The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 490: Water gun spy!

The hotel is a partner of Enron. The 20 rooms on the east side of the 18th floor, which are numbers below 1820, are generally not open to ordinary customers. Yang An invites guests to record the program every time, and will basically be placed in Here.

The production team has set up more than a dozen cameras in the corner of the corridor in advance, aiming at each room, corridor passage, elevator room, almost monitoring every public activity area, and on the top of the front door of each person's room The camera was hung. Twelve people knew about these things, but didn't care about the details.

At about 11 o'clock in the evening, a girl wearing a hotel waiter's clothes walked into the field of vision, and she walked directly to Room 1809, knocking on the door of the room, disregarding the "Do Not Disturb" reminder caption.

Tuk Tuk Tuk ... Tuk Tuk Tuk ...

The waitress was very patient, she should not have slept, and a small voice came out: "Who?"

The accused waitress didn't speak, she held a task card in her hand, knocked patiently on the door, waited for two minutes, the door opened, and Audi's face appeared, wondering: "What's the matter?"

After the waitress handed Odie the mission card, she bowed to him with a smile and then said goodbye.

Oudi knew that there were cameras facing him on the head and the opposite side, and he stood at the door, opened the task card and read, "Please come to Room 1801 immediately. [Love]"

This guy may be drinking too much, or he may be deliberately funny. He glanced at the camera above the lintel, hid his mouth and laughed, and was proud of it: "Is it the hotel room service?"

This guy can't do it!

After joking, Audi still pulled out the room card and closed the door. He was wearing pajamas and big slippers. He should have just taken a shower, had his makeup removed, and his hair was not set. The shape of this big brother at home is very earthy.

Pushing open room 1801, Audi saw the photographer at a glance. He was not a rookie who knew nothing. He instantly understood, ate his hands in surprise, looked at the director, and laughed, he couldn't believe it!

"My day, OhMyGod! Isn't this the treatment of Sister Xun Xun? Director ... Director ... Please tell me aloud, am I winning the prize?"

Odi was overwhelmed with joy, and was babbling, sitting in excitement in front of the director, and couldn't help laughing.

The director asked with a smile: "Oudi, are you familiar with the rules of spy warfare among running men?"

Really spy!

Ou Di was smashed by the pie from the sky, ecstatic, covered his face with his hands, and laughed uncontrollably. He let go of his hand for a long time and nodded again and again: "I know something, please be assured that the leader will give me the job Spy mission. "

The director handed over a task card with a smile, and Ou Di shook his hand to open it, and said, "You are a spy! Oh my god, I am really a spy ... I can buy a lottery ticket later! Wait, you wo n’t be Do another spy game come out? No, no ... "

Oudi said to himself, in fact, it is impossible to think about it. This time, there are too many twelve people. How can it be possible to play a spy game again?

You should know that the last time all the spies, the running male members all became vigilant, just like the production of spy antibodies. Audi has carefully watched each episode of the program. In the next few episodes, as long as it has a spy role, it must not be so easy. Everyone is prepared to complete the task!

He continued to say: "You are a spy and need to eliminate eleven other people to win, but this task may be too difficult for you who are new to spy games, so we have added a spy helper for you. In the final game, whether the spy can win in the end, whether you can be rated as the best spy, it's all up to you! "

Ou Di stunned his head and asked in surprise: "Who is the other helper? That means we have two spies among the twelve of us, right? Can't you tell me his name? Also, what is the best spy? ? "

The director signaled that there are rules of the game behind him, and Odie continued to say: "Each spy eliminated one member by himself and scored one point. After the game spy wins, which spy has the most points, who is the best spy. If two in the end, The spy is evenly divided and needs to be determined by tearing the brand. "

Putting down the mission card, Audi was excited again and hesitated.

He pondered for a while and asked: "Sounds, that is, in the final game of tearing the brand name, or in the form of two teams PK, and then we have a spy in one team? Hey, director, you guys are too dragging Are you telling me nothing and not helping me? I won the first time running a guy, why did I win? "

"You are new to spy, and we will certainly help you!"

The director lifted a box from his feet again: "Open it and see, this is the weapon we provided to you!"

Odie stood up, grinned, opened the briefcase, and was instantly aggressive, with a smile on her face.

"This is ... a killing weapon?"

All the water guns in the briefcase, yes, large and small water guns, various styles, various patterns, backpack-type, duck-shaped, medium-sized pull-out, mini-sized, Single tube, double tube, cartoon character pattern, and even a large syringe!

"Shoot the name tag behind other people with a water gun. The name tag will change color, which means he will be eliminated. This is our special ammunition. You can try the effect."

The director handed over a tube of water gun ammunition and a Hasbro NERF water gun. The ammunition was a dark blue specialty pharmaceutical water. After tightening the ammunition, he aimed at the brand name on the table and fired.


The blue potion accurately hit the famous brand, and Audi raised his muzzle, took a sigh of pride, and pretended to be cool with the camera: "No bullets!"

Sure enough, where the watermark appeared, the nameplate quickly turned red. It should be that the blue ammunition liquid had chemically reacted with a substance applied on the nameplate. After about ten seconds, the red watermark disappeared. If you look closely, you can only see the slight trace edges.

"This is fun! You won't be seen by others when you are hit!"

Ou Di was excited. After each water gun was tried, he finally chose a small gun with a good handle, simple style, and a size just tucked into the pajama pocket. The additional ammunition was controlled by the director. The program will be recorded tomorrow. The director quietly passed it to him.

"Okay, you can go back to rest. Hope you can perform yourself perfectly tomorrow."

Odie stood up with a smile, shook hands with the director, and kept saying thanks, the joy on his face overflowed with words.

Spy game!

This should be the most interesting part of the men's show. Other competitive games are fun and fun, but what games are more fun than playing with everyone?

Odie quietly closed the door of Room 1801, pretending to walk the corridor as if nothing had happened, and quickly slipped into the room.

This time, he raised his mind, quietly opened a door slit to listen to the outside sound, and watched behind the cat's eyes again.

It is important that Audi wants to know who the other spy is. For example, if one of Peng Yuyan and Jin Dabao is a spy, his tactics will be completely different.

If it is Peng Yuyan, then he must find a way to kill Peng Yuyan in the middle of the game, otherwise when the last number of people is not enough, he will definitely be torn up by Peng Yuyan. He is sure that Peng Yuyan is better at catching the torn brand directly.

If the other spy is Jin Dabao, Oudi can rest assured, this shy guy will stay at the end, anyway, Jin Dabao's deterrent value is too low, I'm afraid that Jin Dabao will be eliminated by others before the end of the game Now, he only needs to survive to the end.

It's a pity that half an hour has passed, and the time is close to 0 o'clock, and Audi finds nothing, the corridor is quiet, everyone should rest, and there is no waiter to knock on anyone's door.

"It's over! It's over!"

Odie was anxious, not knowing what happened, and the more he thought about it, the more he was afraid. The biggest possibility is that he was not the first to be called to Room 1801, and the other spy must have been called before him, so he I can't see anyone outside.

If that's the case, then he can think of peeping the corridor, and another person must also think that if he is seen by the other person ...

Audi leaned on the wall behind the door ~ ~ gasping, looking at the camera on the ceiling, smiling bitterly: "This game, I can't play anymore! This is a **** difficulty for me challenge!"

Audi may never guess who the other spy is. If time goes back an hour ago, everyone just returned to the hotel, the director group arranged a room for check-in, and in a chaos, Sun PD took the photographer in. Yang An's room.

Yang Angang was just ready to wash, and when he saw Sun Dabao knocking on the door, he thought it was something else, but when he saw Sun Dabao handing a task card with a smile, he immediately understood.

"Post secret missions in advance? You plan to play spy games again this time! Hey, Sun Dao, Brother Tiantian, this is their first time to join a running man. You just toss people like this, your eyes are really bad!"

Yang An smiled and waved his finger at Sun Cannon, came to the bed and sat down, read out the contents of the task card: "You are a spy, kill everyone else, you win. You are an old hand, I believe you can be successful Complete the tasks assigned to you by the organization! "

Seeing this mindless task arrangement, Yang An was a little hesitant: "This is over? This is the task of tearing brand-name games?"

Sun Cannon nodded: "Yes, because it is a big dogfight, you can tear them off by ripping off their name tags or shooting them behind them. This is your weapon, water gun!"

Opening the water gun box, Yang An almost sprayed with a smile, using a water gun to kill the remaining eleven people?

After watching the water gun demonstration method, Yang An was very happy: "I accepted this task, it is very challenging and difficult, kill eleven people, haha, if I win, it must be a miracle that can never be surpassed in the history of running men! Please call me-Youngs Bond! "(To be continued.) Good book, home of book friends! Unique URL:

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