The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 661: Brain hole confirmed!

The voice from the monitoring channel said: "Inspector Li, in non-special circumstances, all clues must be explored by yourself. The director will not participate, but I remind you at most, remember to use the power of separate review, maybe you can get more Many clues. In the end, identifying the killer as everyone's vote is based on the discussion process of all of you. Whether the final result is correct or not, the game will end as soon as the time comes. "

Li Yifeng got it. No one helped him, guessed it, it was the credit of everyone's vote, guessed it wrong, it was his detective incompetence, he was not human inside or out!

Damn, this game is too difficult. Whoever loves to be a detective will be a future! Li Yifeng had no choice but to point to He Jiong: "Vice He, you follow me."

Just as the two entered a separate room for trial, the others abandoned the search for the body and turned to the surrounding furniture.

Without any movement, Yang An was thinking by the corpse. He knew he was in a bad situation.

Assuming that the mortal rebirth is true, he is definitely the one with the greatest suspicion. After all, killing Gao Fushuai to replace it is really a one-off, he is very difficult to elute his suspicion, let alone other people.

Suppose that the return of the corpse is untenable, and his suspicion is also large, because there may be more clues to be found later. He himself knows the set of his script, and he has three disadvantages.

One is that his girlfriend is dead and he wants revenge. Everyone already knows this. The second is that the hospital is losing money and has a lot of debts. His economic situation is not as strong as everyone thinks. He has inherited hundreds of millions of assets. Less, selling hospitals is a must-do. Third, as long as He is beautiful, the old account that failed plastic surgery in the past may be overturned. He compensated his girlfriend ’s family for a large amount of money. Now he is back, maybe he will go to jail. Because he is a legal representative, as mentioned above, as long as all these clues are found, he is basically nailed to death. Even if there is no evidence, other people will also crucify him!

But he is not a murderer!

Yang An is in an unprecedented crisis!

I have two things to do next, one is to elute my suspicions, and the other is to find the right killer.

Yang An's eyes stayed on the dummy's left hand inadvertently, and when he saw the ring, he squatted down again and raised the dummy's hand.

Married people will have this experience. Generally, after marriage, men will gain weight and their fingers will gradually become thicker, so the ring may have a deeper imprint on the finger roots.

This is a dummy item. The imprint on his finger must not be seen, but he remembered a key issue. The others were real people! If he really killed someone, He beautifully took off his ring and put it back on the dummy's hand to pretend to be dead. The murder case is about an hour away. The real person ’s finger may still be There will be a little imprint, right?

Yang Jizuo accidentally came to Shabei quietly and looked at his hand checking the information.

There is no trace on Sabbe's finger! Then only He Jiong remained, but unfortunately he was taken away for trial.

"There is a small box here!"

Ire Guli pulled out a small suitcase from the bottom of the bookcase. I was anxious not to know what to do: "It's a pity I can't open it!"

Everyone walked around and checked carefully. This is an ordinary locked suitcase. Violent cracking is against the rules of the game. You can only find the key.

"Everyone is looking. This is the box in this beautiful room. The key must be here!"

Yang An reminded everyone that the two girls did not dare to turn over the corpses, but they were little experts at turning over the boxes. They started to violently dismantle these props, and they were not very strong anyway.

Shabe walked out quietly, Yang An's eyes sharpened and shouted, "Where are you going?"

Shabe was calm. "There are too many people here. I'll go outside."

Yang An looked into his eyes. The two looked at each other for at least ten seconds. He smiled first, raised his hand, and pointed at the other side: "Haha, I know where you are going!"

Sabe also laughed: "Really? Then where do you say I'm going?"

Yang An smiled and said, "Of course, go to the room you think is really fierce!"

Shabe tilted her mouth and was vague: "I can't understand what you say."

Yang An also learned the voice of a foreigner: "I don't understand"

In fact, both of them understood very well. These few words are the tentative confrontation between the two.

Make assumptions on the premise that He beautiful borrows the body to return the soul, and the keys are generally followed by people, especially this secret key, which can only be reassured if you hold it in your hands. After He beautiful kills someone, it is likely that she forgot this and found The key was still on his body, and he took it down in confusion, and hid in the room of the person he replaced.

Yang An knew that Shabei was the one who borrowed the body to return the soul, but he was not, so there must be a murderer between Shabei and He Jiong.

If Shabe is the murderer, leaving at this moment must either go to Sha's room and transfer the keys.

If Shabei is not the murderer, he must go to the room of Yang Investment and He Affiliated Hospital to search for the key, and where to find it, basically the murderer can be identified.

Yang An wasn't sure if Shabe was, so he couldn't let Shabe leave alone, he couldn't afford the risk!

This is a very guilty and very tangled reason. Yang An could not say clearly that he could only go in circles. He believed that the thought in Shabe's mind should be the same as him, so they both stood still in tacit understanding.

"You two are neurotic, say something completely incomprehensible, why are you standing there? Find the key!"

Iregouli complained, "Help us lift the table!"

Shabe shrugged: "Go work!"

Yang An laughed with a smile: "It's still simple for them to think, they can't use their brains ..."

Li Yan said: "What are you talking about? You two are just thinking about reasoning, guessing, and the evidence? What is the evidence for the conclusion?"

Iregouli also yelled, "The two big men are standing next to each other, letting our women rummaged in and out of the box ... Remove a little and let me check."

Vj followed, standing behind the crowd, and saw Yire Guli lying on the ground, his old buttocks swollen, round and rolling, looking at his side to see if there were any organs under the table.

Nurse dress, perfect curve, short skirt, stockings, rear-entry, cough, Yang An and Shabe exchanged their eyes, hehe he laughed, took a step back quietly, let vj take a full shot, this is all ratings !!

"what is this?"

A two-hole socket posted on the temporary wall surface attracted the interest of Erie Guli. Yang An stood by the wall and looked over: "Electricity jack ... uh ..."

Before explaining it, Erie Guli pulled it hard and pulled it off.


A key fell off and the sound was crisp.


"found it!"

The two women screamed in surprise, while Yang An and Sha Bei looked at each other, showing a confused expression at almost the same time.

Damn, it's wrong again!

Yang An scolded his mother in his heart. He was really good at reasoning. He could speculate on all the possibilities of the incident and could fight back when others attacked him.

Unfortunately, the production team seems to have chosen another direction, that is, "evidence is king". Yang An suddenly realized that he was secretly thinking about his head. It was his own ambition. This program was set by himself, considering the audience's understanding Too much reasoning will make the audience feel very brain-burning and tired, using the evidence to get the results simply and rudely, after all, everyone likes to watch a lighter program.

"Is there a sick suit?"

After opening the box, everyone was dumbfounded!

Shabei froze, staring at the clothes Li Li raised, showing a shocked look.

Iregouli was frightened, grabbed Li's arm, and asked carefully: "What does this mean?"

Li Yan's voice was trembling. She could only trust Yang An at this time. She asked nervously, "Whose clothes is this?"

Yang An looked at Shabei again: "Patient Sha, this dress is the same as what you wear. Why is it in the secret box in any beautiful room? Does he look like you and often wears sick numbers? Taken around the hospital? "

After being shocked, Shabe calmed down: "I don't know! But don't forget, gauze, alcohol, anesthetics, and the hospital clothes are all common things in the hospital. Li Jie, you should know it well The ins and outs of it? "

Li Min stammered, "I don't know ..."

Li Ye looked at Yang An as she asked for help, and she was really dizzy.

Yang An groaned for a while and said, "Leave the sick suit first, is there anything else?"

Iregouli took a piece of a4 paper and said, "Dean He, I have sent you all the information you have asked me to investigate this year. Please remember our agreement and pay within seven days. Drop: Enron Detective Agency! "

"Oh my God!"

"He pretty is checking all of us through the detective agency!"

"That is to say, ~ ~ This is related to the third checkpoint of Sha patient. He knows the whereabouts of all of us, everything we do, every detail of our life, he knows that it does not exist at all. The problem of not adapting after borrowing the soul! "

Important clue!

Read this clue, and the brain just opened again!

Iregouli raised a little thing curiously: "Is this ... the recording pen?"

Yang An took over: "Yes, recorder, listen!"

The crowd listened attentively and did not dare to miss any details.

"I'm Dean He. I'm back. Let's meet in the office at 7:30 pm. Can you tell He Vice-President?"

After the recording pen was put out, Shabeha gave a laugh and laughed: "He beautiful is to take this recording pen and call all of you, because his vocal cord was operated a few months ago, the second level broke through, all the difficulties are all Conquered, my reasoning for borrowing souls is completely correct! "

Yang Andao: "Yes, and because of the recording pen, this person on the ground may have died before 6 o'clock. During the day, He Meiliang has completed her identity conversion and successfully replaced the person on the ground."

Li Min was terrified: "Is this true? Then the person I saw at 6:30 ..."

"He is absolutely so pretty!"

Yang An and Sha Bei had serious faces and spoke in unison, scaring Li Yan into screaming!


PS: Tomorrow will drive more than 400 kilometers to work, it is estimated that it will take two days, so the update can only be 2 more, replace it with the saved manuscript, definitely not my intentional drag. I'll take the time to write things, I don't know if there is any Internet, fight for it, sorry!

ps2: I wrote something different from "It's All Beautiful", guess the killer's friend ~ ~, you can search "blue book", you can find it the first time This site Oh.

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