The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 830: Shuai Leilei, you are enough! Two / five

On May 17, Red Maple, the Extreme Men just finished recording the summer sports album for the six, returned from the basketball court, and dragged their exhausted bodies back to the Enron Grand Theater to take a rest.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, they went to the cafeteria. The supper was ready for them. Yang An, who was the first to go to the private room, was sitting on the main seat and was watching the tablet. Say hello to guide Du.

Shabei asked with a smile: "Du Dao, you are a rare customer, and come to explore our extreme challenge class? What are you watching?"

Du Xiaolei deliberately sold Guanzi: "Good thing, teaching video of sunflower collection, Sha Sha want to come and learn?"

"I think about it!" Shabe solemnly said, "That, Yixing, has taught you this unparalleled set of martial arts skills for you!"

Zhang Yixing looked embarrassed. He was always bullied by Shabe during the show, but he never dared to resist ...

It was Yang An who helped to clear the siege: "This is something that opens your eyes. Come over and see." All members are accelerating "is about to air."

I learned that the first episode of "All in Acceleration" after Yang An's lead will be broadcast simultaneously in eight countries across Asia. Sun Honglei was also curious. They watched next to Yang An and looked stunned. Wow, it's amazing that all three views have been subverted.

"Japanese people have great taste, I really serve them!"

Yang An sighed softly. This is a screenshot of a late-night show on TV TOKYO. There is a naked man with a shirtless upper body, holding a girl in a piece of clothing, and the two of them laugh together. .

He stunned: "I don't know how to say these Japanese TV stations. They really thought that they could have a ratings bonus on" Accelerating All "without clothes?"

Du Xiaolei laughed: "Japanese people have this virtue. To be honest, there are only three programs for outdoor variety in Japan. The original version of" rf on the go "has the highest ratings. Now it is revised and promoted. The focus of tx's promotion is not to combat competitors. It ’s used to attract customers, win attention, and make gimmicks. So it ’s a bit vulgar for outsiders to engage in such show-offs at late-night stalls, but for them, this is regular publicity. ”

Huang Bo laughed lightly: "Making gimmicks and getting eyeballs, what kind of thing does our domestic companies do! What's the problem of" traffic congestion caused by mothers feeding on the street ", this is sow feeding on the road while laying down, By the window, is he really not a human? "This is a pair of flies admiring by the window! I promise that these players will come up with the show's shocking propaganda title in minutes."

Sun Honglei patted his chest and said, "You don't need to find a kid, just look for me! Handsome Lei Lei will most likely engage in online planning." 18 men and 6 women love and kill each other ". After two hours, men and women are exhausted and tired, "True Candid Photograph of Three Men and One Woman Opening the Door to Seduction", how about you? How do you say? "

Everyone laughed miserably, Sun Honglei was spoofing, but he said it was very reasonable. He didn't say anything wrong and couldn't refute it!

Turning a few pages back, Du Xiaolei introduced: "This is the publicity on Japan. Yahoo Japan is the largest portal site. They bought several pop-up windows and floating ads, which cost a lot. In addition, look here, the official website All updates and revisions have been added, adding four languages, covering all the top six countries and languages ​​in Asia. "

After Yang An looked at several website screenshots and statistics, Du Xiaolei turned to a group of photos, and he was free to zoom and view the details.

"Wow! The hands of the hunters and the informers!"

"The hunter looks very cute, not as fierce as rumors!"

"Very delicate dolls and stickers. Are they sold in China now?"

Everyone praised it, the Japanese were really good at it, and the little things they made made people very eager to buy.

"Yes, it's already sold."

Yang Andao: "My online store has started to distribute goods last week. I forgot to inform you of the promotion, but Tian Liang, Bao Chunlai and Zhen Ling have already propagated a wave of sales. It is said that the sales volume is not bad. It can sell thousands of goods a day. Set it up. "

Zhang Yixing especially liked this thing: "How much is a set? I also want to buy a few sets to give away."

By the way, Shabei handed over her mobile phone and opened exactly the Yang's online shop: "Yeah, a set of 2000 pieces, which is only a game of chess and a group of hunters, but it was imported from Japan and sold. So expensive? If you also add video games and block models, it's a few thousand dollars, Yixing, your income is not enough! "

Yang An laughed: "How can there be such an exaggeration, the block model is only 200 pieces, and only **** fans will buy it. But I am still looking forward to the cooperation with Sony, our ps4 will soon launch our" all members acceleration " "3D" somatosensory game with vr helmet induction, it will be fun by then! "

The development strength of the Japanese people is very powerful. Why did Yang An have to enter Japan and enter the Japanese entertainment industry, risking tearing with his peers, risking offending the giants, and willing to pay for copyright? I just want to get it. This ticket ~ ~ What is an "rf member running away", he still has dozens of large-scale variety shows, many of them have not been developed, or they are not selling well, because they lack a A complete system to operate this.

Now selling online at a high price, mainly because of having to import from Japan, wait for him to eat through that set of equipment and technology, adapt to the Japanese entertainment industry's practice, when the time comes to build a factory in the Mainland to handle these things, let alone cut costs by half, let alone say It can also increase influence.

Seeing the emotions of these friends, this one said, "Wow! 1,000 sets a day, wouldn't the turnover start at 2 million a day?"

The guy said, "Well, how easy is it to make money these days?"

Others said: "Entertainment is about the entire industry and all-round development! I am afraid that just selling program peripherals, recording fees and bonuses will be earned back."

Yang An didn't tell them too much about business. In fact, his friends wouldn't be interested. He knew that there would be such a result.

Now that Enron is getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more executives, he can do the variety show content by himself, the business is handed over to his wife and parents to manage, it is enough, the surgery industry has a specialization, he still concentrates on doing the show Take it easy.

Du Xiaolei explained that Shabei had set up drinks and drinks by the side and was ready to eat.

"The online and offline propaganda is all done, Du Dao, you have worked hard."

Yang An raised his beer and said, "Because of its special nature, this program can't be shot today. It will be broadcast tomorrow. The first episode took more than a month to be broadcast. It will also make Du Dao hard. Tomorrow, let us witness the miracle together. ,Cheers!"


Everyone drank this glass of wine together. To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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