The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 258: Sister Xiang!

On June 1, China Good Voice aired in the second season. The audience who had been waiting for a year cheered and stood in front of the TV on time. The old and young people shared this audio-visual feast, and more loyal viewers. Just turn your back to the TV, substitute yourself into the role of mentor, blindly choose to listen to songs, and shoot lights and swivel chairs for your favorite students.

For domestic TV industry colleagues, if they are imitating or planning to imitate Yang An's programs, then it becomes necessary to study Yang An's handling of the details of each program.

This is how Mr. Huang from Huang Mangtai. As the host of "Super Rookie", he has previously hosted singing shows such as "Happy Boys" and "Singing Voices". I have not felt how difficult the draft shows are, but this time the scope has been expanded to the whole country And the quality is the same as the scale and grade of "China Good Voice", and I immediately feel that the draft program is not so easy to do.

Today, Good Voice premiered. He and several colleagues in the stage did not return home after work, gathered in the screening room, and carefully analyzed and discussed every detail.

The director Kui Wencong muttered from the beginning: lighting, sound, compared with last year, the plan seems more mature.

The setting of the stage has changed, and the orientation of the gossip array has expanded. Is the sound effect changed?

The band is still from last year.

Their production team looks more mature, and sure enough, they still have experience!

The producer Gong Liang also wrote and painted on paper. With only a few flashing shots, he basically restored all the layout of the good sound studio and gave it to Kui Wencong to see. The two analyzed it. .

Teacher He glanced at the drawing, not interested. He focused on the four mentors, he was looking at people.

Before the first student came to power, he saw that Fei Jie stood up to please him, and Teacher He meditated.

In his impression, Fei Jie is not such a good speaker. After all, she is the same master in her field. She has the same status in the Hong Kong singer scene as Mo Wen in the Mainland. When she was young, she was proud and proud. Both bullying and bullying singers and singers, suppressing and disobedient colleagues, neither of these things.

Yang An dared to choose her as a mentor. The two gunpowder barrels met together. I am afraid this season will burst!

Teacher He had a bad feeling, and sure enough, after the first group of ryibynn & amp; kendy got four turns, his worry finally happened.

The first group of students is four turns again!

Where did Yang An find these people? If this pair is placed in our "Super Rookie", it can definitely take the top three in the South Guangdong Division!

vcr said that they were recommended by simyin and Chen Luoqi, alas, Yang An is very good at using their own resources.

This is good, the duel between the two great days! Yang An isn't afraid to stop playing?

Gong Liang and they were discussing next to each other. Teacher He said: "It won't be impossible to end. Although the editing is very good, but I looked carefully, they should be acting. At first Fei Jie couldn't get off the stage and had to fight, but in the middle, the two actually had the intention to die, but then suddenly the fight broke out again. It was very unreasonable. There was only one explanation. The director must have ordered in the monitor. Intentionally let them fight.

Kui Wencong they all know that Teacher He has a high IQ.

When ryibynn and Kendy turned their backs to discuss, the two days later looked slightly hostile, and suddenly the atmosphere became hot.

At this time, many viewers were excited in front of the TV: Wow! This is a woman's battle! Wonderful!

This issue is great! Sister Mo is the queen of the mainland music scene, Fei Jie is the queen of Hong Kong, Macao and overseas Chinese circles, both of them are popular singing methods, many places overlap, this season must not tear up flying?

Hahahaha! Good voice turned into a palace fight! Have fun!

Audiences who like to watch TV shows will smile. The war between women will always be the most important aspect. Two women fight for husband, mother-in-law and wife fight for man, ex-wife and current wife are tortured, and there must be love in spy war movies The heroine ’s opposition female leader and the heroine ’s revolutionary lesbians are all done in the TV series. The audience changed the routine and just liked the fun!

The two women on the stage thought about it, and Kendy said: We choose Teacher Fei Jie!

Cheers and applause in the Xiaomeiyuan Theater, the background music of "Coffee for Women" sounded, ryibynn and kendy trot all the way down and happily hugged Fei Jie, Fei Jie said excitedly: After returning to Hong Kong, I call you shyipping , You must stay with me!

The two little girls stomped and covered their faces, each holding Fei Jie's hand.

After the camera, helpless Mo Wen became the background. Fei Jie held her first group of students and greeted the other three mentors.

Liu Feng gave face, smiled and said congratulations, shaking hands with the two women.

Huang Xiao stepped down from the seat, hugged with the two, and congratulated them.

When Mo Wen arrived, Fei Jie said: Come, hug Mo sister.

ryibynn and kendy hugged with Mo Wen, the little girl apologized in Mo Wen's ear: Sorry Mo, I'm sorry, we

Mo Wen laughed boldly: It doesn't matter if you don't choose me now. I'm waiting for you in the tutor pk match, I won't give up!

This sentence is inexplicable, and no one understands it.

But Teacher He's eyelids jumped, his thoughts turned quickly, and he mumbled: Not only the tutor changed, but even the pk rules behind it changed! Good sound this season, I'm afraid the eye-catching effect will be better!

Kui Wencong was reminded and meditated: You mean that Mo Wen does not give up, then it is possible that she can grab this group of students from Fei Jie in some way. If nothing unexpected, it should be in a mentor team When pk, other tutors have the right to **** the eliminated students! Then the combination will be more complicated and the outcome will be more difficult to predict. Will Fei Jie intentionally support these two little girls? Will Mo Wen deliberately resort to arbitrarily, she said so intentionally, to use Fei Jie's through train opportunities?

Everyone was speechless. This was the first group of trainees. It was less than ten minutes before the broadcast!

Should it be so complicated? Intrigue is too fruity!

This women's war went straight into the heat, and even dug a huge pit for the show two months later!

All I can say is that Yang An is so good at playing!

In other words, the directors of the good sound production team are too great!

Mr. He has no doubt. The glance hostile to Mo Wen and Fei Jie was definitely a hint given by the directors behind him. The expert gave instructions, and this expert knew very well what the audience loved to see. No such talent?

On TV, Yang An's performance was similar to that of the first season. He would not take the initiative to grab the shot, but every time he appeared, it was impossible to ignore.

After returning to the lounge, ryibynn and kendy hug with their family, they even came to Yang An at the same time, hugging him left and right, and said in unison: Thank you for writing such a nice song ~

Yang An was attacked and could not laugh or cry. The audience in front of the TV laughed and admired Yang An.

After the start, the performance of the second group and the third group of students was very ordinary, but the audience did not find the program unsightly at all, because the war between Mo Wen and Fei Jie's women became more and more fierce.

Mo Wen took it, Fei Jie will take it.

Fei Jie hesitated not to shoot, Mo Wen will also put his hand on the red light button.

In the second season, Mo Wen seemed to have lost the luck of the previous season. The second student chose Huang Xiao and the third student chose Liu Feng. She failed.

Teacher He has been lamenting: routines are all routines! I bet that the fourth student must be inclined to Mo Wen. The rhythm of the production team is very good. The first person caused war, the second and third suppressed Mo Wen, and the fourth let her explode. I'm so proud of it!

Kui Wencong agrees: I agree with Mr. He's point of view, the trainees' play order is carefully designed.

Gong Liang even laughed: Teacher He, my position as a producer will let you sit down? You think too much about the audience!

Everyone was laughing, but when they saw the vcr introduction of the fourth student on TV, everyone smiled abruptly.

A woman in her twenties walked into the sight of everyone. She happily opened the door of the sound glass, looked around with a little consternation, and finally came to the sofa rest area and accepted Yang An's interview.

Yang An reached out: Hello, Huang Qiong!

Huang Qiong shook hands with surprise: Wow, is Yang Ye really you? Hello hello i love you so much ~

Huang Qiong was accompanied by her younger brother, who seemed to be a very mean mountaineer. Yang An asked: Did you come directly from Xiangxi? Was it hard along the way?

Huang Qiong introduced: We first turned over two mountains ~ ~ took an hour on a raft, an ox cart, then a car, a train

Her brother smiled kindly: Fortunately, not too hard.

This is not too hard?

In the vcr, Huang Qiong stood in front of the hillside of his hometown, pointed to the winding mountain road, the towering peaks, and introduced to the camera: I graduated from high school ten years ago. Teacher gave me a poem in praise of our Tujia people. But at that time, I just wanted to get out of the impoverished cottage as soon as possible and go to the colorful cities to make my life better. Ten years have passed, and although I have no worries about clothes and food in big cities, I have made small achievements, but I always think of my hometown, my teacher, and the winding eighteen mountain roads every holiday. I must do something for my hometown!

Huang Qiong walked into the competition channel with a brisk pace. She spoke in a very fast tone, and she was a typical Xiang girl.

A hand stretched out, Huang Qiong held it and pushed open the door of the sound field. She was about to enter the stage! ). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Please go to mobile phone users. )

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