The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 888: Rowing Fourteen National Rowing Team

Before Yang An had time to answer, Guo Hongyang came to report and Sun Honglei also heard some details. eΔ *

Yang An smiled and patted Sun Honglei's arm and said, "Brother Hong Lei, you have to work a little bit more tonight, first record the process of inviting stars. Guide Guo also said, training depends on the situation, wait for Guo to export I'll talk about it later. "

Sun Honglei nodded and left following the director, preparing to shoot alone.

After Yang An arranged for someone to send off Xu, everyone was about to disperse.

At this time, Shabei came over with her mobile phone and laughed nonstop: "It was Xiao Yueyue again, he must be in a hurry ..."

Yang An couldn't stop laughing: "Tell him to prepare and audition in a few days!"

Because the first month has not yet passed, many stars are really not good at scheduling a unified schedule, and the following night overtime recording, Sun Honglei finally invited ten stars, but the first training session was scheduled a week later.

Since they agreed to participate in the extreme challenge, these stars have received a physical training program sent by coach Xu. Before the training, they must train themselves every day, use iatch records, and upload daily sports data to coach Xu, so no one dares to be lazy.

The extreme challenge is fast in production. The rowing special 1 was produced in only one day and one night. Red Maple TV urgently replaced this week's broadcast content with special 1 and broadcast it on time and on time. The trailer was started five days in advance. .

The official website updates the news in a timely manner. At the same time, some details have been revealed on the Internet by fans of Hongfeng Sports University. Audiences all over the country are curious. How can the extreme men help sports this time? Seems to have something to do with rowing?


The training base for the Chinese women's rowing national team is located in the Qingshan Lake Sports Training Center in Zhongjing.

This is the training ground for the national team of water sports. There are six categories, 50 small events, more than 300 athletes, plus staff and logistics. There are a total of 1,000 people. Every day, training here is booming.

Because it is still during the first month, the Qingshan Lake is frozen and the water surface has not yet thawed. The athletes can only practice indoors.

For the rowing team, it is mainly based on ergometer training. The equipment of the national team is much higher than that of the Red Maple Big Rowing Club. The dynamometer of the eight-person boat is arranged in a vertical row. The rails are connected, not much different from real rowing.

The 18-year-old Zhang Meng is 1.81 meters tall and weighs 65 kilograms. She is the main force of the women's eight-man rudder national rowing team in the 8th position and the captain. Drinking with a water bottle.

The teammates behind them also got off the boat and took a break. They just finished their two-hour daily training and finally could breathe.


The coach's whistle sounded, Zhang Meng was a little upset, what happened? What can be said from the coach's "devil mother" is definitely not a good thing, it must be training, training, and training again!

The other girls were also exhausted, and stood a little in a row, ready to wait for bad news.

"Devil's Mom" ​​is their coach Judy, the gold medalist of the women's four-handed rowing in the Beijing Olympics, and a legend in the Chinese rowing industry. This year is less than 3o years old.

Judy looked at the eight players and was sighing. In the same year, the rowing team won the gold medal, and before the world famous, they also collided with their own coach, complained, resentful, and resisted.

Now the girls are repeating her own old path. She sees her own shadow from them. She understands her team members and her old coach. It feels very strange.

For example, now Judy knows exactly what the girls need. She said, "I'll gather here after dinner today, but I don't need training. I watch TV today!"

Zhang Meng widened her eyes and couldn't believe it: "Watching TV today?"

The other girls were also stunned. This is an order that never appeared. Watching TV in the training hall. Is it to watch the world-class rowing competition?

Judy smiled: "Okay, I'm not going to tease you, it's to watch the extreme challenge together. Today they are going to broadcast a special rowing special, which is just related to our profession!"

"What? Extreme challenge?"

"Special Rowing? What does it mean, Coach Zhu! Tell us!"

"Isn't it! Extreme men help them race in rowing?"

"my dream man"

"Male gods also play rowing hahaha"

The girls were so happy that they were so happy that they all gathered around and let coach Zhu say a little more.

Several other members of the rowing team also heard the news. Judy looked at his watch. It was 4:30 in the afternoon. After discussing with several other coaches, he took out the loudspeaker and notified all the team members to gather.

There are many athletes on the rowing side. There are eight categories. There are sixteen events for men and women. There are dozens of athletes, basically all of them.

Zhu Di explained on behalf of the coaching team: "Today ’s training program before 5:30 is over. Everyone will eat, wash, and come here before 7:45. We will broadcast the extreme challenge. Today ’s program is rowing. Do n’t shout, do n’t be noisy, listen to me first ... ”

Below, the little girls and boys are all excited. In order to concentrate on training, the training base has no network. They hardly know what happened to the outside world. When I heard that the extreme challenge was to be a rowing race, that was an idol! The hottest variety show in the country! Who can sit young?

Judy managed to calm everyone down and continued: "This extreme challenge to participate in the rowing competition is in response to the call of the General Administration of Sport of China. They plan to participate in this year's Asian Games men's eight-handed single-blade rudder competition ... Li, that's your group, you will play with the extreme challenge team in the qualifier! "

"Oh my god!"

"I want to compete with idols?"

"No, Brother Yang, they really want to participate in the Asian Games?"

"Are you right?"

"Coach! Coach! What's going on?"

"Happiness came so suddenly, they are going to participate in an eight-person scull?"

All members of the men's eight team stood up, and the captain Wan Li was excited and incoherent. The envy and jealousy of the other project teams were all words.

Zhu Di introduced: "Today I'll give you a break and show you how the Extreme Men Gang is working hard. If you don't work hard enough, you may be ashamed at the Asian Games before they may get good results. Now! Okay, what ’s so good about watching TV, dismissing below! "

Dozens of people were in a hurry, and who still had the heart to train, all hurried back to the dormitory to wash and eat, preparing for a visual dinner at night!

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