The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 212: Old guests with 6 guests in place!

There are six guests in "The Great Challenge", and one is hard to find. Music-text-

The biggest highlight of this show is the in-depth excavation of artists. Stars participate in the show to serve the audience, not to act according to the script.

But such an artist is difficult to find, because too many stars in China take themselves seriously, they stand on the shelf everywhere, willing to put down a self-destructing image to please the audience, and participate with me. I am a singer. Famous singers are just as rare!

Then came the content frame of this show. Yang An thought carefully for a few months before choosing the single category of "star experience", and deliberately discarded the exciting types of "chasing battle" and "brain fighting".

Yang An faintly felt that something was wrong. Under the premise that his team has not yet been established, and he cannot even ensure that he controls the essence of the reality show, he cannot take out the entire "Infinite Challenge" in one go, otherwise he has not yet Success, but others take away the idea, it is a big loss.

After returning to Hongfeng after finishing Xiaodongbei, a TV interview made him reaffirm his concerns.

"Brother Yang, Sister Ning is here, waiting in the conference room, Xiong Hao, Dongshan Satellite TV, Zhongjing Satellite TV, many people have come." Song Xiaomei quietly reported: "Would you like me to notify them one by one, alone meet?"

Yang An said: "It's okay, I won't give a promise easily. See you together. I'll touch their bottom first."

When we met together, there were the heads of eight satellite TV and television stations, rich ones like Zhongjing Satellite TV, and the coastal cities of Yangcheng and Shenzhen, and they sent together cheques.

If you have no money, you will play the influence card, saying how high your ratings are, how broad your coverage is, and how good your word of mouth is.

Those who ignore both ends can only play policy cards. As long as you have Yang Anken on our show, I do n’t charge a penny, and I can even post it!

Nothing else, good voice 5%, I am a singer 4%, last year comedian 1 reached 2.5%, the first season of the second quarter of this year exceeded 3%, a look at this is the momentum of Ben 4 go, what variety shows in China Have such a terrifying appeal?

Everyone in the TV industry is convinced that catching Yang An is a baby!

Yang An calmed everyone and said, "Everyone should be familiar with my style. I'm the kind of person who desperately wants ratings and praise from the audience. I want less advertising and I don't want to talk nonsense. The conditions I put forward to the TV station are also extremely harsh. In fact, you don't have to fight for it. It's just a show. You really don't have to be so anxious. "

A show? Nothing more? Everyone is bitter. It ’s easy for you to get high ratings, but everyone ’s shows are on the level of 1%. Can you be in a hurry?

"Which is it? Yang Geer, despite your request, our Dongshan Satellite TV contract has been brought in, and the director signed it. What terms would you like to add to it? We all agree!"

The person in charge of Dongshan Satellite TV directly fell over this contract, with grand words and arrogance!

The others were in a hurry, one grabbed the contract on the table, and threw it back: "Just your contract came with Dongshan Satellite TV?"

Another yelled: "Don't worry, listen to Yang Geer's request, and everyone will speak separately, just like a good voice student chooses a mentor, this is eight turns!"

The crowd laughed and the atmosphere eased a lot. The person in charge of Zhongjing Satellite TV laughed: "Just, what's the matter? We don't know what type of Yang Geer's new program is, and what station it is suitable for!"

Others echoed and wanted to hear Yang An's details.

Yao Ning was the only person in the room who was aware of the situation, and suddenly became aware: "Everyone is a little calm and impatient. I would like to talk privately, okay? We can think of this as a bidding fair, especially in the TV industry For children, the dark label is always better than the clear label, right? "

Yang An laughed and praised Sister Ning's intelligence: "Yes, I have a whole day to talk slowly."

The mark is to keep raising prices, but Yang An is not here for money, so in terms of the proportion, it is useless for the TV station to play flowers.

The hidden label contains too many hidden conditions, such as policies, resource channels, sharing, etc. Many things cannot be said on the table, so most of them are negotiated in private.

After chatting with these people, it was Yao Ning's turn.

Yang An thanked him, "Thank you Ning, you reminded me that I almost got fooled. Some people want to watch what I do, and then plan to go back and quickly imitate the trend!"

Yao Ning smiled: "You are not in the TV circle. You do n’t understand many black tricks. Just say Dongshan Satellite TV. They dared to come up with the blank contract signed by the director. Is n’t it tricky? You sign first and drag slowly! There is no free lunch in the world, all stare at you!

Yang An sighed: "Only Sister Ning really thought for me."

Yao Ningxi laughed: "Where can I, in fact, I am selfish. Before I really took power, I dare not guarantee the safety of any of your shows, so my sister will not force you. But" Great Challenge "is not good Are the two guests right? I want to recommend candidates. "

Yang Andao: "There is only one difference. We must be mature, stable, experienced, and experienced men, but also have a good sense of art. I have rarely found such guests throughout China. Occasionally, there are a few calls. In the past, there were no dates, no time, or I couldn't put myself down and didn't want to participate ... "

Yao Ning said: "I have a friend called Ning Hao, he is a director ..."

Yang An's eyes lighted up and she almost forgot this person: "Yeah! Why did I forget him? I have his phone. Last time I got married, he sent a big red envelope ..."

Ning Hao is nearly 40 years old this year. His parents are steel workers and he graduated from a secondary school. Then he went to the teacher ’s college step by step, studied undergraduate studies in film school, went to lv to work as a TV reporter, shoot mtv, shoot micro-movies. But one step at a time, it was very practical. "Gypsy Girl" had just been killed, Liu Susu was the heroine, and Ning Hao finally found the investment of the gold master and gradually got on the track of director career.

Such a person, very much in line with Yang An's requirements, mature and stable, rich experience, full of positive energy!

Yang An called Ning Hao in front of Yao Ning, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Ning Hao was just in the rest period. It was no problem to take a month to go to Yang An's program, and the two of them hit it off, recorded a variety show, and talked about the script. error!

Hanging up the phone, Yang An was very happy: "Thank you Ning Ning, today you have solved a big heart problem for me. Now that the staff are assembled, I will wait for the filming."

Yao Ningjiao laughed and said, "It's over with a thank you? Should I invite me to dinner? What about Fifi? Is she healthy?"

Yang An said: "She's due date is on the 10th of next month. I just need your old driver to pass on the experience! Let's go and eat at my house!"

The guests who can invite guests to dinner at home are usually quite familiar people and **** friends. Yao Ning was pleasantly surprised. It turned out that Yang An regarded her as such a serious friend.

The family was together, all the guests were happy, Rong Feifei was pregnant with twins, and it was a bit inconvenient to move. Yao Ning taught a lot of experience to do comfort work before production.

There is no need for Yang An to worry about family matters. From the next day, he devoted himself to team formation.

For the first time shooting an outdoor reality show, Yang An was obscured by his eyes, basically relying on guessing and groping. He needed a strong and stable shooting team.

At a high-level meeting, Duan Haishan said: "Yang An, can I sit in the back of the town? I am old and let me run around the country. I can't carry my body!"

Liang Xu also said: "Outdoor reality shows don't require me to participate, I will still help you to protect the comedian stage at home! The sound selection of next summer, we can now prepare in advance, this year's publicity and coverage far exceed Last year, there were more than tens of thousands of good sound audition materials, which is really too busy. "

So is Jin Shaohua. They do indoor variety shows, and they are all old guys, and then they go out to fight in various places. Yang An can't justify it.

Yang Andao: "I will never let go of indoor variety shows, so please help me sit in the back of the town. This year's Spring Festival, I will give you elders a big red envelope, thank you for your support this year!"

Everyone laughed and cursed: "We don't agree with salary below 15 months!"

With a smile, Yang An promised to give a huge red envelope, and then said, "This time I will also set up a team of at least 100 people, including 30 directors. As for the accompanying camera team, the old section, please help me recruit people. ! "

Duan Haishan laughed and cursed: "You are a bad breed who can't stop tossing! I told you that it is best to switch to two groups of people indoors and outdoors, and you must have a fixed team to cooperate smoothly, otherwise the light-in period will I can toss you down! Photography is easy to solve. What about the location director? You can't be a guest yourself and a director? "

A lot of troubles, everything must be done, Yang An can only express emotion, what he said to Shabe is too correct ~ ~ It is not that simple to make a variety show!

Everyone picked up firewood with high flames, smashed money into it, and a trusted team cooperated. The formation of "The Great Challenge" went smoothly.

When Shabe came over to record the third comedian, he brought good news: "The CCTV assistance team is ready, and they are waiting for you to form a group, and then they will join in."

Yang An was overjoyed: "It's great. With them assisting the group to run errands, you don't have to worry about being driven by the security of some domestic companies, being dogged, or being perverted by official business."

Shabei was also very happy: "They followed the whole process, but they also wanted to learn a few tricks from you. Who doesn't want to lead the popular trend of variety shows? You take them on the road, and they try to do it themselves."

Yang An laughed: "It doesn't matter! Look at their" Singing China "imitated a good voice, ah yes, you are the host, stopped broadcasting, hahaha ~"

Shabei is extremely speechless, this goods, specifically poke people sad!

But Yang An is right, just imitating the shape and disregarding the core, will never succeed! (To be continued.)

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