The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 229: What do artists do with water phobia?

Ning Hao and Zhou Jinci couldn't swim at all. Xiaodongbei had serious water phobia. The three of them were the key training targets.

The first step in swimming learning is to overcome the fear of water. Tian Liang comes first to teach everyone how to hold your breath and dive.

As a happy star show, the eight people present were all stars, especially Tian Liang. Yang An had personally explained to him. If you want to mingle in the entertainment industry, always remember to express yourself is the most important.

Therefore, Tian Liang tries to teach everyone, play games, and demonstrate himself in a fun and humorous way.

The problem came again. Ning Hao, who could not swim, had a good adaptability. Zhou Jinci had a hard time overcoming fear and dared not bury his head in the water, but his water phobia was slightly better than Xiaodongbei.

Xiaodongbei was the most uncomfortable. He finally stood in the swimming pool. As long as the water depth exceeded his chest, he would have difficulty breathing and struggled hard in the direction of shallow water.

The man encountered the biggest difficulty. What should someone do if they are seriously afraid of water in this marine theme?

If you dare not breathlessly dive, the swimming instructor will say, "Go home and get a basin, fill it with water, bury your face in one breath, hold it for three seconds, five seconds, ten seconds, and half a minute after you feel familiar. No problem! "

Many people who have just learned to swim have practiced this way, and the fear of water is slowly getting better.

On the first day, in order not to put pressure on Xiaodongbei, the two Olympic champions didn't force him, so he stayed in the water and watched other people play wildly. Yang An and Shabei thought about a lot of games. They I was the happiest, and I also recorded many program highlights and content.

In the evening, everyone returned to the room to rest. Xiaobeidong and Zhou Jinci gathered together. They discussed how to improve and supervised each other. They brought the basin with water and buried their faces. But they tried many times. Can't rest my heart.

The follow-up team recorded this scene. They were afraid of water, severe Northeast China and mild Zhou Jinci, and they became the biggest shortcomings for men to help the team.

The next day, we relaxed, and everyone went to pick up the simpler ingredients, such as picking vegetables in the vegetable garden, catching chickens in the breeding base, and looking for crabs in the seams of the beach. The eels were artificially fed in a silt pond 1.5 meters deep. I caught one in minutes.

The search for coconuts and honeys was a pain for everyone.

Because they did n’t buy it, they had to get it by themselves, so the six were divided into two groups. Yang An, Li Jingtian, and Xiao Dongbei went to the hive. They all chose honey pumpkin cake, and they must let them come to get honey.

The other three tried to find a coconut vendor and escorted everyone to the bazaar, asking them to ask the vendor who sold the coconut, and then driving to the vendor's coconut grove.

Coconuts are mature all year round, and the three of them are crazy. Climbing trees is definitely possible. Shabei clapped her hands and said, "I'll climb first!"

Shabe was wearing loose beach pants, barefoot, spit in his hands, came under the coconut tree, and took a deep breath: "Look at me, you guys are waiting for coconuts below!"


Shabey jumped, stepping on the trunk with both feet, half-embracing it with his hands, and the back of her body became prawn-shaped.


With a low drink, Shabey forced his feet, both hands leaped upwards, grabbed a higher position 30 cm away, grabbed his feet and jumped, and climbed a little higher.

"Be careful!" Ning Hao shouted.

"Don't slip down ..." Zhou Jinci's voice didn't fall. Shabei slipped down because of the capacitation, but fortunately only climbed more than one meter high.

Shabe was dumbfounded, panting and asked, "I've climbed so much?"

Zhou Jinci and Ning Hao both got up to play, climbing one by one, but fell down without climbing too high.

No, men should not use silly methods, they must use wisdom!

While chatting with the vendor, the three secretly turned over the vendor's basket, and saw an unusual thing, a three-finger wide circular cloth belt!

Shabei took it out and turned around in his hands and asked proudly, "Boss, how can you explain this? Or you can show it again! Don't show it? Brother Hao, come!"

Ning Hao stepped forward and smiled and said, "Boss, we are thirsty and want to ask you to buy some coconuts to drink. Should you go up and pick a few? Twenty yuan, can you sell it?"

Ning Hao's method is to pay money, this trick is vulgar enough, but it is quite easy to use.

Wholesale coconuts cost less than 5 yuan each, and the price Ning Hao gave was high enough. The merchant's old man revealed a mouth full of yellow teeth as soon as he smiled, he took a smile and took the tape and started climbing the tree.

For professionals who pick coconuts, the ribbon should be tied into an 8-knot. Put your feet in the ribbon and step on the coconut tree. Use the friction between the ribbon and your feet to stabilize your body. Keep your feet on the tree. Clip firmly.

Then hold your left hand in front of the lower abdomen, press it on the trunk, and support yourself. With your right hand over the top of your head, hold yourself on the trunk and pull yourself up. When you bounce it hard, when it empties, your feet can also bend, like a frog bending its legs. In the same way, I jumped up to half a meter high, stabilized my body, and repeated the movement just now.

The 10-meter-high tree, the old man reached the top three times and lost a few coconuts, this is the rhythm of collecting money!

Ning Hao can only pay for his own pockets.

Shabei took the tool of the old man and learned the same way. When he climbed to a distance of seven meters, it might have slipped and the trunk became thin. He didn't step on it, hit the trunk heavily, and supported his left hand near the abdomen Just holding on to the vital part, he hurt his right arm while holding the trunk, and the cloth between his feet fell off one foot, turning into a koala bear holding the trunk tightly.

Ning Hao and Zhou Jinci smiled unsteadily, holding the coconut tree to look up, knowing that there should be no gloat at this time, but they couldn't help but want to laugh.

Ning Hao shouted with a smile: "Are you okay Xiaosha?"

Shabe was weak on it: "I'm fine ... fine ..."

Shabei has already pulled out his left hand and climbed so high that he was still one step away from being able to reach the coconut. He has suffered so much and cannot give up!

Four rounds of remote sensing hovering and hovering over the top of the coconut tree, faithfully photographed Sabbe's expression. He was really desperate, enduring the discomfort from his body, changing the direction of his feet little by little, and trying not to let the bark scratch The skin of his leg, fortunately, there was a cloth strip on the other foot. It took him a minute to return to his original position and stand on the coconut tree again.

When the coconut was pulled down by Shabei one by one, everyone was cheering with joy, and the coconut picking career challenge was successful!

The career of coconut pickers is very rare. In Sanya, about one in 2,000 people will climb trees, and even fewer are willing to engage in coconut pickers. Professional coconut pickers can climb up to 200 trees a day and one month. More than 100,000 coconuts are quite hard. The number of coconut pickers in Hainan Island does not exceed 100. They work hard every day and supply the entire China!

The trio succeeded, but Sabbe really paid the price.

The outer skin of the coconut palm is very rough. It is okay to step on the sole with thick cocoons, but in order to prevent it from falling, Shabe has scratched a piece of skin with a few bloodstains.

The three looked at the coconut in the car with emotion, Shabei didn't want to make the atmosphere worse, and took the initiative to laugh: "I'm afraid those three guys are covered by bees!"

The three Yang An are challenging the career of beekeepers. This profession sounds very scary, but in the eyes of beekeepers, this is the cutest and sweetest job.

Sanya has the richest sunshine and the brightest flowers. There is no shortage of hard-working bees and hard-working people.

As soon as they entered the hive, the three of them were scared by bees flying around.

"Wow wow ~ bees are everywhere!"

"Fly into the car! Hurry it up!"

"Why should we choose honey pumpkin cake? I'm so scared ... I'm so scared of this little creature!"

Fortunately, the staff pointed out that the three of them put on a protective jacket, a conjoined dense mesh hood, and did a careful inspection. They will enter the beehive area later. In case a bee comes in, don't say it 蜇How painful a person is, for three people who have never touched a bee, fear cannot be eliminated, and it is very likely that a bee will cause it to collapse!

One-piece protective clothing is not completely insured. Li Jingtian and Yang An are both 180 or more in height. The protective clothing is relatively tight. Xiaodongbei is dressed just right, but he suddenly stands, raises one hand, hits himself, and is caught by the hand. The little bee was carrying around and Ladu could not come back.


Yang An laughed for the first time. He knew what Xiaodongbei was doing. This was imitating Zhou Jinci's famous mime work "Don't mess with the bee ~ ~" This guy's ability to grab the mirror has grown!

Li Jingtian was unknown, and watching Yang An had fun with it, he also made up the past to finish learning, and it looked particularly funny under the camera.

The three made a noise and entered the apiary. The beekeeper took them to an empty field. There were many beehives. The bees buzzed and went in and out. The three tried the wormwood jet pot first.

The wormwood is made into a slow-burning coal shape. When it is ignited, it will emit the smell of wormwood that the bee hates most. Then, put the wormwood charcoal in a container like a watering can and inflate with a pump. The watering can will blow out the wormwood smoke and drive away the beehive. In the bee.

Yang An held a watering can to blow air, Xiao Dongbei held a bristle brush to clean the bees. Li Jingtian was responsible for the most terrible opening of the box. He opened only one corner and was frightened to flee. A buzz rushed out. It's really scary!

The most unfortunate thing is with the photographers. They are also wearing protective clothing, and they need to resist the camera. Many bees land on them, but they can't move. They stick to the camera position faithfully.

Li Jingtian was betrayed by two unscrupulous teammates, forced to open the beehive, looked at tens of thousands of bees, only felt scalp tingling.

Driving away the scattered peaks in the beehive, the beekeeper finally pulled out a bee board. The dense bees on the bee board made Xiao Dongbei dare not start. The beekeeper reminded: "Shake them down!"

Hold the bee board in your hand and shake the bees off?

You meow me!

Who would dare to shake these bees? What if they were offended by the bee swarm?

No one dared to go, and the beekeeper pointed at Yang An: "You look handsome, you shake!" (To be continued.)

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