The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 694: I want to go in and pee

Sure enough, Wudang's account for collecting protection fees disappeared, and the protection fees collected were also gone. The most important thing was that his 833 liters of private house money was also stolen by the thief who killed thousands of swords!

Then Shen Teng came back to me. What did Yuan Bing mean? "Do you know who he is?" Idiot, of course he is a thief! Isn't it natural for officers and soldiers to catch thieves? He also used the banner of the Wudang faction to protect the thief and offend a team of Yuan soldiers again. The result was really ... vomiting blood!

"I rescued him with good intentions, and he stole me away? I'm so mad! This ancient routine is also deep enough. Saying that good roads are not good, where is the door closed? I am really heartbroken! I Save him from Yuanbing's hands, and he did this to me! I feel so sad! "

On the one hand, Shen Teng was heartbroken, and on the other hand, he was heartbroken by his own intelligence quotient.

It seems that the heroes of Wudang are unable to complete the task. He can only think of other methods, such as borrowing money from Wang Baoqiang in Shaolin, or trying his luck at the Emei faction.

Yang An and Xiao Yueyue are not so miserable. They are people of the Ming religion. What did the Ming religion do at this time? rebel! To counter the Yuan dynasty, they want to restore the Han ruling dynasty!

But rebellion even requires money. Buying weapons, military equipment, eating, and dressing. Which one does not require money?

A large part of the money of the Ming religion was collected from the people. In the world of the rivers and lakes, there are a large number of former members of the Ming religion, such as the four guardians, as well as Yin Wufu, Yin Wushou and others. It's a lot more killing.

There are two types of opponents of the Ming Dynasty, one is the Yuanyuan army, which is an endless opponent, and they fight when they meet, and the other is the major factions in the rivers and lakes, for money, and to show the believers throughout the country. I do n’t know how many battles were fought by the big faction. The Ming religion was also fierce. In the era when the sun was still there, even the head of Kunlun could be killed, forcing the Emei faction to die, and dug an eye of Shaolin ’s head. It almost drove the six martial arts to a dead end.

The plot has not yet reached the level of the six major factions and Mingjiao fighting. Of course, the money-making task of Yang An and Xiao Yueyue is to fight the Yuan Army!

"Rescued the Ming brothers scattered in the rivers and lakes cities, chased and killed by Yuan soldiers, and brought back at least 2 o to talk about money, and rescued at least ten people."

Looking at the mission statement on the silk cloth, Yang An and Xiaoyue Yue raised their heads and questioned Falun Gong questioningly: "What is it to talk about money?"

Hu Fa explained: "In this troubled time, ordinary people will inevitably be invaded by war. The war requires a lot of manpower. The Yuan Army will come to ordinary people's homes to catch young men and enlist in the army. If the people want to survive, there are either members of my Mingjia family at home. It ’s up to me to educate him to keep him safe, or to pay a sum of money for life and return for a short time. ”

The two suddenly realized that the people who suffered the most in the troubled times must be the people. When they fought, Yuan Bing searched for a wave and arrested people directly. After the insurgents came over, you could not join the insurgents, but I protected you from dying. Isn't the point of protection paid? When the rebels were counterattacked by the Yuan soldiers, the people would be looted again and beaten to the left and right.

The Ming religion actually existed in the Song Dynasty. At first it was just ordinary religion. It was only in the period of war in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasty that the Ming religion became the main force of the rebel army in the hands of politicians. There are so many names like Shengqianqian in the world, but in the world of the rivers and lakes, Ming religion does not disturb the people very much, and the total number of people in the country is only thousands. The content of participating in the world is not too much, because it is always false and real. It's all art processing.

Defending the law: "These Ming Brothers were hunted after collecting money, you must rescue them back!"


Yang An and Xiao Yueyue were holding the marked map, and they were both hands-free, but they received such a heavy task, and no one else.

"Asan Asi! Go with them!"

The guardian was kind and assigned two bodyguards to make them think about it.

Out of the Ming dynasty, the first rescue point recently was at the station, which is an official agency. This colleague is really bold and careful. Is the more dangerous place the safer? It must have been mixed into the station after makeup, maybe the guy who feeds the horse in the station!

The common status of the Ming cultists is not fixed. Small vendors, farmers, and handicraft practitioners are hidden in all walks of life. No one writes the word "Mingjiao" on their foreheads. When they meet, they usually use a secret sign or Look at the flame pattern on your body.

Yang An and Xiao Yueyue walked back and forth. The combination of Fattou and Thintou was indeed very attractive, and attracted the attention of many people along the way.

A guard stood at the entrance of the station. Xiaoyueyue lowered her head and pretended she didn't see it. She wanted to break through, and her mouth was still hypnotic: "You can't see me, you can't see me ..."

How could a big person not see it? The guard stopped him: "Stop! What?"

"I ... I want to go in and pee ... I can't hold myself back, I ... brother, let me in?"

Xiao Yueyue twisted, covering her face, looking anxiously.

The guard screamed, "Presumptuous! This is the official station, not where you pee! Don't leave!"

Yang An thought of a way, intending to attract attention by himself, let others slip in behind the guard, so he nodded and walked forward, and fell in love with the guard: "Brother, are you hot in this suit?"

"Get off!"

"Well, brother, I'm not malicious, how about I give you a fan?"

"Want to be knifed?"

The Yuanbing guard snorted and pulled out half of the circular knife, exposing the sharp blade to scare Yang An, but this time, when A San touched the guard behind, instead of slipping in to find someone, he directly covered the guard's mouth and gripped his neck. Twist hard!


Yuan Bing guard softened and slipped down.

"I go!"

Yang An and Xiao Yueyue were frightened. Is this killing in person?

"Brother? You're killing people on the street, aren't you?" Yang An looked at the killer Asan, almost kneeling.

Xiao Yueyue was even more afraid. She was so frightened that she stretched her legs and stretched out her hands desperately: "I don't do this task, I don't do it ... you go!"

Xiao Yueyue was so frightened that he couldn't make it back, and Yang An couldn't help it.

Sure enough, the station guard was killed by a surprise attack. All the people passing by in the street were scared and screaming. I don't know where the rapid gong sound came from. It must have alarmed the patrol of the brigade and was running towards this side.

Yang An was also anxious, and rushed into the inner courtyard of the post station. He saw several horses grazing, and several farmers were feeding with forks and brushing the horses.

"Which is a Ming Brother?"

This throat scared several farmers, and one came over, "I am, what's wrong?"

Yang An recognized the flame pattern on his chest and grabbed him with joy: "Come with me, it's too late!"

While running, the farmer lifted up an iron straw fork placed near the wall and joined the army of escape.

Yang An led the way, A San A Si and the farmer followed behind, and the four ran to the next rescue point, a restaurant not far away, and suddenly heard the back shouting, "Yang brother, save me!"

Xiaoyue Yue ran back again, and pursued the army with four or five Yuan troops. Obviously, he was forced back, and he was too useless!

The five met, but still couldn't fight the Yuan army wearing armor and holding weapons, the farmer shouted: "I fight with them!"

Yang An's eyes quickly grabbed him: "Bring the money for life first!"

The farmer reached out and took out a stack of treasures from his arms, and said resolutely, "Brother, the task of restoring my Han Dynasty will be left to you!"

Yang An patted his hand, moved: "Good brother, you go, today, next year, I pour wine to your grave!"

The farmer turned his head resolutely, raised an iron fork to fight with the Yuan army.

Yang An understood, and ran forward with Xiao Yueyue's arm: "This task is not difficult! Every time we save a person, we will have an additional helper. This task is better than degree!"

Xiaoyue Yue ran out of breath, panting so hard, his face was sweaty, and the big pie face twisted up: "Brother ... Break ... Break for a while ..."

Yang An couldn't control him. Looking back, the farmer had been arrested by Yuan Bing. It seemed to be dead. He stepped up and shouted, "Yueyue, come quickly, I'll take a step!"

There was still a mess in the restaurant. Yang An ran to the second floor, and sure enough, he saw the familiar white robe guys again. He quickly sloganed and took the money and talked about it.

Now Asan and Asi have already fought with Yuanbing's chasing troops. The colleague who just took over here has also followed the war ~ ~ Yang An is pulling Xiao Yueyue who has been climbing up and down. Met.

"Yueyue, you eat so much, why are you running so slowly?"

"I ... I don't want to ... I see blood and feel dizzy, oops, I'm going to faint again ..."

Xiao Yueyue did not forget to make fun at the crisis. He fainted in front of the camera and closed his eyes tightly.

Yang An is also a quick responder. He pushed Xiao Yueyue who fainted, and sighed, "I'm fainted again, but I can't move my back ... you can sleep here, Xiaoyueyue, next life Let's be brothers again. "

Just two steps away, Xiao Yueyue suddenly woke up, pretending to be a naive and lovely look: "Well? Where is this? Yang Geer, don't go, wait for me!"

This shameless guy, begging Bailai followed Yang An downstairs, saw the scene of fighting, heard the ping-pong ping-pong weapons intersect, and trembled in shock, moving slowly outward against the wall, for fear of being caught in the hall In the bucket.

The performance of this group of NPs was bursting. After a few rounds of killing, the Ming dynasty people all moved to the direction of the restaurant's exit, fighting and retreating, escorting Yang An and Xiaoyue Yuexun from the restaurant door.

In this way, at ten rescue points, everyone went to seven places, and Yang An's hands on money were enough, and people made up more than ten people.

He is surrounded by many Mingists, at least fifteen, but there are more opposing troops. Although many of them are holding group performances with swords behind them, the number must be enough to surround them.

The most embarrassing thing is that because of the panic, everyone was blocked in an inn. The Ming taught everyone to guard the door. The Yuan Army did not dare to attack rashly, but Yang An could not go out. What should I do? To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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