The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 870: Society needs positive energy

When the piano sounded, the stage lights turned on.

Because of the visual effects of the LEDs and the lights on the stage, the entire stage presented a strange illusion. It felt as if everyone on the stage appeared in a movie, and the venue was a real cross street.

Liu Feng was sitting by the grand piano and playing. Shabe was wearing his big down jacket. Pedestrians walking around him, men with briefcases, modern girls, passers-by on bicycles.

In this busy street, Shabey raised his microphone and sang the song sincerely: "Are you looking down like me in the sun, sweating and working hard? Are you like me, even if you are indifferent, don't give up The life I want "

Followed by Liu Feng, the audience sang along with them.

This is a very inspirational song. In the revealed preview, it ranks third in the "Balloon Contest Netizens' Expectation Chart". This main song has also been sung by countless people, all waiting to hear the entire day. .

When Liu Feng finished singing his main song, Shabei took off the old down jacket, which was a fitted suit, which immediately highlighted his temperament, like the ugly scum turned into a white swan.

"Because I don't care what others say,

I never forget me,

Commitment to yourself, attachment to love.

I know my future is not a dream,

I spend every minute seriously.

My future is not a dream,

My heart moved with hope,

Follow the hope! "

When Shabey finished singing the chorus, many audiences were moved.

Shabei's singing is high and loud. He sings very emotionally. Everyone sees that an ordinary person has changed a little bit, runs for his dreams, keeps working hard, lives well, cherishes every minute of himself, A person smiles, and his songs are filled with an indescribable touch, full of positive energy, making the fans impressed.

Today's society just needs positive energy. As a high-profile public figure, star entertainers must cleanse themselves and set a good example.

Shabei and Liu Feng, who sing my future are not dreams. They are both excellent stars. They influence everyone with the most inspirational songs and bring hope and strength to everyone.

In addition, extreme challenges, run brothers, great challenges, where is my dad? Many variety shows in Enron are good programs with positive energy, bringing countless impressions and laughter to the audience. This is why these stars are loved by the audience. The most important reason!

At this time, everyone in the Red Maple Stadium sang along with the singing.

The running men repeatedly shouldered each other and sang "I know my future is not a dream".

The star detectives all sang "I spend every minute seriously" with a light stick.

There are four groups of extreme challenge members in the lounge, all of them are shaking their heads, beat, and sing "My heart moves with hope".

In the audience, many emotional fans lost their tears, and this song sang to the hearts of many people.

Some viewers are hard-working salesmen. They do n’t know how many times they have eaten behind closed doors, how many white eyes they have, and how many times they have been rejected. They have to stay with their hearts and always show their smiles, and tears can only be swallowed into their stomachs.

Some audiences were construction workers at the construction site. They worked hard for the city and worked hard in the sun. They could n’t afford the house they built, even the smallest one, but they persisted and worked hard. Life is getting better and better. With both hands to create wealth, the dream is finally realized.

When this inspirational song was over, the audience burst into warm applause. Many audiences applauded in tears and applauded Shabei and Liu Feng, who bowed for a long time, and thanked them for bringing this song that touched their hearts.

Shabei received a stack of envelopes from the staff and said with a microphone, "The last song was brought by Yang An. He is preparing in the background. Now the stage is hosted by me. Teacher Liu, I want to interview you What do you think about the creation of this song? "

Liu Fengdao: "I have been a good judge in China for eight years. During this period, I have seen too many, too dazed Yan. They tried hard to sing on the stage, sang hard, and tried their best to show their skills and talents, and then I look forward to a few of our mentors turning around. Every time I turn around, I notice the joy in their eyes. It seems to be shining brightly. I know that it is called dream. The road of singing is difficult to walk. It is the dream that supports them. To this point. "

Shabe laughed: "Ms. Huang Xiao likes it this way. After every turn, he asks," What dream do you have? Tell your story! "

Hearing this imitation, all laugh, the tone, movement, and expression are really like Huang Xiao. The lens gave Huang Xiao a big aggressive close-up. The awkward expression made the whole bowel sound three points ~ www. ~ Liu Feng nodded: "So I really want to write such a song, let everyone know that our future is not a dream!"

Shabei said: "It ’s like this, if people have no dreams, what is the difference between salted fish? So we brought this song, hope everyone has dreams in their hearts, and work hard for dreams, cherish every minute of us, Live better!"

What is the difference between people without dreams and salted fish? This sentence is so good, many people smile and give the two people the warmest applause.

The director's prompt came from the headset, and Shabei and Liu Feng won the prize.

Sabbe looked at the reminder card outside the envelope and suddenly hesitated, and said, "The director asked me to win this award. I am the best male artist, I"

He got stuck and couldn't go on. The cheers in the gym were getting louder and louder. Almost everyone thought that the award was Yang An, which is not controversial.

But Shabe raised his hand, motioned everyone to stop, and said with a smile: "So I decided not to present the award, how about waiting for Yang An to finish singing, and let him present the award in person?"

"it is good!"

The 40,000 spectators shouted in unison, and then laughed and asked Yang An to present the award himself. The mockery was really interesting, and it would definitely bring a lot of jokes.

On the stage, Shabei had already said this, and it became a reality. The director was not good at forcing him to give the award. He could only remind him to say something more interesting and allow time for the backstage layout.

A few minutes later, the band area was set up. The vocal band ’s buzzers took the guitar bass and stood nervously in the band area waiting. Shabe and Liu Feng, who were hosting on the side of the stage, received tips and applauded to the side. And applaud the audience.

Sabe raised the volume and said, "Below, welcome to Yang An and the vocal band‘ Beyond ’, to bring the song Han Sky!”

[Remember the website three five Chinese website]

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