The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 475: Poison dragon drill, top chrysanthemum

Everyone changed their clothes, dried their hair, and borrowed a business meeting room in the gym to rest.

The production team deliberately found a private restaurant restaurant across the street to order food. The average lunch price was 38 yuan per person. The artist staff had the same specifications. There was no difference. After the meal, the conference room tables and chairs were removed. The director ordered and took a break. Wait until 1 o'clock to start recording.

Teacher He took the time to pull Yang An to chat, watching the employees who packed the boxes and cleaned the venue. He raised his chin and whispered like a chat: "I do n’t understand a lot of questions, for example, do you pay for dinner? Didn't talk to the restaurant? "

Yang An laughed, "Why, don't you even pay for dinner?"

Teacher He shook his head: "I didn't mean that, I was curious. I watched your show. Many brands have mosaics, and it's a bit weird to see you pay for your own meals. It ’s so difficult to let go of this part? Is it outdoor variety? Is there so much attention? "

Yang An asked in return: "Are you willing to pay directly to solve the problem, or do you want to owe someone a debt that is unclear, unclear, and cannot be controlled by yourself? The debt is the hardest to pay!"

Teacher He laughed abruptly: "I think it's simple. I thought you guys would run wherever you go, playgrounds, shopping malls, restaurants and everything for you."

"We try to choose to shut down or go out of business to record the show. We ca n’t afford to delay a day! Institutions and the like rely on coordination. We will try to win-win cooperation in the scenic area. They provide convenience, and we help by the way. Restaurant, unless we can meet the requirements of "Delicious on the Tongue", we would rather pay for it. "

Yang An explained a few words and said with emotion: "Mr. He, it ’s not that we are so particular about our variety shows. We will run shows around the world in the future. What I want to see most is that all problems encountered can be solved with money. Also, Mr. He, I sincerely suggest that you can develop in the direction of outdoor variety shows. For indoor variety shows, your Huangmangtai family alone supports the overall situation, and then my "Jianghuxiaotan" can get a rating of about 1.8%. , At least in recent years, indoor variety shows will continue to decline. "

Teacher He was also very sighed and sighed: "I thought about what you said, but we are different from you. TV stations and independent production companies have different game rules ..."

Yang An didn't speak, he didn't know much.

He encountered this problem as soon as he joined the industry. Should he stay on Red Maple TV as a producer or go out alone? Although it was hard and tiring to do it alone, fortunately, each of his shows was a large-scale production, forcing every TV station to kneel and lick him instead of asking for help from others. This was a success.

So look at now, Teacher He is locked up, he is at ease, this is the gap!

"Life is precious and love is more expensive. If you are free, you can sell both ..."

After Yang An laughed and read a poem, he paused for a while, and then said what he had endured for a long time: "Mr. He, if there is an opportunity, we can work together?"

Teacher He looked up and saw Yang An's eyes. He instantly understood and smiled: "If there is an opportunity, we must cooperate."

The two of them didn't tell the truth. Teacher He couldn't do without Huang Mengtai. Unless there was a major change, it would be difficult to cooperate with Yang An in depth, but who can guess what will happen in the future?

After packing the room, the staff re-arranged the props and brought six long strip tables in a V shape. The opening side was aimed at the camera team, and a white floor-to-cement tablecloth was laid in front of the table. Two people.

"Please sit down, run the men's team on the left and the happy team on the right."

After the two sides were seated, Sun PD began to command: "In this round, you will play three games with two wins! Everyone is a top domestic artist. Most of them have appeared in TV series or movies, all have a performance specialty background, or have rich experience. Experience in stage play, so this round, the two teams need to test acting skills and reasoning skills! "

Du Hitao and Li Weijia celebrated with high fives: "It's great, we can finally do better than strength, we are better than IQ!"

Opposite Shabei laughed: "It seems like you can win! Hi Tao, have you ever played a game in" Happy Camp ", have you won?"

With 10,000 critical hits, Du Hitao was lying on the table, looking at Xie Na's direction, and begging for mercy: "That sister, they bullied me again ..."

Xie Na pointed at Shabe with a smile: "Brother Sha, your opponent is me today!"

After talking and smiling, Sun PD continued to introduce: "In the third round, there are still three wins and two wins. The losing team must choose the person who curses. Who is the curse of the second round of the man?

The running men all said, "One, two, three, Dabao!"

Jin Dabao lay on the table and surrendered with his hands up. He had set his back!

In the first round of the game, Sun PD asked: "You first determine which side will play and which side will guess."

The two sides were in dispute. There were too many actors on the running man's side. Three professional film and television actors, two moderators, a skit actor, and acting skills, absolutely overwhelmed the happy family.

After a long debate, Teacher He finally convinced everyone: "You play first, let's see how the game is played!"

This game has never been played by men.

After discussion, the assistant came up, holding a stack of barricades commonly used in the stadium, which is the kind of barricades worn by the zombies in Plants vs. Zombies. It was surrounded by a circle of fluorescent reflective stickers, which looked very ordinary.

The men running came over and asked curiously, "What is this?"

Shabei also picked up one with a smile and put it on his head: "Are you going to play Plants vs Zombies? Road-cones-protect-my-head ..."

He really learned the appearance of zombies, swayed and walked away, humming the theme song, still in English, showing his knowledge!

Sun PD said, "No, these roadblocks are for you. Only one of the six of you is sitting on a real chair, and the remaining five are on the roadblock. The happy team must guess who is sitting on the chair to win. "

Crap ...

The roadblock on Shabei's head fell to the ground, and the six men running looked at Sun Cannon together, the expressions on his face were collectively frozen, and he couldn't believe it!


Haha ~

Wow ha ha ha ~

The happy team was laughing crazy, and the six of them patted the table and laughed long!

"Can the barricades sit?"

"Oh my **** ... have you tried Sun Dabao? Can this thing sit?"

"You guys ... Sun Dao, I protest. Is this really the first game session?"

The running man protested collectively, but Sun Dabao presented this plan for everyone to see. The first item really was to sit on a barricade. Blame it on the bad luck of the running man. The game he chose was no matter how difficult or painful. Done with tears!

Teacher He, they all laughed crazy, and watched the six male runners try to sit up one by one, all screaming, this stuff is really not a human!

Xie Na pointed at Jin Dabao and almost smiled: "Look at Dabao ... his expression ... shouldn't he have that disease?"

Teacher He, they lie on the table with a smile. What's wrong? Hemorrhoids!

Jin Dabao had a serious face, and sat down on his hips. The boss who stared at his eyes instantly and his mouth bulged, but he desperately froze.

Seeing that the blue veins on his face were exposed, his face was flushed, his fists were stubborn, and he knew with his buttocks that Jin Dabao must not be in pain.

Du Hitao patted the table desperately, holding himself back with a smile. Zhang Yishan was also fortunate for a long time. He was too lucky to have followed the running man.

"Please happy team turn around!"

Teacher He turned around and obeyed the command. One by one, they couldn't help laughing. They heard the screams behind them, and the muscles on everyone's face smiled.

Compared with acting, on the one hand, you must hide your stool under the buttocks, on the other hand, others must behave calmly, making the other party mistakenly think that they are sitting on a stool.

The six men running together gathered to discuss and soon came up with a plan. As to whether they could cheat each other, it depends on everyone's acting skills.

The six happy team turned around and looked at the six men who were sitting in danger. They laughed at the field, especially Xie Na, and laughed most exaggeratedly.

"What a laugh! Give you five minutes to judge, hurry up, sit on the barricade, **** hurts!"

Yang An said angrily, and could not help shaking slightly.

At the beginning of the inquiry, Li Weijia said, "Please don't get stuck on the table, please? Sit up straight, all sit up straight for me!"

The six male runners let go of their supporting hands ~ ~ sit up straight.

Teacher He keenly observed the details and scanned it. No abnormalities were found. The six men were really powerful, so they could stand up!

Du Hitao laughed at himself: "You stand up and sit down ..."

How hard!

Sitting at the first Shabei face dissatisfied: "Director, this request is too much, okay! Stand up and sit down, it is likely to be injured ..."

As soon as the words came down, Jin Dabao stood up stunned for the first time. He didn't know how fast he was, and his face was relaxed. He laughed and laughed at Xie Na and Wu Xin: "Da Bao must be sitting on a barricade and must be eliminated!"

The six male runners stood up, Du Hitao shouted to sit down, and everyone sat down together, but basically, everyone put their hands on the table first, helped to unload some strength, and then slowly sat down.


The six of the happy team are dumbfounded, this is completely invisible!

Xie Na shot the table: "Stand up again and sit down!"

"Hey! That's too much ..." Protests came from Laura Man, but everyone stood up and sat down, almost the same movement.

Teacher He and others sank in their hearts and suffered. The actor on the opposite side was too cruel. How can this be distinguished?

No, there is a big move!

Mr. He shot in person: "You are like me, sitting in a chair and turning around."

Seeing Mr. He really turned around, the others laughed, and the men running protested collectively: "This is impossible!"

"This can't be done!"

"Mr. He, you are so vicious!"

"Mr. He ... I will fight you ..."

The faces of the six male runners are all green. This Nima is going to be broken by the poisonous dragon and penetrates the chrysanthemum!


PS: Free recommendation tickets ~ (To be continued.) Good book, home of book friends! Unique URL:

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