The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 286: Don't play if you can't afford to lose

Zhuo Feng quickly explained: "Everyone rest assured, I have not received a notice from the stage. The rating of" Love Defense "is 1.4%, ranking second in the country for similar programs, and 35% of the market share. I dare to guarantee that It's impossible for any TV station to stop broadcasting! And even if Yang An's new program comes, I'm not afraid of him, a boy in his 20s, what does he know about blind dates? What kind of marriage? I have been doing marriage programs for ten years! Mr. President, do you think? Matchmaker Moon is not so easy to be a boss! "

He vowed so eagerly that everyone would think about it. If the cooperation agreement is destroyed just after signing, everyone will definitely go crazy, and the matter of pulling muscles will never end.

And what he said makes sense, is the guy in his 20s old by the month? Not afraid to blow the cowhide and flash the waist!

Speaking of Yang An again, the CEO of Matchmaker Media was worried and asked: "It's spread all over the circle. Yang An's show is called" If You Are the One ", and blind dates and marriage analysis programs. It was crowded inside, and it really seemed that the visitors were not good. Director Zhuo, there were so many beautiful female stars around Yang An, and I didn't see the gossip. You said that they both have a leg, I really don't believe it. "

In order not to affect the military mind, Zhuo Feng can only make up and mess up: "General Manager Zhang I don't lie to you. When I was doing" Happy Comedy ", Yao Ning snatched Yang An from the mouth of Ziyu TV and said that she didn't use special I did n’t even believe that we were on the stage. Later, Yang An ’s “I Love Me Lyrics” was not broadcast on Ziyu Satellite TV, nor was it left on Red Maple Satellite TV. Finally, it came to our stage. Why? I do n’t say, everyone actually understands in the heart, why does Yang An take care of her like this? Saying that the two are a pure working relationship, haha, who believes?

Zhuo Feng's words have aroused many people's approval. Everyone you say, I say, smile, the more outrageous the rumors are, and the photos on Zhuo Feng ’s mobile phone are shared by everyone, I do n’t know who was secretly After sending it out, he didn't know about it yet, just bragging about it, discredited Yao Ning and Yang An, and exaggerated his achievements in the "Love War".

Looking over there, Yang An finished ordering fish in the back kitchen and returned to the private room. Let me talk about the depression first, let's lively and celebrate.

According to Ning Hao, after six weeks of release, the total box office should be close to 200 million, that is, the net profit of the crew is about 60 million. If according to the contract signed by Yang An with everyone, this money is everyone's average. Divided, but Ning Hao took the lead and held a mass protest meeting. The serf turned over and sang, fighting Yang An, the landlord, couldn't step down.

Ning Hao said, "Agree to raise Yang Geer's property distribution right!"

Alas, all votes passed.

Yang An was dumbfounded: "Wow, you want to rebel! I knew that when you let me be a shopkeeper, it was definitely not good. No, I'll call Song Xiaomei and let her look at the financial chapter ..."


Shabe laughed: "Xiaomei has betrayed, she is on the people's side!"

Ning Hao said: "Because the box office amount exceeded everyone's expectations and imagination, 50% of the money was reserved for the angel fund after a mass vote. This money was temporarily kept by me and the accounts were public. It does n’t matter whether you invest in a bar, open a restaurant, or invest in a new movie. ”

The crowd applauded and responded. Yang An was surprised for a moment, and couldn't help sighing.

Before the movie was shown, everyone was guessing the box office. The most courageous Ning Hao guessed that it was only 30 million. It was just enough, and it was good for one person to divide up to one hundred thousand.

I did not expect that the final box office will be close to 200 million, and the angel fund set up with 50% profit is 30 million. Such a large amount of money is not a small amount. If it is used for joint investment, everyone will still keep close contact.

It turned out that everyone was so mindful of this small circle, so cohesive, Yang An himself was negligent!

This is the first time Yao Ning and Xiong Hao have been in contact with this small group. These people have not seen each other and neither of them will hide.

Xiong Hao introduced: "If you need to go through the channel of the angel fund, you can contact me. We at Ziyan Satellite TV know a lot of investors and can even help you find professional managers to take care of this money and be the most professional angel. investment."

Yao Ning is not to be outdone: "Blue Ocean TV also has channels, but I suggest that since everyone intends to use the private house money of a small team, it is best to find a trustworthy big housekeeper for special treatment. I think Fifi and Xiaomi are good, Fifi has another My girlfriend's name is Su Hui. She is the owner of the black duck. They have been doing investment business for several years. Why don't you find them? "

When Ning Hao heard it, she clapped on the spot: "This is a good idea. Invest in business together!"

Shabei nodded frequently: "Although the landlord is unreliable, the landlord's wife is still very good!"

Huang Jianxiang laughed straightly: "Follow the boss, this 30 million investment is not lost!"

Everyone was fooling around, and the 30 million funds were so divided away. After entering Rong Feifei's account, Yang An came to his senses: "The boss behind you is actually Rong Feifei! My God, this world is too It's dark. There are pits everywhere.

Everyone laughed for a while, the Angel Fund was split in half, and there were 30 million accounts. Ning Hao proposed to take another 10% to donate to the cooperative charity foundation of Enron Film and Television Entertainment Co., donate in the private name of each person present, one donated 30 Wan, this is the tradition of Enron. It is used for poverty alleviation in poor mountain education.

Yang An has no objection. It is right to do charity at any time and place. He also plans to donate 500,000 by himself, but was collectively refuted by others: "Everyone is 300,000. Why do you make 500,000, superior? What is this? Think of it! "

Ning Hao said: "Charity donations also need to be skillful. We have to donate less, many times, each time it is meaningful to do charity. The name of this time is" Crazy Stone "to return to the society, 1% of the total box office. In addition, each actor pays 300,000 from his own pocket, has a good reputation, and he can speak well. In short, don't worry about this matter. I will handle it to ensure that word of mouth and influence are beyond your imagination! "

Mixed entertainment circles, seeking name and fortune, see everyone agree, Yang An is not opposed, anyway, in the end, the remaining money is a penny, more than two million a person, enough, everyone earns a lot of money Yi, as well as a good reputation, but also retain the bonds of closer relations between everyone in the future, no one is upset.

The meeting of Yang Landlord's criticism was successfully concluded. This is a triumphant meeting. This is a meeting of the people and the masses. The poor and the middle peasants are happy, but Yang Landlord is depressed. Why? Because the movie hasn't been released yet, the box office hasn't finished counting, and the money hasn't arrived yet. Today everyone has discussed the distribution plan, of course, all of them must be paid in advance by the landlord Yang!

Everyone drank, joked, and, under the hint of Yang An, began to gather Xiong Hao and Yao Ning.

The two were also hearty. Yao Ning had a row of red wine in front of him, and Xiong Hao was five white wine glasses, full of white wine.

It's OK to drink, but at this time, Yang An must make a stand.

Yang An thought for a moment and sincerely said, "Sister Ning, because" If You Are The One "conflicts with your" Love War ", I can only say I'm sorry."

Yao Ning had long guessed this result. Although he was prepared, he heard Yang An's own words and said that he was really impressed and disappointed. He leaned heavily on the back of his chair, and his spirit was a bit sluggish.

Xiong Hao stood up and laughed. The five small glasses were not used anymore. They changed directly to the large glasses and said loudly: "Thank you, Brother Yang, the Ziyan TV will never let you down. Still, we must Is the most lenient and generous conditions, everyone wins! "

Looking at Xiong Hao murmuring and drinking, Yao Ning was actually okay. "I Love Me Lyrics" went to the blue ocean because the "Good Voice of China" was on Ziyu Satellite TV, which is a similar program.

And "If You Are The One" doesn't choose the blue ocean, it is also because "Love War" is in the blue ocean. With Yang An's habit, it is best not to show two similar programs on the same TV station. Get ready.

What's more, just outside, Zhuo Feng was so noisy, Yao Ning sweared in his heart.

Yao Ning can hold it, put it down, hold up the wine glass and say: "It doesn't matter, the days are still long! Brother Yang, don't worry, even if someone is in trouble for you, I will find a way to help you settle, if they Rather stubborn, die without repentance, I don't mind you running them to the point of cancelling the show. "

Yang An toasted: "Thank you Ning."

Others asked curiously. Yang An briefly talked about what she saw Zhuo Feng just now, and also explained the relationship between them.

Shabei was a little angry, and patted the table again and again: "I look down on this kind of person the most, do n’t play if you ca n’t afford it, do n’t make trouble if you ca n’t afford it! The ratings are no better than others. Yin Zhao, also framed the innocence of people, such villain I spurned him forever! "

Lao Cui is the most angry ~ ~ He stood up: "Where are they? I'll come to their theory!"

Yang An quickly pressed him: "Anyway," Love Defense "is not our competitor, why should we have general knowledge with him?"

Xiong Hao quickly rounded the field: "The soldiers came to block the ground, the water came to cover the soil. Our Amaranth TV has never been vegetarian. As long as they dare to come forward, we dare to do it!"

Yao Ning was speechless, his eyes were closed, his ears were leaking, and he was allowed to slap the show with his own show.

It can be expected that the broadcast of "If You Are the One" will surely set off a fierce battle in the TV industry, a fierce battle for online ratings, and a battle for offline public opinion, and every link is impossible.

After the party, Lao Cui and Yang An returned to Hongfeng to prepare for the show.

The next day, there were entertainment gossip news on the Internet, and quickly grabbed the headlines of various entertainment media. This is one of Yang An's few gossips. The gossip heroine he was holding turned out to be not a pretty sister! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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