The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 803: Superburn Trailer

Red Maple Police Academy welcomed a special group of visitors at noon today. More than 200 outstanding students and their parents from various high maps of Red Maple received an invitation from the school to come and visit.

In the afternoon, a special person took everyone to visit the police training center, stadium, shooting range, electrical science and education buildings and other important locations to explain. After finishing, they took them to the police school cafeteria for dinner. Of course, it was at their own expense, mainly to feel the food of the police school. Around 7:30 pm, all the staff listened to the admissions lecture in the college's auditorium.

Director Li of the School Admissions Office had a bright face, said a lot of policy words, and of course exaggerated the school.

"There may still be many parents who do n’t understand the real life of our frontline police officers or have doubts about our police work. It happens that last week, Police Officer Wang Lufei from our school participated in one of the hottest reality TV shows in China. Recording of Extreme Challenge ... "

Director Li hasn't finished talking yet, and the audience is noisy and upset!

"Extreme challenge!"

"Oh my god, the school instructor participated in the show?"

"Sergeant Wang is a member of the arrest team?"

"Where? Who is Police Officer Wang?"

The students all shouted in excitement, this is an anecdote that has never been heard before!

Many students present knew the ultimate challenge. Even if they were seniors, there were always some people in each class who could watch TV every week. What is the hottest outdoor reality show now? Of course it is the ultimate challenge! If you don't talk about it in school, you will feel ot, because you can't talk to other people at all.

Parents are much calmer when they hear it. Indeed, many parents here today are around 40 years old, old and young, and there is a lot of wage pressure on car loan and home loan. But many parents also like to see extreme challenges. Stars around the age of 40, who are about the same age, play games on TV and work hard, which is also one of the favorite relaxation channels for parents.

Commissioner Li took the lead and applauded: "Some police officers Wang Lufei are asked to say a few words below!"

There was a warm applause from the audience, and Wang Lufei walked up from the stage. He looked straight and amiable, smiled, and frequently waved his greetings to everyone.

"Hello everyone, I'm Wang Lufei, a criminal investigation major. I was fortunate to have participated in the recording of the last extreme challenge. You can really see how I look on the big screen later."

Wang Lufei introduced with a smile. The curtain behind him was adjusted by the staff and replaced with the picture of Red Maple Satellite TV. At this time, it was around 7:50. The show started immediately, and he took the time to introduce it to everyone.

"The classmates who come here today are all outstanding students from various schools. They all intend to apply for our Hongfeng Police Officer Academy. In the afternoon, Director Li took everyone to visit all afternoon. There may be many people who have doubts and worry that police work is Is n’t it dangerous? Is there a high casualty rate? Many people ’s opinions are stuck in some past police TV series and movies, which have a big misunderstanding to us. I want to say that we who deal directly with all kinds of criminals However, there is a certain danger, but the times are changing, and our police work methods are also changing. In this era of electronic information technology, I can introduce the actual combat environment through the program ... "

Wang Lufei eloquently explained that the admissions consultation meeting in this form of lecture was the first time this year.

In the past, schools did not leave until the college entrance examination, and went to various schools to put in admissions brochures, and approved the admissions in advance. In fact, from the experience of these years, really good students were not willing to apply for the police school.

And in the current environment of economic dominance, the Police Academy is expanding enrollment for efficiency, the entry threshold is getting lower and lower, the quality of students is not uniform, resulting in a considerable decrease in the quality of the police team. The expansion of enrollment has led to too many police school students and employment It is also an extremely headache. There is a vicious circle in it.

It ’s easy to change, and the vicious circle is the same. The school has decided to increase the recruitment of high-quality students. However, in many family concepts, it ’s easy to kill and injure criminals. Class, no one wants to send good children to police schools.

This time the extreme challenge was a good opportunity. The school arranged Officer Wang Lufei to go to battle in person, teach and teach as a star police officer, borrow the shareholder style of "Extreme Challenge", and advertise well.

Students are very interested in this. In their opinion, what police regulations and employment ratios are far less direct than those of a TV show.

What's more, Yang An's program. Red Maple locals know that Yang An is Hong Feng's most famous star. Numerous parents want their children to use Yang An as an example, whether it is his person or the pursuit of his career. It's always right to learn Yang An. Many beautiful girls will quietly set their boyfriends on people like Yang An. How can students not envy?

At 7:56, the show trailer began.

All the people in the auditorium were stunned. Suddenly a familiar intro sounded, which immediately aroused everyone's exclamation. This is the "" of Lincoln Park!

But what the picture and title are!

"Open Lincoln Park in a Extreme Challenge"!

Spectators across the country are aggressive!

woo woo woo woo

Seems to be a red alarm air raid, no no no, this is a real air defense alarm, a stern air defense alarm sounded over the red maple city, and the camera!

Immediately after the familiar opening song, the picture changed into Yang An appearing in the camera, anxiously shouting "Run", the most unbearable, turned into "Running fast" following the rhythm, The whole person also repeats the action because of the editing problem. This is a typical ghost video style promotional video!

"I go!"


"Nima, blind my eyes!"

A group of people couldn't help screaming, but more people shouted, because on the screen, the background continued to be played dimly, but the picture was a different escape picture and lines of the extreme man helping six people!

Super strong sense of rhythm!

Just the right clip!

Many people nodded involuntarily and their bodies shook!

"Hahahaha!" This is a shot of proud laughter after Sun Honglei grabbed it.

"There are policemen!" Zhang Yixing held the phone, his face nervous.

"Launch Skynet! Sky One!" Captain Wan also took a photo, with a **** face!

"Don't run! Stop!" The two criminal policemen held up their truncheons and tried to hunt Zhang Yixing.

"One in the air, on standby!" A serious-looking driver took the walkie-talkie, and the sudden sound of the wings couldn't hide the sound of electric current.

"I'm left you right!" This is the shout of the Interpol chasing troops, the two sides split up to chase.

"Sun Hong ~ Lei ~ Run!" This is the scene where Sun Hongleila drove the door and ran wild. The criminal policeman looked anxious and shouted with his truncheon.

For three minutes, lines from various real plots, dialogues, sound effects, wheezing of running, body whine, helicopter roar, radio noise, screams from the crowd, all the materials appear in this video .

When everyone saw Yang An changing his work clothes at Muheiya duck shop, Xiaomu's mouth changed mouth shape, but his voice was a male voice in an English college entrance examination listening test. He clearly heard that "the price of a shirt is nine to nine. "Fifteen ~", almost all the senior students in the audience laughed!

Bunkers are extreme challenges!

Can play ah my brother!

Listening questions for the college entrance examination are out!

Late group, you are so cute!

Until the song is finished, the picture lens is stretched. This is a rising floating flying device. The map of the entire city of Red Maple gradually becomes smaller, accompanied by the laughter of the extreme man helping six people. The "Extreme Challenge" logo Appears, the words "Red Maple Escape" become fragmented metal fragments, all exploded, just like the beginning of the movie Transformers!



"God made ~"

"This trailer is so hot!"

"Seeing my tears!"

"Lincoln Park and the combination of extreme challenges, I am really convinced, really, capital letters!"

Not only are the students shocked to say that they have nothing to say ~ ~ I am afraid that hundreds of millions of viewers across the country are watching this episode. I never expected that "Extreme Challenge" would appear in this speechless form!

It ’s all exploded on the Internet. While advertising, countless netizens can't vomit, causing several well-known discussion den servers to crash, and instantaneous access to data has exploded, especially the lack of preparation for the official website. Without posting, the server is down and needs to be restarted!

"What about martial arts? What about your martial arts?"

"I kept chasing after the first phase, and since then I am a passerby!"

"If you want Mao's martial arts, you just have to listen to the song, and you can watch the show."

"This edited picture is so fragrant! The song is also super nice, isn't it? It's too fun to play!"

"This is to conquer the entire network of Barrage Video Network! The station is estimated to have the heart to die, everything has been extremely selected by themselves, and what are they doing?"

"I beg Lord U to" Open Lincoln Park in StarCraft "!"

"The 100 yuan begging u to" Open Lincoln Park in the manner of a red policeman "is extremely hot and will definitely lead the fashion trend."

"The whole city is shaking my head and listening!"

"Shake your head and shake your brain 1! It's so magical, I really like this trailer"

"Shaking his head and shaking his head 10086 ~"

"The price of a hahaha shirt is nine pounds and fifteen pence, so you choose the item and put it on the test paper. I smiled indifferently. People are still studying by themselves last night! I was almost trained by the teacher. Confiscated mobile phone! Uh ... "

"I'll also contribute one, Mrs. and Mrs. King, I surrender!"

"Well! Put down your weapons, don't kill them!"

Netizens almost ruined this promotional video, and many people burst into tears. To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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