The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 822: Temptation gate

Jessica was closest to the props department. After confirming that there were no hunters nearby, she came to the mall where Yang An hid before, walked to the staff passage on the first floor, and followed the signs to walk inside.

She saw a closed room at the end, which was consistent with the photos on her phone. If you were right, this is a small cold storage.

"This is where the mission is. What is it? Mission description?"

Jessica saw the LCD TV hanging on the wall next to it, and studied the three characters on it.

A maximum of three people are allowed in this room. There is a hunter closed. The moment the door is closed, the timer starts and the countdown is 10 minutes. The acceleration team members must get the props within the specified time to be successful.


At the entrance of the passage, Jiang Yiyi leaned out and greeted him quietly, ran quickly, followed behind Jessica, said hello, and the two women discussed.

This task is uninterruptible. If you ca n’t complete the task within 10 minutes, you will be arrested. Because the light inside is very dark and there is white mist, the monitoring on the outside is not clear. Indecision.

At this time, a fan of the Japanese team also arrived, and she was a bit hesitant to see the mission statement.

"Let's go in together?"

"No, just separate!"

"Who goes first?"

Yeah, who goes first?

With two eyes smeared into it, I don't know anything. After entering, sacrifice myself and complete the other two?

Jiang Yiyi may be young, and she does n’t understand the stakes, but Jessica has just experienced a exhausted tug-of-war. She knows a lot about human nature. She can see the women ’s group A fan is not a good person to deal with, and with jealousy and defense against himself.

A fan also doesn't think Jessica is as immaculate as an angel. Everyone is a girl group. How can there be nothing?

Jealousy is one of the seven deadly sins, and the door of temptation will open it.

It was almost a tacit understanding. The three pushed the room together. On the surface, they were kind, but they actually guarded each other. The battle between women often started with a small detail.

The cold room was running, the thermometer on the wall showed minus ten degrees, and the three women froze involuntarily holding their arms and curled up.

"This is it!"

A row of three tables, each with a huge rectangular transparent ice brick, crystal clear, exuding a hint of white gas, look carefully, the middle of the ice brick sealed a barrel box, but the frozen knot Sturdy, if you want to get it, unless you destroy this ice brick.

A closed hunter's box stands in front of three tables. This one has no fence, but has antifreeze glass windows. The hunter is probably frozen inside.

"This hunter should be wearing warm baby!"

Little Loli Jiang Yiyi said to herself suddenly, kinda distressed by the hunter brother.

According to the task tips, everything in the cold storage can be borrowed, but the most obvious are three transparent eye shields, three boxes of toolboxes, which have claw hammers, screwdrivers, hand saws, simple hydraulic struts, and no other available tool.

"Did we come to the wrong place? Would it be better for the boy to give this task?"

Standing in front of these tools, the three girls were dumbfounded, but they only muttered a few words, time was tight, the environment was bad, and the three had no desire to communicate. After putting on their glasses and work gloves, the icebreaking task began.


The claw hammer smashed on the solid ice, and there was only a white stamp, and the fine **** was so light!

Jessica opened the mark and double-checked, almost desperate!


A fan tried to hit the ice with the side of the bent horns, and a huge force bounced back. She only felt the numbness in the tiger's mouth. The claw hammer suddenly took off, and when she fell on the floor, she was frightened. No one hurts, if the rebound hits his face, don't even think about mixing up!

Jiang Yiyi is the youngest and has the smallest strength. She first saw the results of her sisters, hesitated, instead of holding a claw hammer, she tried to change to a hand saw.

The ice brick has edges. The first few centimeters of the hand saw are easy to cut. Seeing that the saw blade has penetrated to the depths of the edges of the ice, Jiang Yiyi found that he could no longer use it.

In this low temperature environment, there is no difference between hard ice and wood. The deeper the saw blade, the greater the resistance in her hand. One accidentally saw the blade break!

The three failed collectively, face to face, powerless, and with their strength, they couldn't break in ten minutes. Want to give up? Did today's game fail like this?

This is an unstoppable task, and it is impossible to give up!

Time is still passing quickly. All three are idol artists, and they are all delicate types. In this case, all are helpless.

Jessica pounded her head, **** splashed, she was activist, and very strong, which was consistent with her personality. Even if she knew that her hope was slim and her future was unknown, she would not give up her efforts. Her Destiny should be in your own hands, not be a puppet involved in others.

She said firmly, "If I can't get it out in ten minutes, but I've worked hard, I won't regret it."

A fan is a typical Japanese woman's personality. When I encounter this situation, I only know what to do repeatedly. Then I took out my mobile phone and asked the male friend of the same team for help. She contacted Takahashi Tanaka, the hero who just did the task, but later The person is also busy with the task and is really unable to help.

Jiang Yiyi ’s performance exceeded everyone ’s expectations. Chinese children are actually very clever. They have learned a lot of physics and have a deep understanding of common sense of life. Jiang Yiyi ’s grades in culture are also good. She knows she ’s definitely not Ability to take, can only take wisdom.

Jiang Yiyi looked at the toolbox carefully. The hand saw could not be used, the hydraulic equipment would not be used, and the claw hammer and screwdriver ... yes! There is a way!

She put on her gloves, held the screwdriver in one hand, picked up the claw hammer in the other, aimed the screwdriver at the notch just sawn, and banged the screwdriver in.

The relationship between pressure and pressure is the knowledge of physics. If you do not understand physics, you have seen many such cases in your life, such as drilling holes in wood and drilling nails on walls. There are many common similar cases.

Jiang Yiyi succeeded. In the eighth time she struck, Jianbing burst from the top of the screwdriver. The cobweb-like cracks were clearly visible. She immediately increased her strength and continued to strike. The cracks gradually became cracks. There was a large piece. The hard ice burst and fell off by itself.

Little Loli immediately changed places, this time on the left side of the barrel, straight and straight, banging!

Accidentally, Jiang Yiyi knocked the claw hammer, and the wooden handle accidentally hung on her finger. Her tears almost fell down, fortunately, not directly on the back of her hand, but when did she suffer this kind of suffering?

There were no tears in the competition. Crying couldn't help melt the ice cube. Jiang Yiyi bit her lower lip and insisted on beating. This time, she knocked the screwdriver into the ice cube. She held the claw hammer with her hands and finally pressed hard. One click, slamming, the big piece of ice broke into two pieces!

Jessica and a fan who were prompted to learn quickly, both of them also held screwdrivers as steel nails, but there is a difference between a woman and a woman. Some people have never even washed their clothes in their lives. Some people never do housework. Some people are women, and even when changing the light bulbs at home, they use a bench to build a ladder and go up by themselves.

Two minutes later, Jiang Yiyi broke the ice for the fourth time, and finally broke the top ice **** with a claw hammer and got the bucket. This time passed less than 4 minutes. This efficiency is really great. You must know the director group At the time of my own test, a strong man knocked the ice brick for 7 minutes. Little Loli's trick was really unexpected!

"Bundle of cents? Pressing the button against the hunter can trap the hunter?"

Jiang Yiyi looked at the manual and couldn't laugh or cry: "The hi-tech squid robot of the Matrix, the **** of death in Japanese anime, the fairy in Chinese myth ..."

She didn't say a word, what else in Korea? Oh yes, all of the things she mentioned above are actually Koreans, and this online section is also something she just learned.

The sisters also learned this way. Jiang Yiyi was a kind-hearted girl. He helped Jessica cut a crack first, and then she cut a hole for A fan. All three completed the task in 8 minutes ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ I got three "bundled cables". Maybe when the Korean version is broadcast in Japan, other translations will be used, such as "Gangaowang", a common name without romantic ideas.

The task point at y is also three barrels tied with cents, but they are not only guarded by one hunter, but also three sets of laser nets.

Those who have watched "The Twelve Arhats" should remember that the Night Fox and the Twelve Arhats stole the crowned eggs. In a passionate dance music, the Night Fox crossed hundreds of laser nets with almost artistic movements. That scene It's really handsome.

Similar levels are used here. Each group has eight stationary lasers and one random laser that moves slowly.

If you break through a group, you can get a bucket. Once the body touches the laser, the hunter will release it instantly, and the speed-up team members will only be caught. Because they touch the mechanism, the room door will automatically lock immediately, leaving the speed-up team members. The time to break through the laser net is 120 seconds.

"This is the temptation! The temptation of greed!"

The five people gathered here one after another, no one took the lead, everyone could only watch the surveillance video and worry, muttering.

Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins!

"I'll come first!"

Chen Ou was the first to arrive here, and he quickly thought of several possibilities. He carefully observed the laser net. The first group was recently not too difficult, and 120 seconds was enough.

But when he just said this, South Korea ’s Li Xuan kept silent and pushed open the door, leaving Chen Ou stunned!

Chen Ou is very upset at this moment, so I blame myself for hesitating for a few seconds, I am afraid that this prop will be taken away by Li Xuanyi!

The moment the door closed, the 120-second countdown officially started! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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