The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 683: Started shooting? I do not know yet!

Each time Zhang Guoli casts a movie or TV series, he has a habit of spreading the net widely. After pulling a large net of fish out, he picks out the best ones. The others are slightly smaller and thrown back directly, so that most of the fish are quite good. Sorry, just blame yourself for not looking good, but the next time you cast a net, you will still be in love, hoping to get the favor of the fisherman.

There are four members of the preparatory group. Zhang Guoli is the team leader himself. One is his wife Deng Jie. The other two are agents who have cooperated for many years. According to the staffing requirements given by Yang An, more than 40 qualified stars are listed. , Call each other one by one to determine the schedule, but also to find out if the artist really has the determination to participate in variety shows once the program is on the bus, basically will not be allowed to get off the bus, once the replacement means unlimited running-in period It was long and distant, and the show was basically ruined.

Zhang Guoli focused on attacking his favorite big fish. Wang Baoqiang was one of them. In early June, the crew of "Let's Go Through" was established. It didn't take long for Oriental Rising to cut the ribbon, and Wang Baoqiang received a call from Zhang Guoli.

Wang Baoqiang was so desperate this year that he was so miserable that his agent and wife betrayed himself and took away almost all of his property. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy and his business was severely hit. He fell directly from the peak of his life to the valley.

He was too honest. All his income was given to his wife over the years. He didn't even know which bank he opened an account with. He became divorced after divorce, and even depended on his friends to help him.

This kind of thing should be put on a harder person, and the pair of **** must be kicked out to the edge of the sky, but he couldn't bear to do that step, and thought about getting together and letting outsiders see Distressed, still angry, full of air-encrusted soft eggs.

That night, Wang Baoqiang was accompanied by a few friends to eat. He drank a little wine. The friends were chatting about the game. Haha laughed. When he was excited, he shot the table, drank wine, and toasted. He also loves sports. People, talking about these can distract him. Now that he has stepped out of the shadow of divorce and returned to the life of a bachelor, he feels very good, but he is a bit lonely when he is bored, especially because he is not currently receiving dramas or commercials. When it was empty, it was going crazy.

The phone rang, it was a strange number in Zhongjing.

The surrounding environment was a bit noisy. Wang Baoqiang didn't think about it. After he connected it, he gave a sound and took a sip of beer.

"Is it Wang Baoqiang?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm Zhang Guoli. You are so noisy there. Can you speak in a quiet place?"

"Zhang Guoli ... teacher?"

Wang Baoqiang was dumbfounded, shook his head, and made sure that he didn't hear it wrong. He quickly waved to his friends to shut up and calm down.

My friends also felt that something was wrong. Watching Wang Baoqiang turned into a very cautious expression instantly, he said carefully, "Is that okay?"

"It's better than just now, okay. I'll ask you first. I have a variety show in August. Are you free to participate? It's the" Let's Cross! "

Wang Baoqiang was excited and nodded repeatedly while holding the phone: "Yes, yes, I have time! Well, thank you, no no no, I have no agent, how dare I find another agent now? You say a place, I Go for an interview tomorrow. "

Hanging up the phone, Wang Baoqiang chatted for a few seconds, and kept on the action of answering the phone, without saying a word, he was crazy.

"Director Zhang Guoli really?"

"Haha Zhang Guoli invited you to join his crew? Niu Xiu Baoqiang!"

"Okay, Brother Baoqiang, you're well-developed! Whether it's Thai or not, you must drink a bit today and celebrate!"

My friends started to coax, patted Wang Baoqiang's shoulders, dangled his neck, and talked and laughed. They were really happy for Wang Baoqiang!

Wang Baoqiang was also smiling. After a minute, the phone rang again. Zhang Guoli sent him an address. He carefully saved the number, read the text message several times, and finally laughed.

"Don't drink today, don't drink anymore, you help me staff and see what's going on!"

Wang Baoqiang said the contents of the call. He attached great importance to caution and did not want to mess up the invitation for his own reasons.

Everyone took out their mobile phones and searched, and then called and asked about the bags in the next circle. In total, I felt that this matter was a little overdone, not as reliable as imagined.

A buddy analyzed: "Zhang Guoli is a good director. The TV series is good, but he has never filmed a variety show. Can he do it? If Yang An invites you, you don't have to think about it, you promise it immediately."

Another person said: "Yes, I think so. The leading brother in domestic variety shows is Yang An. If you look at his program, you haven't got involved in history at all. It's all modern. Now, I don't think he can catch the taste of the audience! "

"But how do I think there's something tricky in it? At the press conference," Chinese Singer "and" Let's Go Through "were released at the same time. The singer asked Yang An to be a music consultant. Ann? "

"But I suspect that Yang An has taken part in both shows. In case there are Yang An and Bao Qiang on this show, you will really get in the car. The seats of this express train are quite scarce and very rare. It is worth sacrificing everything to catch. "

Wang Baoqiang was said to be dizzy, he asked stupidly: "If Yang An wasn't there, would this show become Yang An's competitor? Will I be a cannon fodder?"

Everyone looked at each other and did not dare to answer. They were not Yang An. Who knew the answer to this question?

He suffered from insomnia and suffered from insomnia most of the night. The next day, he agreed to wear two dark circles and took his younger brother to Zhang Guoli's studio. After the interview, he signed a contract.

The moment he signed his pen, Wang Baoqiang couldn't help but asked, "Guide Zhang, I want to ask, is Yang An a guest?"

Zhang Guoli was particularly annoyed by this question. Oh, Yang An is here, you are willing to come, Yang An is not, you do n’t want to sign it, right?

But when seeing Wang Baoqiang's troubles, and remembering his miserable experience, Zhang Guoli still did not get angry on the spot: "Except for the director, each guest does not know who the other person is. Do n’t think too much, is there any Yang An? , My show will be broadcast, go back and wait for my notification! "

In this way, Wang Baoqiang was pulled into the chariot, and he didn't know how to wait for two months. During these two months, he picked up a TV series, a small supporting role, during which he continued to pay attention to the official news of "Let's Go Through". He He didn't know what he should prepare. Zhang Guoli didn't tell him how to play the game. He was about to succumb.

In June and July, some star entertainers have been invited by Zhang Guoli. At the same time, at the Xingguo Film and Television Base near Junshan in the Zhongjingyuan suburbs, more than 30 large mechanical engineering vehicles are hurrying to work on time, and a construction team of 200 people A group of buildings is being built day and night. Several architecture and history experts hired by Oriental Rising Film & Entertainment Co., Ltd. come here to visit each other. They must give pointers to various architectural shapes and even decoration, and strive to restore the ancient appearance as much as possible.

This is the advantage of leaning against a large real estate company. If you let other TV stations do this, at most, you must rent a theme park at the Hengdian film and television base, and you must make an appointment half a year in advance. It's dumbfounded to say good things to the next crew. To lose money to compensate others does not say, they have to owe people's favor.

On August 21, Wang Baoqiang received two people at the door of his home, claiming to be the follow-up vj group of "Let's Go Through". He had a faint feeling, and the show had started shooting!

He scratched his messy hair, bent over, and he was a little sincere: "The two big brothers are good, this is the first time I've participated in an outdoor reality show. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to treat me as a robot, just casually The instructions are all right, that means I will never go west, so that I will never go down to the ground. "

This honest kid!

I followed the vj and laughed: "Wang Baoqiang, don't be nervous. Now you are just shooting the likes. You can just show your true self as much as you can. When it is officially broadcasted ~ ~ We shot these contents 99 Will be cut off, it ’s okay. "

Wang Baoqiang wore a t-shirt and a pair of big trousers. He looked like an otaku at home. He was nervous when he opened the door. After hearing this, he relaxed a lot: "Frighten me ... come in and sit, the house is a bit messy."

It didn't take long for me to come in. When the text message came, Wang Baoqiang pulled it out, a little strange, and looked up and asked, "Mr. Zhang Guoli?"

The camera's lights are already on, Wang Baoqiang's heart suddenly burst, and he got nervous again, and read the text message: "I'm Zhang Guoli, the director of" Let's Go Through ", please receive the text message and go to the following account according to your personal wishes Transfer the deposit, the amount is arbitrary. What do you mean? "

Vj still didn't speak, Wang Baoqiang thought for a long time: "Transfer the deposit to the cross account? There is no limit? But brother, what should I do if I don't have money?"

The two of them were smirking, limited by the rules of the show group, they could not disclose any news to the artist, and they could only rely on the artist to think and deal with it.

Wang Baoqiang looked at the text message again carefully, stood up, walked around, the phone was pinched in his hand, and the screen was dark and bright, and he kept mumbling silently.

Suddenly, Wang Baoqiang stopped, strode forward to vj, and stretched out his hand: "Take out your ID card and work permit! Hurry up! How do I know if this is a scam text message?"

vj is dumbfounded, which one is this?

“Do n’t think I ’m stupid, I ’m so stupid! I ’ve eaten so many losses, I always learn to be savvy, right? In mobile scam text messages, I used a pseudo base station to intercept phone numbers, posing as Teacher Zhang Guoli and sending me text messages. He lied to me to save money inside, hum, do you think I can't see this scam? Take it out! I'll call the police if you don't take it out! "Friends who are going to continue ~ ~, you can search Search for "Blue Book" and you will find this site as soon as possible.

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