The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 447: Mud Beach War

Seeing the instructions on the street sign, Dameisha was excited when the men ran, but unfortunately the car kept on moving.

"Xiaomeisha!" Everyone cheered again, but the car still kept on!

The Xiaomeisha Scenic Area passed ten kilometers, and the convoy came to a place where the "Shenzhen Anti-smuggling Marine Corps Training Center" was written amongst everyone's doubts.

"What is it? Today is a smuggling special?"

"Is there anything wrong! My beach, my parasol, my bikini?"

Shabe and Zhang Yishan yelled, both of them couldn't open their eyes because of the sea breeze, and complained.

The last car stopped, Peng Yuyan got out of the car first, and then held Zhou Xun's hand very gentlely. The curious crowd finally saw the real face, and all screamed enviously, hating to die the mysterious production team.

"I know! Good things don't come to me, beautiful women belong to others, and it's my strong woman who turns me!"

Zhang Yishan was the most excited and everyone laughed. Everyone knew that he was referring to the episode of the wedding competition. Guan Xiaotong made troubles and assigned Zhen Ling to him. He became the most unlucky guy in the history of running men!

Zhou Xun always smiled and greeted everyone. Peng Yuyan held her hand and had been protecting her from being harassed by others. His eyes were good. When he saw a person holding a banner in the distance, he pulled up while everyone was not prepared. Zhou Xun ran forward.

Run it!

Looking at the two men running, the others thought that they had any special tasks, even if they were reluctant, they followed them. Eight of them ran into the compound of the Anti-Smuggling Corps. They ran for at least two hundred meters. Yang Anhe Zhang Yishan won the first place, but unfortunately there is no reward!

It is also near the sea, but there are no silver sands, no umbrellas, no bikinis, and there is only a piece of black mud. Here is the most tired and toughest game site mudflat in the history of running men!

"Please change your clothes first!"

The assistant holding the r tag pointed to a row of clothes behind him, all of which were long-length half-length waterproof rubber bib pants. I wore this clothes in the countryside to dig down the river and go fishing, and here I am here for everyone to go to the mudflats !!

"How does this play?"

Zhou Xun was dumbfounded, and her agent was protesting at the moment, holding Sun Cannon and letting go: "Guide Sun, you didn't say it was such a game!"

Sun Da Pao asked: "Have her relatives come these days? Or is she not feeling well?"

The agent shook his head: "But you didn't say you were in a mudflat?"

Sun Dabao chuckled: "The mudflats and mudflats are actually physical exercises. There is no difference. They just switch to mudflats to play games. What is there to worry about? People Guan Xiaotong hasn't jumped directly into it, it doesn't matter. ! "

Depressed almost vomiting blood, who is Zhou Xun? International movie star! The paid price is the highest in the country. You guys let her play this kind of game?

But this is the end of the matter, let ’s talk about the withdrawal and protest. The agent is still afraid. If she dares to say, Zhou Xun will definitely end with the running man forever, and sooner or later it will be passed on to the entertainment industry. , Was passed on as a joke by others.

When everyone changed clothes, the agent called Zhou Xun aside: "Can you really do that?"

Zhou Xun blinked: "Of course you can, leave me alone!"

Zhou Xunyi went to dress without looking back. Peng Yuyan, who had changed clothes, had been staring at her, and asked her quietly when she helped her to arrange the bib: "She is worried about your injury?"

"I'm sure I won't be injured. She is worried that I'm all mud and my image is not good." Zhou Xun whispered, and looked at the photographer again, as if he was asking if this would be photographed.

Peng Yuyan turned over to block the camera, followed the other person who was very interested in the camera and shot others, knowing that the artist wanted to talk privately, even if he shot it, it would be cut off.

"Rest assured, I will take care of you in the game. When running a man, you must not worry about your own image, otherwise it is likely to encounter a large number of black fans. Look at Hu Ge"

Peng Yuyan and Zhou Xun looked at Hu Ge. The child was a bit unlucky today. He was sitting on the floor and wearing rubber trousers, screaming: "Are you guys not a little bigger?"

Hu Ge's feet are the biggest of all people. He can't get in his feet at all. No matter how Shabei and Zhang Yishan help him press, squeeze, push, it has no effect, and it hurts.

Zhou Xun participated in running men for the first time and saw this scene thinking: "Should the director team have large-sized clothes?"

Peng Yuyan whispered: "Look at the expressions of those enemies"

Zhou Xun was a little hesitant: "What enemy?"

Peng Yuyan pointed to the director's group: "They certainly didn't think of this in advance. Brother Hu must be accidental! But do you think they will change oversized clothes? Hum, they will definitely come up with ideas, you see, let me say it"

The director ’s assistant brought scissors to help Hu Ge cut off the rubber on his toes, and his toes were exposed. In this way, Hu Ge ’s mudflat game will be several times more difficult!

Zhou Xun shivered: "Too cruel?"

Peng Yuyan's eyes narrowed: "It's the enemy!"

Everyone quickly changed their clothes, and the team was all the same color. Everyone stood in a row and started to enter the mudflat in turn.

Everyone was happy to enter the venue holding hands, but the first step everyone took away all happiness.

Hu Ge stepped on it and sank directly, the mud did not reach the belly of his calf, at least 20 cm deep!

"What a ghost!" Hu Ge screamed, Guan Xiaotong didn't stop the car, followed by stepping into the mud flat, taking two steps in a row, also sinking into the mud!

The two were struggling. As soon as they walked one meter away, Guan Xiaotong couldn't lift her feet. Her legs were deep in the mud and could not be pulled out by force. The Hu brothers around them were also unable to protect themselves. The two held hands and walked another meter. Far away, let's pass, Hu Ge kneeled down and fell towards the front. Guan Xiaotong lost his balance. He shook his arms a few times and followed him down, just holding Hu Ge struggling to stand upright, eh!

Brother Hu swooped a **** of shit, if it wasn't for the last time he closed his eyes and raised his head, it would be a muddy look!


"Wow wow!"

"what the hell!"

Others who hadn't had time to go down to the mudflat were frightened to see this scene.

Guan Xiaotong supported Hu Ge with one hand and the mud with the other, and stood upright. She said sorry all the time and wanted to pull Hu Ge up. Everyone looked at Hu Ge ’s miserable situation, all of them laughed and sprayed positively. The whole body is mud, and it is all on the chin.

"It's too difficult!" Hu Ge screamed, "Director, do you want anyone to live! My feet are full of mud, and I'm throwing myself all the way! Should you target me like this?"

The directors waited in the play area twenty meters away. Everyone was wearing rubber straps and trousers. They must have experienced the power of the mudflat.

Next, everyone was like 1-year-old children, crooked and staggered forward.

It's easy to light weight, and it is difficult for a dense one like Peng Yuyan, but he can make up with strength. He and Zhou Xun arrived at the meeting point first.

These people can be described by tumbling, just gathering together consumes half of your physical strength, it is too difficult to play games on the mudflat for the first time.

"The first game, take a picture! There is a cylindrical platform 5 meters in front of you, I shouted to start, and started to take pictures 5 seconds later, for a duration of 5 seconds, a total of 5 pictures, as long as the faces of the same group members appear intact In the picture, even if it is successful. The last team that did not succeed will be punished. "

The rules of the game are simple and everyone starts to flex their muscles.

"The loser is punished, sorry, my brother won't let you guys today!"

"Haha! Maybe no one will die!"

"Just like you can't move in the mud flat, still want to fight?"

"Come on, come on! Get ready to run!"

Everyone stood in a row, squatting slightly, and just listening to the director's "start", everyone was struggling to rush to the platform.

Yang An and Zhang Yishan made their debut!

But before they were happy for half a second, Shabei and Jin Dabao behind them pushed on their butts. There were at most four people on the stage, but it was not so easy after scuffles.

A second later, Peng Yuyan took Zhou Xun to join the battle group!

Peng Yuyan stepped on the platform with her body upright. She used the pectoral muscles to lift Jin Dabao directly down the platform, and then swept her arms to push Shabei and Yang An down. He just pulled Zhou Xun up and held him in his arms. Hu Ge and Guan Xiaotong attacked, and they were squeezed off the platform!

A scuffle!

All eight are crazy, whoever cares who is who, whoever is not their partner, all give me shit!


Jin Dabao didn't stand firmly ~ ~ Lying on the mudflat, he quickly got up, grabbed Hu Ge's arm and rushed up, and would rather pull Hu Ge down!

Sabbi realized that she was not strong enough, and quickly jumped up in front of the platform. She wanted to cover her face with her head and prevent others from succeeding.

Yang An and Peng Yuyan fought each other, and the power of the flood broke out and they fought each other.

Guan Xiaotong desperately took Hu Ge to take pictures, Zhou Xun stood on the stage and kept jumping, trying to appear in the mirror, telling everyone the short troubles.

Click, click!

Five seconds, five!

For the first time, everyone was tired and got down, and Peng Yuyan with strength rushed to look at the notebook, screamed, and sighed.

Unfortunately, everyone failed in the first round!

The second round is back. This time, everyone started to use their brains. This game can't rely on strength alone.

The first group rushed up with Shabei and Jin Dabao, but unfortunately they ignored that the platform was full of mud, slipping and not slipping. As soon as they stood up, they were driven by inertia and fell from the front.

The second one who took the stage was Yang An and Zhang Yishan. After standing, they turned and started to defend, pushing others, and only turned around after five seconds. Yang An did not forget to grab Peng Yuyan's face with his backhand, and his face was muddy. That said, Peng Yuyan can also be guaranteed to fail.

Sure enough, the second group, Yang An and Zhang Yishan succeeded!

"How can you play like this!"

Peng Yuyan yelled, Yang An and Zhang Yishan laughed so proudly that they did not expect to be attacked by Peng Yuyan from behind, a tiger fluttered them, and Peng Yuyan laughed: "Come on a mudflat battle!"

Rub it!

Yang An and Zhang Yishan are crazy, they're mad! Definitely counterattack! Hit it!

The three scrambled and rolled around in the mud flat. Others started muddying beside them. The scene couldn't be controlled! To be continued.

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