The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 844: On the verge of bankruptcy again

Sun Honglei waved with a big hand: "I went to Baodao to rehearse for you, or you simply lived in Hongfeng to create, and the extreme challenge bears all the costs!"

Chen Qizhen smiled: "I'll go back to Taipei. I need inspiration to create, and you want cheerful dance music. I have to go back to charge and ask my singer friends for advice."

Sun Honglei was happy: "So it's settled? Can you come here, Chunchun? How about dancing for me? I want you to be popular!"

"Let's talk about the situation ... hahaha ..."

Li Yuchun smiled and crooked on the sofa, and she even had no strength to refuse. It was funny, let her go to dance, don't make fun!

After the initial negotiation, Sun Honglei was rude in ktv, and started to sell cute and funny, vj set up the machine, Chen Qizhen and he held the microphone and began to sing love songs, which was also the audition.

The first song selected is the old song "Love Songs Between Mountains" from the 1980s, with a strong national style, telling the boys and girls of Huaichun, and they love each other with mountain songs.

"Amei like Bailing ~"

When Sun Honglei opened his mouth, Chen Qizhen covered his mouth and laughed, and then bowed his head and was speechless.

Li Yuchun and the agents hiding behind the camera laughed silently, one by one, they were really obedient to this Honglei brother, and the folk songs were so fresh and refined, no one else.


A girl like Lark

Brother, I'm so happy to see

Please come closer to me

We both laughed holding hands "

Sun Honglei closed his eyes and turned his neck. He didn't know how far the microphone was in his hand. He sang to the hi, and unconsciously the breakdancing movement came out again.

"Yeah yeah yeah"

This chaotic melody has made the loudest laughter in the entire private room, all laughed miserably!

It was Chen Qizhen ’s turn for the girls, but she lifted up the microphone, just spit out a word, and laughed at the field, covering her side of her mouth, sorry.

After finally taking a rest, she finally sang. The voice of a professional singer is different. Even the K song is also a lossless style. The strength is evident. Even the self-proclaimed Sun Honglei was surprised and kept applauding.

After singing this song frolicking, Chen Qizhen replaced it, and Sun Honglei was surprised: "Married? Isn't this Yang An's song?"

Chen Qizhen said: "Yes, let's try this style, I will go to the first paragraph first."

Chen Qizhen's voice is not too clear, but the treble is also good. There is a little woman's laziness in it. When she marries such a festive song, she sings a completely different taste, just like a happy bride Finally, I was able to spend time with my beloved man, and I felt a natural feeling, which reduced the expectation and coquettishness.

When it was Sun Honglei's turn to sing again, the contrast came out all at once.

"Yesterday's chic young man, today will become an adult ..."

Sun Honglei's voice was deliberately thickened, and the song was filled with pride.

"The chuckles that can't hide the corners are all expectations and fantasies ..."

Of course, I laughed, but this vocal is a bit like the vocal style of Takashima Li Zhongsheng.

In particular, the next sentence, "What does she look like, does she have a long hair and a warm and tolerant atrium?" This sentence is completely read out in Mandarin, watching Sun Honglei playing so hi, everyone is No choice but to smirk.

When the song was over, Chen Qizhen smirked and said, "Well ... how about singing" Marry "in the competition?"

Sun Honglei didn't do it: "No, no, this is definitely not my style. I want to sing that dance style. It's ... ohnono, it's a lonely bachelor party, as if no one wants to go and I just want to go ..."


Looking at Sun Honglei who was singing rap and dancing at the same time, everyone applauded, followed by clapping hands to beat the beat, Sun Honglei was still active, all kinds of coquettish moves were brought out, turning the private room into a personal show!

This is Yang An's song "tell". The male voice is all rap. The only female voice is sung by Rong Feifei, which is slightly **** and provocative. When she performed on the stage, Rong Feifei was surrounded by four handsome guys. That kind of pride, elegance, queen, laziness, and easy manipulation of men in the palm is completely wrong with Chen Qizhen!

Chen Qizhen couldn't help crying or laughing, she could not persuade Sun Honglei, she always wanted to persuade him to play some quiet music.

And Sun Honglei constantly emphasized that he wanted to dance music, fast-paced, and the type of dancing and singing, in order to play the biggest advantage.

The two sides are deadlocked, just like in love, they must spend time to break in, and there must always be a concession, two people can walk together, what song this pair will sing, even vj is quite looking forward to it, or it is the garbage of four dislikes, Or a classic song that upends everyone's imagination.


On October 27, it was the day of the broadcast of Extreme Challenge. The audience was accustomed to staying by the TV at this time of the week, watching the show with their families, laughing together, and watching six middle-aged men taking a break. , UU reading books coquettishly sell cute costumes and enjoy the joy they bring.

It's easy, it's pleasant, and you can laugh from end to end. Extreme Challenge has never disappointed.

However, the beginning of this issue turned out to be such a rude shooting venue, standing next to the company's front desk, and Yang An didn't even know today's theme!

"What the **** do you want?"

This is the first idea that came out of the audience's minds. Then, the daddy ’s lens came again. Everyone is familiar with the extreme challenge. Director Guo Hongyang is wearing Qiuyi and trousers, facing the cold wind, and directing a group of employees Do physical work outside, move cement, carry steel pipes, push bricks!

A line of subtitles slowly emerged: "The production team of" Extreme Challenge "was once again in an economic crisis, and the staff had to rely on selling physical energy, working to make money, and working hard to keep the program running ..."

Oh ha ha ha!

The audience laughed terribly!

Every time the production team turned black, it was the most funny and the most desolate atmosphere, and I do n’t know how they came up with so many wonderful reasons. Anyway, every time it was an almost deathly ending, and then posted a task to pit This bunch of stars.

But this time it was a little different. The audience saw Yang An received a mission card, which said the extreme challenge song contest, and immediately clamored, this is a bit tricky!

In the Extreme Challenge Ballad Contest, the six will join their famous singer friends to bring their own composed and sung songs to perform at the Enron Art Festival.

The venue of the competition will be set in the Red Maple Stadium. At that time, 40,000 spectators will be allowed to visit the venue, and the ballad contest and awards evening will be held simultaneously.

All the ticket revenue and record revenue will be donated to the Enron Charity Foundation, and by the way save the production team on the verge of bankruptcy ... To be continued. ... Friends who read books, you can search for "Blue Book" and you will find this site as soon as possible.

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