The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 281: The pace must be six minutes

The second season of "Amazing Challenge" requires a relatively large update on the model.

Yang An had already given details to the producers of Sun Dabao in advance. Although it caused dissatisfaction and controversy among the production team, Yang An insisted on his risk-taking ideas. The production team out of trust and resentment, without hesitation. If you continue to implement it, you will begin to prepare for the show almost half a year in advance. This is not mentioned for the time being.

Then there was the change in guest staffing. Yang An said: "Many people are dissatisfied that I only choose male guests. There are still rumors on the Internet. It is rumored that I only like men. Isn't that slandering me?"

There was a straight laugh in the hall, and the men on the stage also laughed. Yang An said: "In order to dispel rumors, in the next season of" The Great Challenge ", I plan to find a few female guests. If you are interested in joining You can come to me to sign up, but for the sake of the effect of the program, I would like to make a few requirements. Regrettably, are you still insisting on running at night? "

Liu Yuxi, who stood aside, nodded and held the microphone and said, "As long as I have time, I will go out."

The sports goddess is very beautiful. Yang An praised it: "Last week I watched you post a Weibo while running at night. Netizens like it!"

Liu Yuxi was embarrassed and laughed. She was wearing a black camisole and headphones that day. She was tired from running at night. She took a selfie while sitting on the roadside, her eyes were big, her expression was cute, and she was very cute. Sister sitting on the side of the road, resting silly ", tens of thousands of fans liked it, and many fans asked:" Where do you run? Seeking encounters, seeking encounters ~~ "

Yang An asked, "How far can you usually run at night?"

Liu Yuxi thought for a moment: "The pedometer prompts about 10 kilometers and the pace is 6 minutes. I usually take a rest, not speed-based."

Pace means 6 minutes per kilometer. This is the most important technical indicator of the marathon. It is very important to be able to run the entire distance. This indicator is very important. Generally, people who run fast will be within 5 minutes. Ordinary adult men will be 5 1/2 , Women 6 and a half.

Yang An said: "Okay, the first requirement for me to choose a female guest is to be able to pace within 7 minutes and run 5 kilometers without rest!"

Wow ~

There was a lot of discussion in the audience. This data was really a bit reluctant, and most of the female stars in the audience could not reach it.

But Chen Yihan and Zhang Junning were eager to try. The two sisters gave high-fives, frowning and winking. They were very proud. This condition was almost tailored for both of them, which was too good!

Chen Yihan laughed and said, "I run 12 kilometers in the morning and my pace is within 6 minutes. It's easy!"

Zhang Junning is also about the same. Her pace can reach about 6 points, which is too simple for them.

Sun Li and Wang Luodan also have some in mind. They are people who often go to the gym to train. They usually walk 3 kilometers and run 5 kilometers on a treadmill for training. It is not difficult for them.

But for actor Zhang Yuqi and Victoria Secret supermodel Chen Mengyao, this is an almost unimaginable achievement. They saw similar requirements on the official website yesterday, but the Internet only said that a physical fitness test was required, not so specific.

Yang An added: "This is really impossible. Outdoor shows are too tiring. We male artists also demand that the pace should be within 6 minutes and run 10 kilometers an hour. The second season of" Great Challenge ", I will use a week The broadcast of the first episode has particularly high physical requirements for the guests! "

The domestic runners climbed 44 floors in the relay to catch the tram. Everyone who has seen these issues knows that there is no good physical strength that is a burden on the team. If the male artist can't run the woman, then he will really play. Take off.

The request to meet the male artist was also put forward, and everyone understands it now, Yang An is really playing!

As a benchmark, Liu Yuxi was again introduced by Yang An. He said: "The second point is that I may have higher requirements for the brokerage company. When recording the program, I hope that the brokerage company can coordinate the artist's work plan and give priority to me. This time is required to allocate time. I know that this requirement is too much, so please consider carefully. If you can cooperate, we will work together, we ca n’t cooperate, but we are not reluctant, but once you sign a contract, you must act according to the contract. This is the style of my show. Well, Yu Xi is an artist who joined my company, so this problem does not exist. "

This second article is not explained on the Internet. After hearing this, those who have passed the physical fitness will have to eliminate most of them.

"Yang Brother, is this too demanding? Can't just record your show and push everything else?" A seemingly familiar actress questioned, her voice was a little loud, her attitude was a bit arrogant, The question is sharp.

Yang An smiled, without arguing: "That ’s why I said half a year in advance. Do n’t force it if the schedule is not up. The domestic market is so big, and it ’s not just my show, right? It ’s also movies, ads, interviews, TV. Notice, everyone can have their own affairs. "

The woman's still reluctant to give up: "What if there is something important temporarily? Do not say anything else, what is the physiological period? What to do in case of water and rain?"

The same sharp question, Yang An shrugged: "I will try to avoid shooting during this time, but if it can't be avoided, I can only hope that the female guests can overcome it myself, I will provide a team doctor to accompany."

Yang An knows very well that if he really wants to be a good running man, he must find a dedicated artist.

Otherwise, the female guests will be filmed every few days, and they will go to commercial shows in a few days, but also set aside time for them to fall in love, go shopping, take commercials, k song club entertainment, please, no one can afford it, sometimes for The schedule of the coordinating members often takes seven consecutive days of shooting. Song Zhixiao hurriedly rushed between the groups and fell asleep lying directly on the top of the box. He woke up to record the show. This is also the case where the actress needs to be plain one of the reasons!

This is not a joke. If Yang An is not strong, this team is really not good.

Two more requests are made later, and the actresses in the audience are lacking in interest, and there are few really motivated.

After saying this, watching the reaction of the audience, Yang An knew what he was thinking, he laughed: "Okay, after finishing the" Great Challenge ", I'll be interested in coming to me later. There is the second thing below, I I am also begging you to come, who knows some girlfriends who are about to marry and hate to marry, and those who are not yet married, please introduce them to me. I am going to make a blind date show with Lao Cui and Gao Yuanyuan. Plenty of quality male and female guests! "



This time is really a big gossip!

Sun Li responded the fastest: "Yang An, are you old when you switch to another month? I really have a few good sisters here who are not married and hate getting married. I am noisy every day and let me introduce their boyfriends!"

"Mother-in-law, mighty, I'll ask the staff to contact your agent and take them all back!"

Yang An laughed, the members of the crazy stone crew around him had been resting, but Lao Cui and Gao Yuanyuan came over and stood beside Yang An and waved to everyone.

Many friends are complaining that Yang An is not interesting, as is Lao Cui. Secret work is so well done. If Yang An did not propose it today, I am afraid that everyone would not know until the program was broadcast.

Lao Cui took the words and said, "I have been doing nothing since I told you the truth. I made a movie, but it was also a small villain. Maybe it was because I was too miserable just now. My brother decided to help me open a variety show and compensate me ... "

Everyone laughed in good faith. Lao Cui didn't play much in the movie. He had four eyes, horse ass, stubber, kneeling and licking Feng Dong, bullying the common people, and finally died under Feng Dong's crossbow. deep impression.

Old Cui is also a human being. He has been a reporter and interviewed for many years. He has met too many of these people. Like Shabei, he can be a good host at CCTV, not to mention that they are well-known hosts and change careers. Artists don't even need an adaptation period, what they act like.

It's just that Gao Yuanyuan and the two are partners, which is also something that everyone does not understand.

"Why did you choose Gao Yuanyuan?"

"Perhaps she is a vase. The two men host the blind date show, and they always feel weird, so they need a female star to adjust it!"

"It may be so, but I don't seem to hear that Yang An and Gao Yuanyuan have a good relationship?"

"Did you all forget? The Golden Eagle Festival presented the awards. They walked together on the red carpet. Gao Yuanyuan won the best actress. Liu Tao and Sun Li were helpless. It seemed like they were not very happy. I saw it next to them. Chu! "

"I'm sure I won't be happy. It is said that Gao Yuanyuan's popularity vote suddenly broke out, or it was stained with Yang An's light. If it were not for him, Gao Yuanyuan would not have gotten the Golden Eagle."

"Haha! Now Gao Yuanyuan has a new show ~ ~ Is this the rhythm maintained by Yang Geer?"

"It's possible ~~ Men and women look right in the eye, don't do too much of this!"

These trails spread quickly, and there were no secrets in the entertainment industry. Soon everyone understood the relationship between several people.

Sun Li is the most depressing. Really, she is very, very depressed, but she is very restrained.

It is definitely unhappy to lose the Golden Eagle, and now she sees her old opponent can host Yang An's program, and she looks very proud, which makes her very embarrassed.

"Why aren't good things happening to me? Where am I worse than Gao Yuanyuan? It can't be because I'm married, and Gao Yuanyuan is single, isn't it? Hiss ... Does Yang An really have that relationship with Gao Yuanyuan? Impossible ..." Thinking thoughtlessly here, Sun Li couldn't help getting cold.

After thinking about it, she was still upset, and she finally pursed her mouth and said, "No, husband, you can't let him go easily later. You help me stop him, I'll clean him up!"

Dunchao knew his wife was angry, and whispered, "Do you really want to pump him out?" (To be continued.)

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