The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 849: Come on, hurt each other!

Shabe suddenly stood up and coughed twice: "Well, you guys are busy, I'll go first ..."


As soon as I saw this, I knew that Shabei hadn't said anything good. This time, not only did the other friends take the initiative to hold him away from him, even Liu Feng also held him, and forced to ask, "Xiaosha, you What's wrong with me behind my back? "

Mo Wen and others laughed and applauded, and saw Yang An holding the question board to help him announce: "Shabe said that Lao Liu was OK in all aspects, but the song was too old-fashioned ..."


The tears of laughter flowed out quickly, and everyone continued to applaud. Watching Liu Feng was severely hit, crying and laughing couldn't fight back: "You are also in your 40s, what kind of energy do you have to play? What little young?"

Shabei hadn't responded yet, Yang An said aloud, "Mr. Liu Feng's original words are, Shabei can't hold his breath, thinking about singing and jumping ..."

Before the words were over, the audience laughed.

This child, can't hold his breath ... This is the tone of the elders when they say that they are junior, and then think of the last sentence, "You are also in your 40s."

"Come on, hurt each other!"

This line of text added later on the screen, the audience all laughed miserably when they saw it!

No one ever thought that Liu Feng, who looked very old-fashioned, was so old-fashioned that he was so relaxed on the variety show. It really subverted the imagination of many audiences. The combination of him and Shabei was old-fashioned and funny. It turned out that such a strong spark was really a big surprise!

Seeing that Shabei kept apologizing on the screen, courting Liu Feng, Liu Feng was arrogant for a few seconds, and was laughed by everyone again. The audience was really happy. The extremely exciting scene was always a happy and funny atmosphere, quite happy.

Next, there was the performance of the two.

Liu Feng walked to the side of the piano and sat down. Shabei held the microphone and stood upright while holding the piano. The posture of the two made all the guests upset.

Yang An interrupted them and asked, "Brother Sha, haven't you talked carefully with Teacher Liu? We are going to have a concert at the 40,000 stadium. Are you planning to sing a love song?"

Mo Wen shook his head and said, "Lao Liu, you are also an old driver. The child Shabi can't hold his breath. Can you know that there is a big flaw in the love song?"

Liu Feng said: "Young people, you have to hone your mood, you are all big brothers, is it fun to jump around?"


Almost everyone said the same thing, and then laughed, but Sabe was very confident and said, "Don't look down on us, cut your ears and listen carefully!"

The hall was quiet, and there were external sound effects bgm outside the piano. The entire hall echoed the non-destructive sound produced by tens of millions of devices. Liu Feng also popped a beautiful melody at the same time. After a few bars, Shabei sang in love.


Are you looking down like me in the sun,

Sweating and working hard silently,

Are you like me even if you are left out?

Nor give up the life you want

... "

The melody of the main song is not complicated, and it sounds good. Sabay's treble is not bragging. He does have a level and sings very deliciously. Not only does everyone at the scene listen to it, even the audience in front of the TV. Following the silence in the lyrics and melody, the emotion cannot be extricated.

In the next short period, it was Liu Feng's turn to play and sing. He closed his eyes, focused on playing the piano, and sang affectionately.


Are you busy pursuing like me all day,

In pursuit of an unexpected tenderness,

Are you like I was at a loss,

Wandering across the streets one at a time

... "

Singing here, bgm continued, but Liu Feng stopped, the piano accompaniment stopped, and neither of them sang.

The expressions of all the people were almost the same. The camera turned the expressions of these guests into a set of small pictures, all of which were focused and suddenly awakened, like walking away in class and being named by the teacher.

Mo Wen asked, "What's up?"

Yang An said: "Sing the chorus at least once? You hang people in the air like this, you are very upset without your mind!"

Shabey rejected the offer: "Don't sing, if I finish singing, you will know my hole cards, I won't be fooled! Is it right, Teacher Liu?"

This time, Liu Feng was unexpectedly consistent, because the overall style of this song to the chorus part will become particularly warm, because this is an inspirational song, and it will have to sing a sense of generosity. If at this time the card is completely lifted, They were passive.

The effect of the show is of course the end. This is the last time to seduce the audience and cause everyone's curiosity. Yang An said: "Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy, and the simple piano accompaniment sings really well. I first heard this song How do the rest of you feel? Zhang Shaohan, what do you think? "

Zhang Shaohan covered his mouth and laughed, "I do feel that this song is as old as me ..."

Shabei called out immediately: "Look! Let me just say, the song is too old-fashioned, a strong last century style!"

No one expected Zhang Shaohan to make up the knife immediately: "It just fits your personality ~~"

The audience laughed ~ ~ Liu Feng who was sitting together was going to confront Shabe again, Yang An quickly made a siege: "Inspirational songs will not be out of date at any time, but I'm just curious that Sha students will Going inspirational, hey, isn't this what I do? "


Everyone applauded, and Shabe was speechless. He could only sit down and talk ruthlessly: "Thinking about that, I used the law for tens of millions of audiences and saved countless lost young people who lost themselves. A lot. People have regarded me as an idol, and I have been inspired ... Forget it, brave men do n’t mention bravery! ”

After laughing, Yang An guided everyone to comment on this song, let Mo Wen and Lu Xun give pointers, and finally pointed to the next group of players: "Below, let's listen to the love and killing between Brother Sun Honglei and Chen Qizhen ! "

Chen Qizhen covered her mouth and laughed, and Sun Honglei covered his face, ashamed to see people: "Please let go, please let go, really, all I said was a joke ..."

He didn't explain it. Fortunately, everyone explained it.

Yang An lived up to expectations, but deliberately sold a pass: "First say what Chen Qizhen wants to say to Sun Honglei. She said that Hong Leige dances well. If the singing function is further enhanced, he is a perfect man."

When Yang An read this sentence, Chen Qizhen covered her face with her hands, so ashamed to see anyone.

"Wow ~~~~"

"Perfect man?"

"Good evaluation!"

"It's really disturbing! Even Sun Honglei can be called the perfect man?"

All the guests were jealous of the jealousy. The extreme men helped all the friends scream unfairly. Sun Honglei's old face was rarely red to the neck. He stood up and walked in front of Chen Qizhen. He suddenly knelt down on one leg, holding her hand, and looked at it with affection. she was. (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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