The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 468: Killing Star City Huangmangtai

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Yang An got Li Xuejian and started teasing Huang Lei: "Handsome guy, come and join my variety show!"

During the audience laughter, Huang Lei nodded frequently and expressed his gratitude, Yang An proudly probed Zhou Xun: "Look, get another one!"

Zhou Xun smiled and his face hurt: "Huang Lei is so deceiving, isn't he? Wu Xiubo? He is the chief of the Commercial Bureau. He is very knowledgeable. How do you invite?"

The main character of the TV series "Ma Xiangyang Goes to the Countryside" is Ma Xiangyang, the head of the Commerce Bureau. Wu Xiubo looked at Yang An with a smile and only asked the latter: "The host of" Happy Comedian "this year, uncle would like to try ? "

This can be!

Wu Xiubo's heart blossomed, and he immediately agreed to come down and shouted, "Okay!"

In the end, there was no Hu Ge left to tease, Zhou Xun's eyes laughed into a meniscus, and she played in person.

Zhou Xun asked with a smile: "Mr. Su, you have spies around King Jing, have you noticed it?"

Hu Ge stood up with a smile, nodded again and again, and pointed to the stage. His arm kept leaning to one side. Zhou Xun understood and pointed to him intentionally: "Mr. Su, the spy you said?"

Hu Ge laughed, gave two thumbs up after applauding, and nodded again and again.

Zhou Xun pretended to take a step back and looked at Yang An: "Mr. Su said you are a fine work!"

The audience laughed, Yang An was teased by the two, and couldn't help crying and laughing, but he nodded frequently: "Yes, I am a masterpiece! Mr. Su, if you won the prize this year, can the running man make a snowy day for you this winter? Killing Special? "

"It's snowing, it's best for killing." This is Mei Changsu's famous saying. If the running man really makes Mei Changsu's killing special, that brain hole will be too big, and it will surely attract countless macarons!

It was easy to get all the shortlisted male actors, and the effect was not bad, finally it was the draw time.

Zhou Xun opened the envelope and chuckled out, "I won't expect him to be the best actor winner! The winner is ... Hu Ge!"

Brother Hu is very excited. This is his first grand prize after his comeback. It is of great significance. It is so rare!

He stood up, buttoned up his suit and breasted, hugged the crew members around him, forbearing his almost morbid mood, and stepped onto the stage from the back seat.

Yang An hugs and hugs him with a smile. The two got together and whispered several whispers. Hu Ge kept nodding, but the two turned their sides, and even if they were shot, they couldn't see what was said.

Zhou Xun presented the trophy to Hu Ge. At this time, the scenery on the stage belonged to Hu Ge alone. She and Yang An consciously slowly withdrew from the stage, leaving Hu Ge excitedly expressing his opinions.

Hu's testimony is divided into two parts. First of all, he thanked the crew, and then his sister Chen Rong opened the Q & A mode and asked: "I know you and Jin Dong are good brothers. You won the prize. What do you want to say to him? Say it? "

Jin Dong's spy war drama "The Lurker" is also a masterpiece of conscience. Each of Ming's sisters and brothers is a double-sided person. He plays the spy game in a magical way. Jin Dong and Hu Brothers have a very good relationship in private. There is always one person who will lose the election. Of course, it is essential to comfort the losers.

Hu Ge smiled: "This winter, when the first snow falls, Jin Dong, you must come to run men and play a spy assassination game with me!"

Jin Dong leaned on the back of the chair, and Ren Jun laughed more and applauded.

Enthusiastic applause erupted throughout the audience. This Hugo, who are you bad at learning, and speaking arrogantly like Yang An? Bai Yulan is going to be ruined by your running male members!

The most unexpected part of this year's Magnolia TV Festival is that the newly added variety unit is particularly active. In the past years, the whole party was slightly dull, but this year was full of laughter and laughter. A variety show host led.

The domestic entertainment media on the second day was almost a polarized comment. It was said that the variety revision of the Magnolia TV Festival was in line with the trend, leading the fashion, and gradually becoming younger.

At the other extreme is the criticism of the organizing committee for lack of principles, allowing some people to conceal private goods on the stage, making the awards party a farce.

However, anyway, Yang An himself became the biggest winner of this year's Magnolia. He won the variety award with the highest amount of gold. He also reached cooperation agreements with many stars, especially with the two programs of Huangmangtai. "The strongest variety team in China has cleared the collision" gimmick, which has occupied the entertainment headlines for several days.

After participating in Magnolia, Yang An returned to Hong Feng, recorded good sounds, changed and changed programs, and submitted her idea of ​​setting up a variety festival to the company's senior team.

Everyone agrees that going to Huang Mangtai to record a program is the best opportunity for communication. At that time, attracting the leaders of Huang Mangtai and Mr. He, the presenters, will surely be more effective.

It was early July, and the men and men went to Huangmang TV, and the nationwide audience ’s highly anticipated variety PK tour finally began.

In July, Hunan Province was surprisingly hot. The men and their team arrived at Xingcheng Airport and were dazzled by the beautiful mushrooms of Xingcheng. They were full of eyes and laughed. This time they came to Xingcheng.

Huangmangtai arranged two airport buses. A team of thirty men running in the future received Xingcheng Radio and Television Building and stayed at the radio and television hotel next to it.

After setting up a VIP in the hotel, Qiu Ze, the director of the Huangman Satellite TV's outreach department in charge of the reception, sat in the lounge at the lobby and drank a lot of water. Just now he was yelling and he did n’t expect so many men came here. People, more than thirty people, also carried all kinds of heavy luggage, and it looked like they were coming to Star City collectively!

"Director Qiu, Director Qiu!"

Hearing the clear shouting in the front desk, Qiu Ze looked at it and recognized that it was Dang Jie, senior vice president of Enron. He was a beautiful and strong field team manager. He held his chest and abdomen and tried to pose handsomely. What are you commanding? "

Dang Jie came over on high heels, frowned, and asked a little embarrassedly, "Director Qiu, can the Radio and Television Hotel prepare us another ten standard rooms? We have twenty colleagues to arrange. Of course, I know This is a temporary notice on our side, which will cause you trouble. If the hotel cannot be adjusted, I will find a way to deal with it myself. "

Qiu Ze's eyes are almost out, there are twenty people? So this is a big team of sixty people. Why, this is to move the entire running male production team?

Qiu Ze guessed right, the 20 people followed the field team A and came to Star City two days in advance, in order to find a suitable shooting location.

Star City is not the home of men, and due to confidentiality considerations, these forwards did not notify Huangmang TV, but instead found a common hotel to live in. The forwards ran around Star City for two days and determined the specifics of the shooting. Today, the big troops came from Hongfeng with heavy equipment and really planned to record a show here.

"Party President, you really do this ..." Qiu Ze hesitated pretending to be a little bit. This is the norm. If he doesn't, how can he reflect his ability?

Dang Jie immediately laughed: "It's all right, it's our own problem, so don't bother Director Qiu!"

Qiu Ze froze, and "this thing was on me" just came to his mouth, and he couldn't even utter a word.

It ’s a matter of turning over your face when you do n’t agree. It ’s really the only way for private companies to do this. Dang Jie seems to be saying, “Let you Director Qiu help, it ’s Enron that looks down on you. It ’s OK if you do n’t help, anyway You have money, you pay for your own hotel! "

Qiu Ze quickly put away the tricks and laughed, "No, no, this is the hotel of the radio and television, and the ten rooms are just a matter of my words. I will ask someone to go through the formalities."

Dang Jie covered her mouth and smiled, admiring the other person's charming eyes: "Thank you, Director Qiu!"

Director Qiu drank a bone as if drinking a bottle of ice water: "Nothing, this is all a hand, haha!"

The problem of accommodation and transfer was resolved, and the sixty-person running men production team was in place, and they started one after another to start preparations.

In addition, the seven men were also in the main building of the Hunan Broadcasting and Television Center next door, and met the guide who greeted them. Huang Mengtai beauty host Shen Mengchen!

"Wow ~~ Mengchen sister! It's so cool ~~"

"It's worthy of the model's origin, looking really seductive!"

"Beautiful lady is a tour guide ~~~ Huang Mengtai is so interesting!"

"Come and come, Meng Chen ~ First come a hug of love ~~"

Coaxed by the men, Shabei stepped forward, opened her arms, and hugged Shen Mengchen intoxicatedly. The girl laughed into a flower, and she was not shy, she really hugged Shabei and envy others. No, no, no.

Zhang Yishan walked forward with a grimace: "I want too ~"

Shen Mengchen raised her foot to kick, and smiled disgustedly: "I don't hug my brother!"

However, Jin Dabao won the honor and won the beautiful hug of beautiful women. Hu Ge and Peng Yuyan are single and can hold each other, but the girl has a boyfriend. This is done in a large public court. It is not good-looking. They gave up with a smile ~ www ~ Shen Mengchen blushed a little, rushed to Yang An in a small step, took the initiative to sneak in, hug him quickly, and then ran away in shame, causing strong indignation among the men.

Shen Mengchen took everyone around the TV station, introduced various studios, production groups, and met several station leaders on the road. The leaders were very kind. Finally, Shen Mengchen took everyone out of the main building of the radio and television, and came to a shorter one next to it. A five-storey building, mysteriously introduced: "Please see the secret weapon we prepared!"

Sports building!

Staff Activity Center!

The running men looked at each other with a smile, everyone guessed, followed her to open the door and enter.



The creak of sneakers on the wooden floor is intertwined with the human voice, which is also a movement that everyone is familiar with.

Five people in the happy family wore sportswear and were trained by several badminton coaches. They were exhausted and panted. Everyone was sweating a lot of vests. Behind them were billboards of endangered bird costumes. They personally demonstrated what it means to be happy. motion".

It's so hard, this is really coming!

The seven running men all laughed in their hearts, not afraid that you would exercise, you would not play! (To be continued.)

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