The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 513: Reporter interview after airing

On the domestic media and entertainment section on Tuesday morning, the front page headline was "Huang Mang TV host Ou Dubai Crosstalk Master Cao Shulin as the teacher", followed closely by "Everyday Brothers created a crack after participating in" Running Brothers ". The three are "After the happy family was completely abused by the running man, the brothers were also cut off by the running man."

Entertainment news is like this. What topics are hot, what keywords are hot, and what headlines are more eye-catching, the media like to dig in and use these.

As for whether the content is real, let him know, first get the click-through rate and attention.

Last night, there was a performance of the 10th anniversary of Lin Yunshe. Many ordinary people who are interested in the dynamics of comedy know this. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get a ticket, and it is impossible to go to the scene. As a result, everyone read the news the next morning When they came to Cao Shulin in Oubai, they were all surprised.

In the editorial department of the Hongfeng Morning News, several young editors and reporters rushing to work with breakfast in a hurry to punch in to work as soon as they entered the door.

"Who was on duty yesterday? What happened to Cao Shulin, a teacher in Dubai? How did one of his hosts remember to come to the school to learn cross talk? Is there anything inside?"

"What's the inside story? Artists develop freely, and there are fewer cross-border things like entertainment?"

"There must be something inside! Did you see the running man last night? Looking at Odie's look, from the first second he was a spy, I suspected that he had a problem, and he was over-excited! Look at his action of eliminating Tian Yuan and Wang Han That decision, like the bones of hate, the kind of pleasure on his face, I'm going to goosebumps! "

"I ’m too excited to have problems? Yang An is not the same as a spy. He eliminated Jin Dabao and Guan Xiaotong, and he was determined to quickly. Why didn't he have a gap with the other men?"

"Can people compare? On the IQ and EQ, Yang Geer throws Audi two streets!"

Several male and female editors and reporters are talking hotly. This is the case in the newspaper. Everyone is a gossip.

Speaking of yesterday's running man, everyone could n’t laugh. Every detail was like a few treasures, as if re-enacted on the spot, one by one, as if participating in person, seeing the familiar red maple street scene, recognizing the familiar landscape, the sense of substitution is simply Burst.

Binjiang Park is playing the ladder, which is said to have just accompanied my mother last month.

Red Maple Academy of Fine Arts played torn name cards. The one who said that she lived next to the school and went to see the crime scene of the complex after work today.

"Xiao Chen, today's news of running men, you go to Binjiang Park and see the reaction of the citizens!"

The director popped up from the office and directed reporter Chen to work. Originally, it took at least three hours to go back and forth to Binjiang Park. However, Xiao Chen was still very excited to take up this difficult task and set off with his work bag.

An hour later, Xiao Chen came to Binjiang Park. She was a text reporter. She didn't need to bring a camera or even a camera. The pixels of an Apple phone were enough for her.

"There are too many people, right? A suburban park under construction, where are so many people!"

Xiao Chen carefully avoided in the flow of electric cars. There were too many people at the entrance to the park. In addition to the grandfather and grandmother who were exercising, there were young parents who brought their children to hang out.

Today is Tuesday, do they not need to go to work? Xiao Chen can't figure it out!

After entering the park, everyone really walked in one direction, that is, the statue of Guan Erye who was standing on the bank of the river and watching.

The garden party is very clever, not only did not remove the 45-degree **** game props prepared for the running man before, but even specially opened up a game area, and arranged the staff to organize everyone to play the ladder game here.

Under the instructions of the security guard, Xiao Chen found the person in charge here, handed him his press card, and held a recording pen to ask: "Is the number of tourists suddenly increasing today?"

The person in charge laughed: "Since the running man finished recording the show, the number of tourists in the park has gradually increased in the past half a month. Today, there is indeed a wave of eruption, and the number has doubled. Everyone should have watched last night. Come here for the male running show. "

Xiao Chen asked, "Will there be a paper boat crossing the river game here?"

The person in charge said: "Yes, we will choose a specific date for a large-scale event where paper boats cross the entire Yangtze River, but in normal times, we will only choose to conduct it in the waters of the Zhouxin tributary that is 200 meters wide. We hope that the city government will September 6th is set for the Red Maple Paper Boat Crossing Festival! "

Xiao Chen was also excited: "I really look forward to that day and hope that the city government can agree to your application."

Under the introduction of the person in charge, Xiao Chen had a clear understanding of the whole matter.

Since the last time the running man finished recording the program here, the Red Maple's local forum has been spreading. Many citizens have to drive for an hour to take a look. The park has taken advantage of the situation to make it a small attraction.

The most popular game is of course the paper boat crossing the river. Xiao Chen stopped a dozen people who came to see the bustling people, almost all of whom came for this project.

The park has opened a time-limited passage in the narrowest part of Jiangxinzhou and the river bank. Without affecting the passage of the Yangtze River vessels, the Yangtze River Waterway Bureau allows the park party to start collective river crossing activities twice a day, each time not exceeding 1 hour.

This activity has received strong support from the public. Every day, there are almost 30 to 40 ships crossing the river. The park sends three lifeboats to follow.

Although it is very expensive to play once, paper boat materials, insurance, security, and commemorative photographs, it costs 488 yuan a person, but there are still a lot of citizens who are willing to try. After all, they can learn to run a man to complete a self-challenge. It ’s arrogant to go back, let ’s say, now it ’s only four or five hundred to take an indoor photo in the studio. The fees here are really not expensive!

Red Maple citizens are the happiest. Many of the male running games are filmed locally in Red Maple, such as crossing the river in Binjiang Park, such as the Red Maple Museum and Red Maple Stadium. These public facilities will retain the original content of the male running game. Used to attract tourists, this is a complete industrial chain.

Xiao Chen stayed here for a long time, and the harvest was very great. He also experienced a paper boat making and crossing the river for free, and returned with a full load. He turned back and wrote an editor's note, and gave it to the editor for review. "Red Maple Morning News" published on the front page!


On Tuesday afternoon, Li Yuxuan had two senior French lessons to attend. She arrived in the classroom a few minutes earlier today, and just heard the laughter inside. Many girls were giggling and chatting. She could faintly hear "Run "Men" and "Yang An".

When the teacher arrived, the students' voices were much lower.

Li Yuxuan didn't want to be too embarrassed. She put down her bag at the desk and asked with a smile: "Are you guys discussing yesterday's running man?"

The students listened, "Teacher, do you like to watch running men?"

Li Yuxuan laughed: "I like it, but I didn't watch the whole program last night. I went to the Enron Theater to watch the comic dialogue of Lin Yunshe."

She deliberately said these things in French. This is her teaching habits. She likes to combine everyone's ordinary living environment with spoken French, so that students can take the initiative to learn instead of passively.

The students are still inferior. Although they are majors in French in their senior year, they do not have enough vocabulary in some very common words. Like cross talk is a rare word.

Lian Meng guessed, the students and Li Yuxuan discussed enthusiastically: "Wow, teacher, did you see Ou Dubai teacher yesterday?"

"Have the other brothers gone to the Grand Theatre every day?"

"It's true that the brothers are going to disband every day, is it true?"

"Teacher, have you watched the boy show? Do you think Yang An has started too hard and has tortured the brothers every day!"

Li Yuxuan liked the atmosphere very much. The bell rang and she continued to talk about the topic.

Suddenly, the monitor raised his hand and asked, "Teacher, is it possible for us to go to work at Enron after we graduate? The last time I went to Dubai, the male translator named Zheng Shuangshuang was a freshman at Beida Erwai. He could go. We Should there be a chance? "

This question was asked well, and the classmates all asked and wanted to know the answer.

Running man is good-looking, Yang An's show is doing well, everyone really likes it, but if you can show your professional level and work happily with running man like that guy named Zheng Shuangshuang, it is definitely the best thing in life !!

Li Yuxuan laughed: "I can't answer you now, but Enron Entertainment is also in Hongfeng. Why don't you go and ask yourself? If you are embarrassed, the teacher can accompany you on the weekend!"


The students cried excitedly. In the class, 35 students, 32 girls, 3 boys, everyone will face the problem of graduating from a senior year ~ ~ It is the first choice to let the postgraduate be the first choice, but if you can get in A good unit of work, I believe many people will choose.

Li Yuxuan promised so, on the one hand, to consider for the students, on the other hand, she also wanted to take the opportunity to see Enron.

If she also meets the requirements and can go to Paris to record running men, that is also the temptation she can't resist!

This week, Li Yuxuan will listen to various topics about running men discussed by students during the class, such as the significance of spy games. Huang Mangtai promised that the new variety show will not set up spy games. Beijing Dog Mall opened a running man Spy Daquan Monopoly, Taobao Mall Yang An authorized the official flagship store to host a wave of emoticons and so on.

Not only did these classmates in her class do it, she also helped her colleagues to take the French lessons for freshmen.

These younger children are more active in thinking. Many people have enjoyed watching Yang An's variety shows since junior high school. They have been chasing everything until now. They do not pay much attention to the program itself. They pay more attention to Yang An himself. This kind of variety show, and discussed it enthusiastically, has gradually become a social atmosphere and habit.

Envious of Li Yuxuan, she waited until Saturday when her agreement with the students arrived.

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