The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 465: Acceptance speech

? Shabe finally teased everyone enough, and smiled, "..." Chinese Idioms! "


The excited group of CCTV people stood up, high-fiving each other, laughing, waving fists to encourage!

It ’s not easy. It ’s really not easy. It can kill a blood path from the lions. Li Dao's face flushed with excitement. She even sweated cold on the tip of her nose. She only opened her mouth and smirked. There was no big director at all. Steady manner!

The rest of the selected candidates all sighed and shook their heads. Since the facts have been set, they cannot be changed. You can guess that the future Magnolia Variety Awards will likely become extremely fierce competition, but it is difficult to get it. Super awards!

Teacher He He followed the applause blindly, leaning wearily on the seat, smiling hard in his heart.

Wang Han next to his uncle also turned his face and looked at him, everyone was very depressed.

Both of them thought about it. It ’s very simple. Yang An ’s three programs have n’t settled in time. The longest-running “Be honest and do n’t disturb” has only been a little over a year, waiting for Magnolia next year. The influence of the program has reached its peak, and the possibility of winning is even greater.

The two trump cards of Huang Mangtai, one broadcast for nearly two decades and one decade, are too old. Under the impact of the new form variety show of the Yang'an Department, the old variety shows are becoming more and more unpopular. See, their ratings have been declining year by year, and their influence is not as good as one year. It is a normal natural law that the elderly give way to newcomers.

I said again, the Magnolia Variety Award was given to Idioms for the first time, and you dare to give good poems for the second time next year? Do you dare to make a character show? Be careful to be sprayed to death by young netizens! So this year's award must be Yang An. What about the year after? Can the two programs of Huang Mangtai win the following year? Is it really their turn? Who knows what new variety shows will come out the following year?

I also thought about it, and there was the "Chinese Good Poems" program group of Yubei Satellite TV. They only knew the soreness in their hearts, and they won the prize next time. Let's talk about it two years later!

However, netizens who watched live TV could not think so deeply. They only knew that Yang An was not elected again this time. It was still a well-received third-grade word-of-mouth program. All of them exploded!

"If You Are the One", the ratings of the 50 cities are over 3%, and "Super Change" is a national creative show with the participation of the whole people. This is no better than "Chinese Idioms"? Grass! What is this judge? "

"Is there anything wrong! The best variety column is an idiom ... it's completely speechless ..."

"Capitalize one word!"

"Huh, I guessed this end! As long as you look at the white urine of previous Magnolia, you know how they will compare, really, Magnolia, Magnolia!"

"These judges all grew up eating and drinking? They are all CCTV programs, and my sister would rather watch the" Deformation Meter "of the documentary channel than the" Chinese Idioms "on the science and education channel!"

"There is a shady! Distressed my brother Yang, he was hacked again!"

"Wipe, this Magnolia, is he really boring!"

Netizens are indignant, scolded, accused of shady, distressed Yang An, just for half a minute, the Internet exploded!

Until Mo Wen announced: "Which won the Magnolia 'Best Reality Show' award ..."

At this time, the angry voices of netizens just stopped a bit, and waited for the results, but there were still countless people who said, "If Yang Geer won't win again, Laozi Magnolia will be black for life!"

"It's been dark for a long time! The Black Magnolia Award is meaningless!"

"Is n’t there a good program that wo n’t be awarded? Golden Eagle did this one two or three years ago, and was scolded. You Magnolia not only did not learn the lesson, you also followed this one? Flying, Golden Eagle, Magnolia It ’s a disappointment that all the TV festivals have changed their tastes, all turned out to be profit output! "

"I hate this kind of balance. Two awards, one for an official background program and one for a word-of-mouth program. You might as well do the rules of sitting and eating fruit, it's really boring!"

There were a lot of people who were as embarrassed as the audience before the TV, especially the people from Enron. They did their best, and all eight programs came over. The result was hopelessness, and they lost to an unknown program. This made everyone What do you think?

On the side of Yang Anran, only Yang An himself was very open, so he deliberately bet with Teacher He and Wang Han before the party started. A large part of the reason was that he had guessed the result and he was well prepared!

As a special reviewer of Bai Yulan's variety show, one month ago, he received a detailed recommendation and scoring standard form, which was sent by Zhongcheng Law Firm. He carefully observed and gave professional advice, faithfully performed The responsibility of the judges.

There are many of these terms and the scoring standards are very detailed. One of them is specifically for extra points for independent intellectual property programs, which means that some of the programs introduced abroad will be greatly discounted. This is a very reasonable rule.

Another bonus point is the protection and promotion of traditional culture. Seeing this, Yang An understands that the "Best Variety Column" is estimated to be nonsense. He expressed his understanding because he is a promoter of traditional culture. There is a conflict between culture and commerce, and he also prefers traditional culture.

As for the bully?

He didn't even think that Shanghai-Guangwen Group would let him dominate the list?

Don't make a joke, he knows very well that his participation in Magnolia is just an exchange of interests between the two sides. If he wants to dominate the list, learn Korean SBS, learn M, and make a special variety show, talk show, comedy Show awards, so many variety shows under his banner, get as much as you want, and now you can prepare!

Mo Wen drank everyone's appetite and said with a smile: "The best reality show winner is ..." Brothers! "


安 Yang Anzhan, who seemed indifferent, smiled, and finally the big rock in his heart came down. He stood up, smiled, applauded gently, and bent down to give thanks, accepting everyone's congratulations.

"Deserve the name!"

"Yang brother go up to receive the prize!"

"Looking forward to your winning speech!"

Yang An was sitting in the first row. Li Dao, an idiom composer, came from behind. Out of respect for Ms. Yang An, she bent down slightly, made an invitation gesture, and asked Li Dao to take a step forward.

I heard that the running man won the prize, and the angry voice on the Internet was a little less. Finally, it was a reward, so everyone thought a lot.

But the viewers with delicate thoughts began to wonder: "Why are the male award winners? The other three season comedians, good voices, I am a singer, are all classic shows from the big waves, why didn't they win awards?"

提醒 The netizens who were reminded had discussions one after another, but before everyone reached a conclusion, Yang An and Li Dao had stepped onto the stage to receive the award.

On the big screen, a wonderful shot of a running man is being played. One is the capable person 1VS6, and the other is Zhou Xun in the mudflat. There is also a brief introduction of Xiao Tong standing on the Macau Tower bungee. Cao Kefan introduced it aside. Yang An and Li Dao stood on the stage, waiting for Mo Wen and Shabei to deliver the trophy.

"Congratulations, Brother Yang!" Mo Wen sent the trophy in person, and Shabei also came here to hug and encourage Yang An.

Yang An glanced at Shabe: "I'll pack you tomorrow!"

Shabei smiled, Mo Wen was used to the way of communication between the two, and smiled.

At this time, the stage seemed very interesting. After the awards were given by the two guests, they stood and chatted with one winner alone, leaving Li Daogullianyi woman standing next to him, as if looking out of place.

To be honest, as a vested interest on Yang An's side, Mo Wen and Sha Bei are not very happy.

Shabe was thinking at this time. Before the award was presented to the stage, the director gave the envelope a strange look when he gave it to him. The director also specially reminded him to try to open the envelope when he got to the stage to announce the award. He saw that others had won prizes in advance, and he was worried?

Mo Wen is the same. Fortunately, she gave Yang An a reality show award with a higher gold content. Otherwise, if she reads the name of someone else's show, she must not be embarrassed to die. How can she face Yang An?

After introducing the two programs, Chen Rong couldn't wait to invite everyone to step down, because she really looked awkward when watching this scene on the stage, but the judges could n’t control the host ’s affairs.

She can only leave Yang An at the end: "Guide Yang, please stay away, the first revision of the Bai Yulan Award, increase variety shows, do you have any ideas?"

I'm coming!

The highly anticipated Yang An award-winning speech is about to begin!

The audience hurry up and move the small bench!

Prepare melon seeds soda!

Tune up to the loudest ~ ~ Look at how Yang Yeer made a lot of Magnolia!

Yang An said with a smile: "Of course there are ideas, and I'm wondering, why didn't Bai Yulan set up more awards? For example, the" Best Cross-Selling Comic Variety Award "," Best Accompanied Singer Variety Award ", Good Blind Variety Award '... "

From the first award he announced, someone laughed out loud. Cao Kefan could not endure Jun, watching Yang An complain on it.

"... Really, this is my truth. Don't think that printing a few more votes can increase a lot of costs, and ticking a few more ticks can exhaust the judges. I suggest that the organizing committee don't have to show pity for the truth, but it took the same Let the judges make a few more ticks! I will add it next year, um, let me see, what variety show I will send next year to ensure that I can win the prize ... "

Sahahahaha ~

Everyone on the stage laughed crazy, watching Yang An counted his fingers seriously, his head looked at the ceiling, and made a serious thinking, everyone thought it was funny.

Wu Shabei felt that he was very shameless, and when he saw Yang An, he still sighed.

"Sure enough, mixed with the entertainment industry, whoever shameless, who is more famous!"

This sentence is not only the thought of Shabei. Many viewers watching TV are also laughing and thinking of Yang An's classic saying: "Shameless? Habit is good!" (To be continued.)

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