The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 450: "Old gun" and "old ghost" feeling

Just ten minutes ago, two groups of people had met, one was Jin Dabao and Zhang Yishan, and the other was Guan Xiaotong and Peng Yuyan.

Jin Dabao and Zhang Yishan are completely junior spies. Neither of them can lie. They talk after each other. They dare not look at each other's eyes. They have fluctuated languages ​​and a bit of thinking. The two broke up quickly after a simple test. The conversation is particularly unhealthy, like this.

"Are you a spy?"

"What a joke? Just like me, do you look like a spy? Who is the best acting, who is the spy!"

"Then Zhou Xun must be, she has the best acting skills!"

"Yes, she is a spy!"

"Well, I'll look over there."

"Okay, I'll take a look here."

The two were suspicious, they didn't trust each other, and were talking about others. The two broke up on the third floor, one running upstairs and one running downstairs. They tried to open the office, broke into the office area, and stared at passing by from time to time. On the back of the pedestrian, stood beside him and sang "Several rains and springs."

In the other group, Guan Xiaotong went up to the sixth floor first. She wanted to watch from a height, but she did not expect to meet with Peng Yuyan on the sixth floor.

One is a wise female ace, and the other is a wise and capable person. There is no conflict in the chat. Both of them are extremely self-confident. They have no vulnerabilities, so they are assured that their backs are not fortified. Rip the other person's nameplate without impulsiveness, because the spy's temporary task is to find a word agent, and no one knows whether rushing to the private name of another person will trigger any death. In the event of a wrong tear, the other person is also a spy. Kill a teammate and make your task more difficult?

In the lobby on the first floor, Shabey was looking for the word staff.

He is not a citizen who comes to work and does not need to line up. The border inspection center opened the back door for the running men's program group. Everyone can enter and exit any room at will, so Shabey took the card and first came to a security guard on duty.

The security guard turned a blind eye to him, staring sharply at the citizens outside, Shabei stood beside and sang, "Several winds and storms, spring and autumn, frost, snow, rain, torrents and torrents."

The security was indifferent, and Shabe thought he hadn't heard it, and his voice was louder.

At this time, Zhou Xun hiding behind the pillar heard the song clearly.

She is too familiar with this song. However, she feels that Shabei's behavior is weird. Therefore, as a veteran and experienced underground party core member, Zhou Xun quietly retreated and came to the distance of five meters away, pretending not to know The look of love, in fact, has been staring at this corner.

Sure enough, Shabey failed the connection, and the security was not an agent. He turned his head to see Zhou Xun coming over. He smiled awkwardly, and was instinctively alert.

"Sister, are you here?"

"Yeah, what are you doing?"

"Oh, isn't there a spy? I just turn around. You, aren't you a spy?"

"Which spy am I? I'm definitely not a spy. I don't know what to do now!"

When Zhou Xun said this sentence, it was very suitable for her own situation, but Shabei was immediately alert because he knew that he was a spy and knew that the spy had the task of connecting. If he was told by Zhou Xun to tell the truth Saying that he has a task will definitely put him at a disadvantage!

In the case of uncertainty about Zhou Xun's true identity, it is the correct method to disguise himself first!

"Ha ha ha ha, sister, you may not play the first time you participate in the show. I will explain some experiences! If you are a spy, the first task must be to hide yourself, and you must not expose it easily."

"Oh? Are you a spy? I hide you so well, you must be a spy, right?"

"How could I be a spy, ha!"

The two laughed particularly awkwardly, and they were trying their best to probe each other. At this time, they were extremely brain-burning, and any small details may show flaws. The two knew that too much talk would be lost, and they felt uncomfortable. !!

For the first tentative test, Shabe was frightened and scared. Zhou Xun didn't know what she was thinking. She only got one valuable message, that is, the youth's ambition is not to worry!

"Oh my god, this woman is really terrifying! Is this the power behind the film? I don't understand her identity at all, is she a spy? She won't be suspicious of me, is she crazy?"

Shabe mumbled, and looked around, continuing his secret journey.

There were too many people on the first floor, and Zhou Xun went up the stairs to the second floor, just to see Zhang Yishan coming out of a room in the corridor.


"Sister, where are you!"

The two met, and in order not to arouse Zhou Xun's doubts, Zhang Yishan rushed forward rashly and rushed forward. He found nothing just now, and the staff inside were not special agents.

Zhou Xun whispered, "What are you looking for?"

Zhang Yishan laughed, "Nothing, how about you? Where are you going?"

Zhou Xun stared at him, turning around him, Zhang Yishan instinctively leaned against the wall, blocking his name tag, for fear of Zhou Xun tearing him off, he was a spy, but he didn't know Zhou Xun's identity at all!

Zhou Xun walked for half a circle, looked up and down carefully, and then turned back again, suddenly humming gently, the melody of youthful aspirations sounded.

Zhang Yishan froze, but relaxed his vigilance and hummed along.

The password is right!

Zhou Xunxi smiled and said: "You are"

Zhang Yishan was unquestionable, and he could hardly believe it: "Sister, you are my God, the spy is two people."

Zhou Xun pouted and smiled, "Does it feel like a male and female thief?"

Zhang Yishan was super excited: "Old gun and old ghost!"

This is the way the wind is heard. The old underground gun and old ghost use the empty city plan to connect with the drama. Then the two cooperated to design a subtle bureau. Eventually, they successfully transmitted important information to the other comrades of the underground party and avoided the underground organization. destruction.

Zhang Yishan thought of this and was moved to tears!

The production team not only gave him a spy identity, but also gave him a powerful helper. If he does not win today, he will be so sorry, he is convinced of Zhou Xun's spy identity!

"Sister don't go so close to look around, you must protect yourself and kill everyone else!"

At this moment, Zhang Yishan was full of warfare, the small universe broke out, and he had the desire to take the initiative to attack. He almost forgot his mission!

Zhou Xun is indeed the ace of spy war films. She quickly formed an alliance with Zhang Yishan. This will not only protect herself, but also enhance her combat effectiveness. The two temporarily broke up to find new targets.

At this time, Jin Dabao came out of the elevator and met Zhang Yishan who was passing by the elevator.

"Yo! Isugi you are here!"

"Brother, you are here too, ha ha ha ha"

Jin Dabao is not very tall, and the big-tailed angel brand makes him look particularly funny. Zhang Yishan squatted down with a smile and couldn't bear to look straight.

Zhou Xun, who had just broken up and hadn't gone far, quietly touched back, walked along the wall next to the corridor, and quietly approached the two people in the elevator.

"What are you laughing at? Is there gray on my face? Isn't it a pair of wings, bird people, ancient bird people! Is it so funny?"

Jin Dabao complained, Zhang Yishan grinned, he stood up, took Jin Dabao's hand, and kept laughing.

At this time, because of the angle problem, Zhang Yishan saw Zhou Xun, and he said that the two teamed up to kill the others. In order to prevent Jin Dabao from becoming suspicious, he tried to offset the doubt with exaggerated acting. Zhou Xun winked and signaled.

Here comes the opportunity!

Zhou Xun rushed out, her running sound awakened Jin Dabao, scared him to scream like a pussy.

But Jin Dabao's hands could not move, he could only pull Zhang Yishan, trying to move closer to the corner, while shouting: "What are you doing? What do you two want to do? Oops, oops, help!"

Is my spy identity exposed?

Why did they attack me?

Where on earth is the horse?

I waited for ten issues before I got a spy status. Am I destined to be r, a game black hole?

Jin Dabao was unwilling, and he had to ask to understand if he died ~ ~ But Zhang Yishan controlled his hands, Zhou Xun directly probed, grabbed the archangel's nameplate on his back, and dropped it as soon as he pulled it. Relax!

"Woohoo is too bullying, woohoo both of you." Jin Dabao's body collapsed in the corner and he was about to cry. He finally became a spy. He should be today's actor!

The staff quickly came up, pulled him up, covered his mouth, prevented him from talking, and dragged him to a room next to him.

Zhang Yishan kept paying Jin Dabao not. He didn't see Zhou Xun holding the famous brand and was almost stunned. Then he quickly rolled it into a ball and turned away.

When he turned back, he could only see the back of Zhou Xun on the other side of the corridor. The two looked at each other from a distance. Tell her you can rest assured that everything is given to me "old gun"!

Zhou Xun turned, opened a room where Zhang Yishan couldn't see, and leaned against the wall after entering, panting his chest and panting, "Oh my god, why did he have this?"

She unfolded Jin Dabao's famous brand and saw the red "spy" small card, which was shocking!

Ura! Ura! Ura!

The running channel of the running man is on, and the entire border inspection center building can hear: "Jin Dabao ,! Jin Dabao ,!"


Guan Xiaotong couldn't help laughing: "Brother Dabao really does, he must be him!"

The other men were all alert. Someone has proved that someone has already shot. Who killed Jin Dabao?

Or did someone pick up the carton of Jin Dabao's name?

Or is Jin Dabao also a spy, found out by others and killed?

Or is Jin Dabao not a spy, but was killed by other spy teammates?

No clue at all, messy!

This game, burn your brain! To be continued.

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