The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 856: Great pressure from rehearsal

100 million exaggerated a bit, a lot of expensive fixed equipment can not be removed from the Enron Grand Theater, and indoor and outdoor equipment are two specifications, here need high-power equipment, the price is not so exaggerated, at most Forty or fifty million things.

But this is enough. The grade of audio equipment has surpassed most of the professional performing arts companies in the country. Even the Red Wolf can't help but step on the stage and play with the equipment in the band area. Huang Xiao is impulsive and wants to borrow The equipment here is playing live and singing a few of their own songs.

Substantial investment made all six teams feel the pressure is increasing sharply.

Especially the vocal bands. They were little rookies a year ago. The biggest stage was to compete on the pedestrian street and participated in some music festivals, but the scale and grade were basically compared to the current song contest, which is almost pinky and rough. Thigh difference.

Seeing the tension of her partners, Yang An took the initiative to walk over and held these young people, soothing: "There is nothing to be nervous about. As the sole host, I still have to run through the whole process. Take it easy, I know you are preparing for this game day and night. How many times have you rehearsed in the past three months? Have you been 500 times? "

"Official rehearsals have been sung 1354 times, and other personal skills exercises and modifications are countless."

The answer given by the captain surprised Yang An!

He only took out and released the songs in November. The time left for the voice band to prepare was less than three months, and the details were modified five or six times in the middle, which is equivalent to their formal rehearsal 15 times a day, basically all the time. It ’s all used in musical thinking. This spirit really has to be served!

Yang An held their hands firmly and moved: "What are you still worried about after rehearsing more than 1,000 times? Do you have this persistence and are you afraid you will not succeed? Believe me, you will become famous after the battle tonight ! "

With Yang An's approval, everyone was very excited, and finally joined hands and shouted, "One, two, three, come on!"

The other teams are also encouraging themselves. In the morning, they are familiar with the venue and debugging the audio. Each group must go up and feel, so that the audio engineer remembers their habits and preferences and communicates with the staff.

After noon, rest a little, the rehearsal begins.

Each team only has a half-hour rehearsal time. The staff set up a temporary stage in the golden position in the center of the stage. Others sat here waiting for preparation. Only one group could go up at a time.

The first group, "Zhang Taizhi" band, the three stood on the stage, the sun directed the dance team position, Zhang Yixing communicated with the staff, gd holding a microphone, shouting one, o, three, listening carefully to the audition When I felt satisfied with the results, I signaled ok.

The others sat and watched from the stage, drinking water, playing with mobile phones, taking pictures, chatting, without any nervousness.

This is the first song contest, many people have no experience, until gd shouts ok, the scene is quiet, and the moment the song is released, the faces of the lively crowd are changed!

The shocking music seemed to explode near the ear, the heart was trembling with fierce drum sounds, and the sound was surprisingly good. The feeling of being surrounded by music made everyone immersed in it and couldn't help themselves.

The most important thing is that the song is good, the rhythm is super strong, the rap is exciting, the melody of the sun is so heartbreaking, and the dance is beautiful. Zhang Yixing today is the protagonist standing among the three, not only singing well, dancing It's better to jump and look better than the previous draw.

Everyone was helpless and dumbfounded, the song was just half sung, and everyone couldn't sit still.

Zhang Shaohan looked at Sha Yi a little at a loss, Sha Yi rolled his eyes, pretending to be calm.

Huang Bo and Huang Xiao looked at each other, expressionless, solemn.

Chen Qizhen bit her lower lip and did not speak. Sun Honglei leaned on the railing, looked down at the stage, grinned her teeth, didn't know what she wanted to say, and maintained this action for a long time.

Behind Yang An, the five members of the Voice Band nervously bit their fingernails or wiped their sweat.

Shabei and Liu Feng are even more exaggerated. Liu Feng is wearing a peaked cap, leaning on the seat and raising his head. He doesn't know what he wants to say. Shabei holds Yang An's arm and keeps pointing and painting, saying loudly. What is it.

I can't sit still, everyone sees the live performance of "ohygod" like a needle.

This has not added visual effects, flames, salutes, dry ice spray, bright lights only at night, and gd and the sun basically did not use all their energy to dance, a lot of cooperation has not yet been made.

This is the first song at the beginning. How can other people live?

gd said thank you aloud on the stage, and dragged the director for a rehearsal video. There was more than ten minutes left for them, and they simply discussed on the stage.

I do n’t even know how to say it. I ’m a new sprayer ~ ~ How can I spray it? Nowhere to talk!

Yang An waved his hand: "See? Zhang Yixing danced and danced very well. This song fully shows his advantages. Gd and Sun are also idol singers who sing and dance well. They choose k-pop style dance music. It ’s so appropriate. If we do n’t want to lose, take the time to think about countermeasures, the pressure is great! ”

"It's a meeting!"

"Think of something, you can't admit it at the beginning!"

"Everyone cheer!"

The others laughed unnaturally, and while the three of Zhang Taizhi did not step down, they quickly discussed.

Huang Xiao convened the team, pulled Huang Bo, and said cautiously, "We are the second player to play, and the pressure is great. I think we should fine-tune it and strengthen the interaction ..."

Yang An sat with the Harmony Band, and he suddenly smiled: "Why are you sweating on your foreheads?"

The captain smiled bitterly: "Not only on the head, but also sweaty hands ..."

Yang Andao: "The red wolves who came to power on the 2nd are the most nervous, okay? I know you are nervous, but you can't lose the desire to win because your opponents are the red wolves, Liu Feng, Quan Zhilong. Yeah, you should think about it, we still have no room for improvement. At this time, the more stressful you are, the faster you can grow up! "

The captain wiped his sweat: "I see, we try!"

The performance of the vocal band is very poor, but it is understandable that the three on the stage are the most popular idol singers in South Korea. Compared with them, the gap in all aspects is quite large.

In fact, other famous singers are not easy, and they feel a lot of pressure. Everyone is traveling together. This is a ballad contest. If they do n’t go all out, or even play it abnormally, they will be scolded by fans after the broadcast.

In the second group, the Red Wolf and Huang Bo played. (To be continued ...)

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