The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 861: Best newcomer

The last is Jia Jingwen. Her voice is also very high. Blue Ocean TV ’s mothers are human, and the ratings are very satisfactory. This is an original masterpiece rarely seen outside Enron. Although it is a derivative work of the Mengwa series, but With her own new idea, Jia Jingwen was the most eye-catching protagonist in the first season of the show. This time, she was the main force to challenge the Enron series on behalf of Blue Ocean TV. network

With a lot of attention, gd finally read the answer, smiled slightly, and said, word by word, "Jiang, Yi, Yi!"


In the corner of the guest area of ​​the audience, several people waved their fists and roared excitedly. They were all Jiang Yiyi's relatives and friends. Jiang father Jiang mother shed tears in excitement, holding her head and crying in a ball, Guan Yu and Jiang Yiyi hug The little girl chuckled and was pushed to the stage by the people next to her. She couldn't find the road, and laughed at the audience.

At the same time, cheers came from the mountains, the music sounded, and the cute and dressed Jiang Yiyi appeared in the beam of the stage lights, which caused the audience to cheer loudly.

So cute this kid!

The person is beautiful and lovely, the temperament is good, the character is even better, the influence of all members plus China has expanded to the whole of Asia, and many stars from China, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia have cooperated with her, and all praise and satisfaction for her. Her international journey is getting smoother and smoother, and she has already had the shadow of sacrifice. Today's award has made her a no.1 among the domestic female stars.

Next, the sun revealed the male star, Zhang Yixing was blindfolded and couldn't bear to look straight. He laughed so much that he was puzzled. The audience was too curious to know if he won the prize.

There was no smile on Xinyue's face. His cheeks were shaking, and it seemed that his teeth were almost bitten. His family, friends, brothers and brothers were all around to encourage him. Let ’s go through it. Yes, he has gone through two seasons, his acting skills are more mature, his artistic sense is more funny, and he is an indispensable soul figure in the team.

Xin Yue is very embarrassed. Although he still has the aura of comedy comic cross championship, the extreme challenge is a phenomenal masterpiece, which is too scary. He looked at the two opponents and could only smile with a bitter heart.

Huang Bo is also a bit nervous. In the first season where Dad went, he was a loving father who especially loved his daughter, but after appearing in the extreme challenge, the audience seemed to forget his good dad's image. Instead, the image of "bad uncle" was deeply rooted in the hearts of people. He could Kill a **** path in the extreme challenge six, and show his unique personal charm, everything is inseparable from his own efforts.

He knew that if he could n’t get the newcomer award after being nominated this year, he would only be able to fight with the elderly in the next session. So many excellent variety artists, Hu Ge, Peng Yuyan, Tian Liang, Zhang Yishan, Shabei, Lao Cui, and Yang An, if it is his turn to Huang Bo, I am afraid it will take many years. If he can beat Sun Honglei in the team, he feels a little overwhelmed.

Everyone knows that in Yang An's style, it is absolutely impossible to set up too many awards. One award is given to seven or eight people, so the award of Enron Art Festival must be a high gold award.

Not only was Xin Yue unsuccessful, Huang Bo was also unwilling to lose the newcomer award. He was preparing to sing in the background, closed his eyes and prayed, and Huang Xiao was holding his hand to encourage him.

In a nervous Bgm, the sun said, "The-best-man-ishuangbo!"


Xin Yue felt that the power accumulated in her whole body was emptied, and the whole person's mind was blank. Fortunately, she still maintained a supportive posture, otherwise she would definitely fall down.

He missed the best opportunity, not to blame others, because Huang Bo is also excellent, he is just bad luck.

Huang Bo's side has become an ocean of joy. The companions of the extreme challenge show their fists in the lounge, yell out loud, cheer for him, and the Red Wolf band rushes together, beats him, and pats him hard. Back.

Huang Bo came out from the background. He has won the film emperor and won many film and television awards, but today is of great significance. Here is the world of variety shows. He won the best newcomer award. All this is thanks to Yang An. Coupled with the crazy stone that reborn him, Yang An can be said to be a noble person in his life!

After taking office, Huang Bo waved to the audience, kissed him, and then the first one to embrace was Yang An.

He tried hard to hide, hiding his head out of the camera, and thanked him, "Brother, thank you!"

Yang An patted his back, tilted his head slightly, and whispered, "This is the result of your hard work and you deserve it. Celebrate it!"

An effort and a deserved sentence made Huang Bo almost cry.

When it comes to hard work, no one is as hard as Yang An, that is, Yang An is taking a good lead and making everyone else dare not relax. He has broken his own bottleneck many times. He can reach the level today, and he really participates. Extreme challenges never thought of before!

Huang Boli restrained her emotions and shook hands with others ~ ~ Thanks, and finally stood with Jiang Yiyi.

In a rumble, Zhang Taizhi bowed together, waving his hands to say goodbye to the audience.

After Huang Bo and Jiang Yiyi got the trophy, both of them were very excited. Jiang Yiyi had never received such a heavy award. The mood was a bit wrong. Fortunately, Huang Bo saw and helped to make a clearance.

He smiled and said, "I won't show my gentleman today, who calls me a bad uncle?"

The whole wings laughed, and then there was applause. The atmosphere became very easy to make an appointment. Jiang Yiyi quietly hid behind Huang Bo and wiped the tears in the corner of his eyes.

Huang Bo continued to express his feelings: "Actually, I played where my dad went two years ago, but now I won the award as an extreme challenge. I am very grateful for the judges' preference for me. Yue Yue, do n’t you blame my brother, my new age? "

Xin Yue also laughed, swinging his hands together. He joined the comedian to win the championship three years ago!

Huang Bo looked around again: "Oh, Yixing is down, I wo n’t apologize, hey, the next extreme challenge, I ’m not bullying him! But then again, less than a year , The little sheep has become a hanging raccoon, whoever bullies may not be! "

噫 ~~~~

There were light boos and laughter around, Zhang Yixing's growth was obvious to all, and sometimes Huang Bo himself fell into the pit dug by Zhang Yixing and couldn't get up.

Huang Bo thanked a group of people in the show group and finally said emotionally: "Finally, I want to say a few words to my family. Participating in the extreme challenge is the most correct thing I have ever done in my life, and I get you no complaints. The support of regret is the happiest thing in my life. I will always uphold this responsibility and love, not only to my family who loves me, but also to audiences who love extreme challenges, I will take it seriously and responsibly. Work, treat family, I will always love you! "(To be continued.)

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