes.

In the sixth period, Li Xintong was eliminated. In the seventh period, the supplementary singer was the music poet Li Shuimu. The good voice Huang Xiao helped the mentor.

The rest of the players kicked off with defeat. The game lasted until December. The winner was Tian Hong female voice Han Hong ~ ~ The champion won the championship of "I am a singer". Next Lin Qing, Xu Yingjia, Li Shuimu, Qi Shan, Yao Beina, Rong Feifei.

This show has won a large number of singers. Even the eliminated players have gained enough exposure and improved in all aspects. No one is worried about the damage to the performing arts career.

Facts have proved that the buried Qi Shan finally won the fifth place, juxtaposed with so many famous singers, which is enough to prove her excellence. Chen Jianhao and some others can no longer refute, and obediently report and apologize.

In addition, the ratings of "I am a singer" were the highest in the finals of 4.12%, and the rest fluctuated between 3.5% and 4.0%. It became the second professional-level song audition show in China with a score of 4%, and occupied the title of "China Good Voice". The high-end market in the domestic music scene has shocked the world!

What is the next variety show of gold producer Yang An?

For the upcoming Christmas, the second season of Blue Ocean TV's "Happy Comedy" will officially begin, and laughter will sweep the country again!

Television viewers across the country are waiting and looking forward to it, because in the second season, Yang An said he was returning! (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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