The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 690: Poverty extinction!

Just split the rudder. Just know that this is the Wudang faction. This is a detached house. The wall of the courtyard is at least three meters high and isolated into a sealed small world.

The child wearing Taoist clothes at the door checked Shen Teng's identity card and said with a smile: "Uncle! Are you back? Uncle Shi is waiting for you in the inner hall!"

"Oh, I'm your uncle?" Shen Teng pointed inside with a smile and asked, "I'm going to find it by myself?"

The boy nodded again and again, Shen Teng opened the door and walked inside without doubt.

As soon as he entered the door, Shen Teng saw a scene that made him feel strange. The interior decoration of the courtyard is very characteristic. It is a bit like a botanical garden in the flower market. It seems green.

A road covered with gravel points to the middle of the courtyard botanical garden. The end of the road is full of tall trees, planted in large flower pots, which is the kind of money tree, rubber tree, and other indoor plants that can be placed at home. , Arranged in a row, blocking the view.

In addition, there is a flower garden made of wrought iron shelves. Several layers of wrought iron are placed with lush plants like spider plants, making the entire wrought iron shelf into a tall plant covered by green leaves.

Then there is a rockery that is almost one person tall and directly blocks all eyesight. These are mixed and placed next to each other to form a fixed all-natural wall.

Shen Teng walked down the gravel road to the entrance of the botanical garden, and looked carefully, as if entering a large circle. The floor on which he was stepping was a wooden floor, and the front was another layer of the same natural wall. A rockery resting on a slate blocked the way to the left, he could only try to go to the right.

Suddenly, his feet were unstable, his body was crooked, and a deep roar heard in his ears, and he could not help but look down in surprise.

The wooden board under my feet has moved!

Shen Teng was startled, and suddenly realized that this must be a defensive array arranged in the style of Wudang Bagua array, and it was mobile!

"My God! I have no way out!"

Shen Teng looked back. The exit had been covered by the rockery that had just been blocked. He had completely fallen into the battlefield and was covered by these tall money trees in flower pots. !!

The defensive array that can be moved is not too complicated. If Shen Teng can stabilize his emotions now and observe carefully, he will definitely find that this array is not difficult and has been seen in daily life.

The big array is a bit like a round glass tray on a round table during dinner, and then made into a stack of towers, one circle at a time, each circle can be set counterclockwise and clockwise, where you want to turn, soeasy!

But the complication is that the large array consists of a total of twelve laps. The first lap is a fixed money tree rockery and small pine trees. The second lap is a floor installed with pulleys and mechanically controlled. The floor can be rotated in any direction. Circles are obstacles such as money trees, and people can only follow the boards on even-numbered circles.

Except for the outermost layer, the fixed obstacles in the odd circles are opened at each multiple of 90 degrees, which allows people to pass through the gap and jump to the next wooden board in the inner ring. The multiple of 45 degrees, which is the orientation of the gossip gate, will be blocked by a rocky rock resting on the stone board. One cannot completely walk a circle around the wooden board circle, but can only jump through it to the core. local.

This produces a very irregular maze effect, because the clockwise and counterclockwise rotation direction of each wooden ring is uncertain, and there is even a certain wooden ring fixed setting, it is easy to run to a fixed It turns out that when walking into the dead end, you have to go back to the outer ring and wait for the rotation to enter the next exit.

When people cannot see the panorama, it is very easy to get disoriented, especially in such a situation that even head-up can not be done, Shen Teng was dumbfounded, looking at all obstacles, he turned a few on the wooden board After the lap, I couldn't figure out the direction of the southeast or northwest!

"What am I doing? Are you going through the maze? There is no way at all!"

Shen Teng drilled like a headless fly. On the fourth lap, he encountered the first fixed wooden circle and even broke through three dead ends.

A four-wheeled spiral shooting plane was suspended in mid-air, and the entire array was clearly shot. Post-production staff could mark a correct passage with a yellow line, depending on how Shen Teng escaped.

Shen Teng complained and kept trying. What he didn't know is that this large array is already a reduced difficulty version. If there is artificial control, you can wait while Shen Teng is standing on a wooden circle. Fixing the wood circle directly and turning it into a dead end with nowhere to go, that's a hard thing!

There are eight gates in the gossip array, and each gate has its own name. Many of the martial arts of Wudang school are related to gossip, such as Taijiquan, gossip dragon palm, Liangyi sword technique, Taiji sword technique, whether Shen Teng can enter Wudang Martial arts depends on how he breaks through the test of the first gossip array.

"I'm going to collapse ah ah ~ can I remove these flower pots?"

Shen Teng managed to enter the eighth circle and found himself in a dead end. He squatted down and looked in the gap in the root of the plant at the bottom of the pot, complaining.

No one answered. He tried to shake it, but sadly found that all the wrought iron flower racks were locked with locks, the pots planting the money tree were too heavy, his old waist was almost broken, and he could not move.

"I can't distinguish between northeast and southwest, really ... I can't tell which side is right ... Will this maze trap me completely here?"

"Sometimes watching martial arts novels and watching martial arts movies, I always feel that the large institutions are very crap, but today it fell on me. I have to admit that the wisdom of the ancients was really terrible!"

"This is a gossip array, right? I see that every gap has a door name ... won't it? Do the names of these doors contain the secrets of the gossip array? But I forgot all ..."

"Oh my God, who will help me!"

Shen Teng's screams rang through the clouds. He was a beautiful boy who was trapped in the Wudang faction's introductory formation. He had not been able to come out for half an hour.

Unlike Shen Teng's trapped Wudang faction in the gossip labyrinth, the test of the Emei faction is much easier.

The two heroines, Hailu and Huang Xiaolei, walked for less than ten minutes, laughing and joking all the way to the sub-helm of the Emei faction.

The Emei sect is also a sect that has existed since ancient times. In martial arts novels, it has become a sect of martial arts founded by the ancestor of Guo Xiang. Since it is a river and lake city, it has certainly become the latter.

There are a lot of female apprentices in Emei, but not necessarily all nuns, but the npc standing at the door to meet them is a real female nanny, salutes Hailu and Huang Xiaolei, and asks them to enter after receiving the identity card.

"It's interesting!"

As she walked, Huang Xiaolei said to Hai Lu: "Look, there is a master who teaches swords in the industry!"

Due to the limitation of terrain, it is impossible to make Mount Emei so towering. This type of courtyard building can only be used as a sub-rudder. The middle patio has become a martial arts field. A woman is carrying four or five female apprentices. Swordsmanship, slick and eye-catching, uniform movements, very aesthetic.

"Two and stay!"

An old nun appeared, followed by two sturdy sword-swording female apprentices, and said coldly: "In today's unruly world, there are often gangsters and bandits coming to harass, and there are primitive assassins trying to get into my Emei trouble. As a girl, please answer a few questions! "

Here comes the mission!

Huang Xiaolei and Hai Lu are ready, holding their swords and holding their fists: "Master, please ask questions!"

The old nun said, "Please name any three martial arts names of my Emei faction!"

They were dumbfounded, and they looked at each other. Huang Xiaolei tried to answer: "Love is a knife?"

The old nun stared and said, "My Emei uses a sword and a palm!"

Hailu hurriedly changed his mouth: "Is that eyebrow and sword?"

Seeing the old nun almost vomiting blood, Huang Xiaolei laughed and said, "I see, palm!"

The two laughed, this was a funny joke on purpose ~ ~ While the old nun was so angry that she yelled "catch these two spies", Huang Xiaolei shouted: "Jiuyang Divine Power!"

Hailu quickly grabbed her and asked nervously, "Sister Xiaolei, isn't Jiuyang's magical trick Zhang Wuji? How can a woman practice this?"

Huang Xiaodao laughed: "I told you not to read novels for two months, so you don't know it!"

The old nun popularized the history of Jiuyang Divine Master. Master Jueyuan read Jiuyang Zhenjing when he died, Zhang Sanfeng, Guo Xiang and Wuxi Zen master each memorized a part of them, and they realized that they were different, so Wudang, Emei and Shaolin three factions. In China, some martial arts are connected with Jiuyang Divine Gong.

There was one correct answer and two answers. The two tried their best to guess, barely qualified, and were included in the Emei faction.

The old nun still laughed and said, "Come here! Send these two people to start from the lowest apprenticeship!"

"Yes! Teacher!"

The two women behind him came over and caught Hailu and Huang Xiaolei.


Hai Lu was startled, and before he was taken away, he shouted, "What kind of teacher are you?"

The old nun said: "The poor Nefa is extinct!"

Hailu and Huang Xiaolei are dumbfounded. This person is really an extinct teacher?

Martial arts is to lay the foundation, and some physical work cannot be avoided. Following the extinction teacher, he is sure that there is nothing good to eat. The life of the two women's Emei school began from this.

The highest starting point of the six is ​​Wang Baoqiang. There is no doubt that the world martial arts came out of Shaolin. What a fame!

However, Wang Baoqiang seems to ignore one thing, just like Peking University Tsinghua University is really stubborn, but the test scores are high, and the threshold of Shaolin is also scary. To enter the temple, you must be tested. Alas. To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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