The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 839: Will IU or Jessica?

Shabei is definitely one of the most chicken thieves. After he disbanded, he didn't leave the theater like other people, but walked directly inside. He followed vj to shoot the whole process. The invitation was also one of the highlights of the show.

He walked all the way, dialed all the way, and before turning into an empty office, he deliberately looked back at the others. He was secretly pleased that no one noticed him. He was the first person to start contacting. Xiaoying ".

"Xiaoying, something happened just now, and you accidentally hung up. Is it convenient for you to speak now?"

"Convenient. What's wrong with Teacher Sha?"

"Is there any arrangement for your girlhood on the Enron Culture Festival? Our extreme challenge team will sing on that day. I want to invite you to be my helpers!"

"Hey ... hehe, can we be Yang An's helper?"


10,000 Real Damage, and Critical Strike!

Shabe was covering her chest, heartbroken, this shameful face!

Also, how many people dream of being a boss's helper, not to mention Huang Xiaoying's husband is Li Dongze, she can be called a relative of Yang An, not to help her relatives, to help the outsider Shabei? Shabe scowled her head in annoyance, wondering how stupid she was, not even thinking about it?

"Teacher Sha ~ We may not have time. We have a national tour in January. I do n’t know how the company arranges it on the 18th. I ca n’t answer you."

"It's okay, it's okay ... you don't need to comfort me. Okay, goodbye!"

Hanging up the phone, Sabbe looked at the camera, sighed helplessly, and patted her leg: "Come on, the only big name group I know in the ballad world, just rejected me like that. Jump and sing, antno wave dyno wave dybut tempted ... "

Forget it, Shabei thought for a long time: "Who else can I look for? By the way, to be original, of course, please ask Teacher Liu Feng!"

He still had some friends in Zhongjing. It didn't take long for him to ask Liu Feng's phone. At this time, just after 10 am, Liu Feng should get up.

The call was connected, and Liu Feng's voice came: "Who?"

Shabei was immediately energized: "Is it Teacher Liu Feng? I'm Shabei! Shabei of extreme challenge!"

Of course Liu Feng knows: "Hello, hello, I hear your voice."

Shabei smiled and asked, "Mr. Liu, I'm recording the Extreme Challenge right now. I want to ask you something. On January 18, did you have time to record a Extreme Challenge on Hongfeng? Well, six of us want Come on stage pk original songs, I want to ask you one thing! "

Feng Feng was a little surprised, and asked cautiously, "How do you want me to help you?"

Shabei said, "Would you like to team with me? Let's create a song together, then go on stage and pk them down!"

Liu Feng haha ​​laughed: "I don't want to, you just give up now!"



Who can't hear the meaning of this statement? Even Liu Feng persuaded him to let it go. This is quite pessimistic!

Liu Feng's voice came out again: "Originally original, Yang An is so strong, it's useless to ask anyone for help. January 18 is the awards party for the first Enron Cultural Festival, right? At such an important time, he is absolutely impossible. Let the water go, of course, I suggest that you concede from the perspective of the game. If your goal is to compete for second place, there is still a little hope. "

Shabei hurriedly said: "Yang An has restrictions. He can only find newcomers to help, and the game is not just about singing and singing. It is a bit like the concert of 80,000 people in the stadium. He may not Dominate! "

Liu Feng thought for a while: "This way, then there will be a battle."

Shabe overjoyed: "Are you promised to team with me?"

Liu Feng laughed, "No one is looking for me except you!"

Shabei was like a child happily: "Thank you! Thank you, Mr. Liu! Are you at Zhongjing's house? I will fly to Zhongjing this afternoon to meet you. I have prepared all the extreme challenge solutions for this period, and I will bring them to you! You It ’s my savior. With your help, we will be able to kill all five of them! "

Liu Feng also smiled, and there was a little excitement in his heart. There were rules of the game to suppress Yang An. This was a real battle!

The helpers contacted by other men's members were also a little excited.

Normally, all of them are singers, composers, and mixed music circles. There are few opportunities to enter variety shows. At most, it is the type of music such as "I am a singer" and "Good Voice of China." "Challenge", everyone dare not think about it, then the fire show, the long-term ratings of 5 or more, and the music has almost nothing to do with the most important thing is that very few guests!

Now that I have the opportunity to be a guest, I still play the part of the song that I am best at. Who doesn't want to?

Sha Yi called his wife, and Hu Ke said immediately as soon as he heard this: "Are you recording the program? Come on, hurry back, we have paid for the ticket price of vj, we must make a good total of this, my side Help you connect people first! "

Sha Yi was moved and did not know what to say. He had such a good and such a capable wife. It was really a blessing from his last life.

No wonder Hu Ke is so solemn. How important is the Enron Cultural Festival on January 18 to Sha Yi? Needless to say, everyone knows that no matter whether Sha Yi might get a small award for variety show, at least his exposure is not small. The song and dance performance must be wonderful, which is related to the issue of fame and image, not to mention, the pairing help star is also an excellent opportunity to show up.

Not only did I have the opportunity to show my face on the day of the awards, there are still 100 days before today. Writing a song is not so simple. There are also revisions, rehearsals, and choreographers. These three months will definitely communicate many times ~ ~ Recorded several episodes, all this, the intelligent Huang Bo has guessed.

Huang Bo said to the phone: "This is definitely a long-term show, I dare to pack tickets! At least three episodes will be shown, two episodes are preliminary preparations, one episode of the awards ceremony that day, no matter if we don't win the prize, all are new songs. List, a great opportunity to increase visibility and visibility! "

The opposite responded quickly: "No problem, I agree."

Huang Bo was overjoyed: "I will come to you in the afternoon and hit the fly!"

Sun Honglei also agreed, and he also informed the company assistant that he flew to Zhongjing in the afternoon, and Huang Bo Ersha was a one-lay flight. I have to say that as a political and cultural center, at least half of the top domestic musicians in China In Zhongjing, 13 were in Hongfeng, and the rest were scattered all over the country.

The most tangled person was not Yang An, but Zhang Yixing.

He thought about it for a while, and said to the camera involuntarily, "Although I am a singer, I am not famous. They must find big-name musicians in this game. If I make a decision easily, I will probably lose ... ... "

"There is no requirement to find domestic musicians? In fact, I really want to ask Korean singers to help, such as u, I just don't know if u will appreciate his face ..."

"Jessica is also OK. She has approached our company recently, but I guess I can't touch them both ..."

"If only gd or the sun would help me ... Hey, am I daydreaming?"

"Well, that's annoying ... Who is it for?"


ps: Thank you "My name is Ziqiao" for the 10,000 reward. I recently changed it to chapter 2k. I'm sorry to say that it's a change. The main reason is that it's not easy to write. Friends of ~, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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