The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 854: Even the masters are nervous

On Saturday, January 18th, Tiangong Zuomei was a very sunny winter day, with high sunshine and warm wind, and the temperature was around 10 degrees. This made the organizer Enron much easier, and yesterday it set up steel. She started preparing for the show early this morning and set the stage.

The Red Maple Stadium was built in a relatively remote development area of ​​the secondary city, but the traffic is very convenient. Metro Line 6 is open to traffic and there are four bus lines. Many spectators begin to line up in the morning. Some foreign spectators take high-speed rail, move cars, and even flights fly In order to participate in this rare grand carnival together.

The car ads for Metro Line 6 of the stop at Hongfeng Stadium were wrapped up by Enron Film and Entertainment Company, and all of them were changed to six people who challenged the limit, as well as the official promotional logo of Enron Art Festival. Challenges, ballad contests, and Enron Art Festival. The body of the car was printed with six men who loved and hated the extreme men's help and swept the city.

Today, the traffic police brigade is on duty 24 hours a day around the main road of the stadium. Many riot police vehicles are parked on the road to warn many visitors. It surprised many tourists who came from other places and thought something was happening.

The streets are so loud that there are gossip news in the alleys.

Watching a squad of riot police cars passing by, a passerby in a certain alley was stunned, a backpacker-like tourist enviously said, "Wow! How big is this Enron Art Festival?"

A fruit seller pushing a tricycle came over and explained proudly: "Brothers, you do n’t know? Enron, the top domestic variety entertainment provider, China's good voice, running man, extreme challenge, Yang An you Should you know? "

"Oh, oh, Ann, it ’s him ... heard of it! Did he have such a big influence?"

"Are you a foreigner? I tell you, the entire culture and entertainment industry of Hongfeng City, more than 70 of which are driven by him. The Red Maple Cultural Industry Park is built with Enron as the core, and the entire industrial park contributes every year. The direct GDP of 180 billion yuan has driven the city's related tertiary industry to exceed 800 billion yuan. Do you know how much GDP the entire Hongfeng City has throughout the year? "

"……How many?"

"1.5 trillion! The culture and entertainment industry accounts for more than 50! Just ask if you are afraid!"

"... Should be afraid ..."

"Ask you again, the largest entertainment center in the country has always been Zhongjing, right? Do you know what has changed in Hongfeng in the past ten years?"

"... Red Maple has become the nation's largest entertainment center?"

"Don't tell the big truth blindly, heard by the people of Zhongjing, you must not say that we are arrogant? Hahahaha! But I like your answer!"

"... Brother, can you put the knife down first? We have something to say ..."

"I sell fruit. Isn't it normal to take a knife? Ask you again, what is it all about?"

"... Because Yang An ... brother, don't be excited, don't wave your hand, I'm on the road, I'm really on the road ..."

"Well, it's so good to cooperate so early, come, see if you are a foreigner, buy a little fruit and support the Red Maple gdp!"

Similar to this kind of dialogue in the alley, I do n’t know how many today, but also made a lot of laughing and laughing things. For the whole people, even the hawkers selling fruit are poor enough to say, whether it ’s a joke or not. words.

Before noon, the long line outside the Red Maple Stadium stretched 1000 meters away. Many people sat on the floor. Many volunteers in vests helped maintain order and clean up. These volunteers were from various universities in Red Maple. Recruiting here is also a rare part-time job experience. Everyone is very active, dedicated, and the audience in the queue does not complain too much.

At 10 in the morning, all participating teams finally arrived, and stood at the square outside the stadium to record the program.

The background of the lens is the main building of the Red Maple Stadium, as well as huge extreme challenge mascots and advertising signs. There are also staff and security walking around in the lens. This scene is very similar to the practice of taking pictures at scenic spots when traveling, but it is grounded .

"thanks for watch……"

"Extreme challenge!"

Twenty people stood in a row, and the extreme challenge was so deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone. Everyone learned their slogans and gestures, and they were doing action together.

After applauding, Yang An said with a smile: "Today is Saturday, and the evening is the award ceremony of the first Enron Art Festival, and the first ballad contest of our extreme challenge. The program is still recorded. After all, the live broadcast cannot be comprehensive Show our handsome appearance, cool dance steps, beautiful singing voice. In addition, we also need ps beauty time for one night. We also need to polish and repair the sound or something. In case of a live performance, we still May need to make up shots ... "


The presence was mostly the dual status of singer and actor. They all laughed and applauded hard. Yang An was so daring to say that he would dare to be black, ps beauty would not say it, repairing the voice was talking about some singers live. The strength is sparse, and the microdermabrasion is a crude production of some TV drama works ~ ~ It is dark and beautiful!

"Well, let's talk about something serious, Brother Jiansha, are you handsome?"

Yang An pointed at Shabei. Everyone looked at her. Her hair was that kind of wig with a mushroom head. Qi Liu Hai was wearing black-frame glasses. She was wearing a very old oversized down jacket with her hem reaching her knees.

Everyone was laughing, Liu Feng was holding his forehead, couldn't bear to look directly, and trembled with a smile, and asked, "Yang An, can I change positions? I really don't want to stand beside him. The lens is too ugly!"


In the laughter, everyone around Shabe flickered away, leaving him alone to stand there, dominating the entire scene.

Yang An laughed: "Don't shrink your neck! If you shrink again, you won't be able to see the whole person, you will only see a down jacket! What about your face? Big face! Hahaha ..."

Seeing Yang An stretch out a palm, covering Shabe's face with a narrow neck, it really covered all his skin, everyone squatted down with a smile, really a big face!

Shabei protested: "I tell you, don't be convinced, this song I sing is called" My future is not a dream ". Don't look at me like a silky look now, but wait for me to find a chance to take off, I initiate I'm so scared of it! "

Yang An laughed and said, "Okay, we're waiting to see the moment when you are soaring! Why do you look a little wrong with the red wolf?"

Huang Xiao felt a little black eyes, embarrassed, "Everyone didn't rest well last night, a little too excited, and fell asleep at dawn."

Yang An was curious: "Too excited?"

Huang Bo added: "To be precise, it is too nervous ..." (To be continued ...)

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