The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 283: If you don't give 1 point, I'm afraid you're proud!

Liu Yuxi was about to go violent again. She suddenly stretched out her hand, twisted Yang An's arm, and grasped it hard, aggrieved and said, "Why do you hate it so much? Do you have to mention this word? I just forgot it!"

Yang An didn't hide, and frowned without frowning, and soon he felt that the intensity of twisting him quickly decreased, just like tickling.

He said lightly: "If you feel a little better in this heart, you can continue. Don't we get along like ordinary friends? Isn't there a word of confidante!"

Liu Yu regrets: "There is no such relationship between men and women, either lovers or lovers or strangers without emotion! All dating that is not for marriage is a hooligan, the difference is that some people are willing to be played!"

Yang Anyi made a frightening noise and deliberately scared her: "You talk about the relationship with the host of my blind date show? You are a little girl who hasn't even had a boyfriend. You also want to debate the concept of marriage with an expert who has two children. Forget it, you can make a joke again, be careful, I will send you to the female guest seat of "If You Are the One", the first issue will match you with the male guest! "

Liu Yu hurried: "I don't agree!"

Yang An hummed: "I'm your boss, resistance is useless!"

Liu Yu smiled with regret, waved his fist weakly, and muttered, "How can there be such a black boss like you in the world!"

Yang An sighed: "I'm serious, if you don't set your mind right, I really don't care about you. You didn't see Wang Luodan's eyes. You met for the first time today. Do you know what she said to me? She said "Yang Geer, I like you so much." She's at the ebb of her career now, don't you know that I'll give her a chance. Can you guess if she's desperate? "

Liu Yuxi became nervous. Wang Luodan was also a little girl with a temperament and literary temperament, and she was much more famous than her. This competition was even greater. There were also Chen Yihan and Zhang Junning, both of whom were good friends of Li Jingtian. Very good, but also a strong competitor, right? Seems like four female guests, right? Who else is this?

Yang An seemed to hear her inner monologue, glanced at her, and chuckled: "Who is left? Who is it? I am hesitating. Should I choose a Victoria's Secret supermodel or a film and television actress? Hey, There are too many options, and the random flowers are gradually charming, and also, I do n’t think about squid Liu? Or, cut the quota of squid Liu ... ”

Liu Yuxi stubbornly insisted: "I'm going to participate! I will defeat them rightfully!"

Yang An laughed: "Looking forward to your wonderful performance!"


"Mad Stone" was officially released, generating super high ratings among fans.

The problem can be explained with two data. One is the IMDB movie database. Because it is a foreign website, Chinese movie fans rarely go to the website to register and vote. Even if there is, it rarely reaches the minimum number of valid voting required by the website. Chinese films can't be included in the Top ranking. Over time, movie fans are more lazy to go to the IMDB website to vote.

However, a large number of new registered users of Chinese IP appeared in the IMDB forum this time, and they posted a lot of help, asking why they couldn't vote after registration, or asked overseas friends to help cast 10 points for the movie "Mad Stone".

Why cast 10 points for a new movie?

Foreign movie fans are very disgusted with such users, they like to use "locust" to describe these newly registered Chinese trumpet, yes, new registered users want to vote, there are complex conditions, otherwise IMDB will be flooded by a large number of naval forces, Just like a locust.

"Defend these Chinese naval forces!"

"Rejecting Chinese malicious ticket swipes!"

"It is recommended that administrators block IP addresses from China!"

Some hostile foreign netizens clamored to block the Chinese navy, and some angry youths used Chinese translation software to confront Chinese netizens.

But after clamoring for a while, IMDB's number of votes for "Crazy Stone" increased inexplicably.

Foreign netizens are looking silly, and Chinese movie fans are cheering. The English voting ID of that water seems to be all old users who have registered for more than one year, and all are valid votes!

"Yang's work must be given 10 points if he does not understand."

"OK, vote for Yang, Fighting!"

"Yang's work must be ten minutes!"

"Good job, Yang! Very, although I don't understand!"

These old users have voted and scored, 90% voted for the 10-point option, and the remaining 9 points. The number of effective votes is slowly increasing, gradually rising from double digits to three digits. Seeing more than 500 votes, It continues to increase!

Chinese movie fans are all surprised, and some netizens have made their own guess: "Is it Yang Yang's own shot? Hehe!"

"It's possible ~~ And I heard that IMDB has a valid IMDB account for sale, hehe!"

"Well, the capabilities of Chinese brokerage companies are not blown, we have the ability! Hehe ..."

A group of people were there, everyone didn't say anything, they all thought that it was Yang An's crew who hired a professional voting company to score on IMDB.

However, there are powerful people who understand foreign languages, and they have found a common phenomenon. All the sources of voting come from one place-Facebook Yang An's personal space. These voting fans are all fans of "Sugar" MV.

Yang An updated his Facebook diary and called for fans to vote, so the fans came and supported him for no reason.

However, the IMDB voting algorithm is too complicated. Tens of thousands of fans voted in a short period of time. Most users were rejected by the system, and senior movie fans were unable to turn the tide. After all, IMDB also restricted the voting time, otherwise "Mad Stone" could instantly Over 1500 effective votes, top 250!

"Hey, you sister! I'm afraid I can't vote for Brother Yang today, but 500 votes are already good. In two days, we can dominate Chinese movies!"

"Everyone is gone, don't stay in the IMDB forum, please move to the domestic time network, the battle has already begun! Please fans for Yang Geer!"

"Go to the cinema and buy a ticket to watch" Crazy Stone "! Support Yang Geer! If you don't want to watch a movie, please stay for just three minutes, register for an account, and cast a vote for Yang Ge, the Yang family will be an official fan Thank you for your help! "

An official account of the fan group of Yang An posted a call on IMDB. Soon, Chinese movie fans left like tide and began to vote on the screen of the domestic time network.

The voting rules of the domestic time network and foreign IMDB are completely different, and registered users can score, which has led to a large number of naval forces, meaningless accounts, and vest retiring.

But who claims that there is no professional movie rating agency in China? Due to various considerations, balance of interests, and the game between the theater and investors and the website, even if the movie fans know there are great loopholes in it, they have to look at it-if you don't look at the time network, then there is no rating in China The organization looked at it, at least those in the vests could still distinguish it, and the film review content would not lie? Wu Mao has no time to write professional film reviews. If there are too many Wu Mao vests in a movie, no matter how high it is, it will be useless!

The fans who watched the premiere of "Crazy Stone" the other night poured into TimeNet. They talked about it and praised Yang An and his team of actors.

"In all fairness, this is a hilarious movie. It has no deep meaning and meaning, but it is funny. The performance of the man in it is remarkable. Every actor has something to praise. Although it is Yang Ge Er's first movie, but the impression is definitely an old bird behavior, he will seduce the audience's interest too, it will lead the audience to be happy too! Still familiar with Yang An style, I definitely do not regret it! I give 10 points! "

"There are only two things to watch in comedy movies. Laughing at the point, the actors who are worth watching. The two are handled very well, laughing all the time, no **** point, the actors are outstanding, beyond my expectations! Give 9 points It's one point short of being afraid of your pride !! "

"What impressed me the most was Huang Bo and Guo Tao. These two third-rate actors are not a dream! It is said that they have also joined Yang'an's film and entertainment company? I wish them a bright future! 10 minutes without explanation."

When one 10-point comment after another appeared, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that Crazy Stone had a stable score of 9.9, a large number of true love fans came over to post, and those meaningless "top", "check-in", and "water experience" etc. Invalid reviews. Very few.

Today, many couples are dating today. The three most common ways are to eat, go shopping, and watch movies. Today there is one more reason why many couples must enter the cinema-Yang An's first movie is released.

A couple quarreled at the door of a Jinyi theater in Shanghai.

"I want to watch" Crazy Stone ~ ~ "Yang Geer's masterpiece, it's all blown up in the circle of friends, I heard that it's so beautiful!"

"Pull it down. Your friends are all brainless fans. As long as it's Yang An's topic, it's all good!"

"Huh! Brother Yang is like this, it's good everywhere! Anyway, I don't watch your" Warcraft "!"

"It's hard to call the theater to watch IMAX, of course, it depends on the special effects! 3DIMAX's Warcraft, I waited for eight years, OK, that's my youthful memory, for the tribe ..."

"Then you go to see your Warcraft, I go to see the stones, goodbye!"

"Don't do this, Qiao Qiao. Seriously, domestic movies really don't look good. The host is not reliable as a producer across borders. Is Mr. He famous? Wan? What is Yang An? Watching his bad movie is a waste of money! "

"You ... ohh ... you slandered my idol ... ohh ... I see you through! I want to break up with you!"

At first glance, the boy was dumbfounded, overwhelmed, and kept comforting. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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