The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 903: Can Rowing Twenty-nine Fight Without Success?

In the early morning of the next day, the two elders of the Zhang family went out to rush to the early market to buy fresh vegetables. This is a lifestyle that has been developed for many years.

On the community square, several neighborhoods saw it and greeted them loudly.

"Oh, old Zhang, I watched the extreme challenge last night. Your family, Zhang Yishan, can be very successful!"

"Okay, Kosugi's participation in the Asian Games, this is a great glory!"

"Your old Zhang's family is a mighty man!"

Being so complimented by everyone, my mother was bubbling in her heart, but her face was smiling subtlely.

Lao Zhang even waved his hands with a smile, and said modestly: "Where and where, the kids know how to play and mess around. You talk about it, you don't do a variety show well, and a whole bunch of amateurs go to what Asian Games! You wo n’t lose even your pants? It will be a shame! ”

A fast-mouthed aunt clapping her palms and yelled, "Lao Zhang, you are too humble. Who doesn't know that the extreme challenge is a professional team? With Yang An leading the team, how can they be ashamed?"

"That's it! They dare to compete with professional athletes, this courage is worthy of praise!"

Another aunt asked: "What about Kosugi's child? Is he still training in Hongfeng?"

My mother distressed: "He trained in rowing for four days in Hongfeng last week. He came back last night. He was tired and fell down. He was sleeping at home at this time. The child was too hard."

The crowd nodded immediately: "It's hard! The rowing is too tired."

"Hundreds of millions of people are watching them. All of Asia is waiting to watch their games. It must be stressful ..."

"It's not easy! Extreme Men is too desperate ..."

"Not desperately, can they be so successful?"

"Yo, isn't that Kosugi?"

A group of people were sighing and found that Zhang Yishan ran over in sportswear. Lao Zhang quickly stopped him and asked him to say hello to the neighbors.

Zhang Yishan was very obedient, shouting uncle and uncle aunt, uncle and aunt politely, and then resigned, and continued to run in the morning.

Looking at the back of his departure, almost everyone praised this moment: "This child, how ambitious was it before, now it is really exciting!"

"Too diligent! If only my grandson could have half a sensible child, I only know how to play games every day, and my house is almost moldy!"

"Xiaoshan's acting skills are good, motivated, and working hard. I heard that 9 million men will not perform on the 2nd, just to participate in the extreme challenge, isn't it Zhang?"

The old Zhang modestly said: "Oh, what's 9 million, that thing has passed, let alone, let's go ahead and look forward to a better future, right?"

"You can do it!"

"Hmm ... Lao Zhang, you two are happy!"

"Having a good son!"

"Just hold another grandson next year, haha!"

The next one came together and pulled Lao Zhang to wink. "Lou Lao Zhang, I know a boss who opened a furniture city with billions of assets. His daughter is 25 years old, tall, handsome, and straight, and you Zhang Yishan is a perfect match ... How about? It happened that Xiaoshan was at home today, I would like to make an appointment and have a meal together at noon? Haha! Is that so? "

The community laughed and laughed. The old couple became the core surrounded by the crowd. They laughed brightly and were ecstatic by the public.

Although all of this was spelled out by Zhang Yishan, the oldest person in Zhang's heart who wanted to thank was Yang An. The invitation five years ago changed Zhang Yishan's life and changed the life of their family!

[If there were no running men invited by Yang An, maybe Zhang Yishan was just a second-rate or third-rate actor? Lao Zhang thought with relief.

Zhang Yishan's life has changed because of this, Yang An's life seems to be the same, maybe because he has brought too many miracles, is it strange?

Early in the morning, Yang An drove to work and sent her children to school by the way.

A small accident with two cars rear-ends occurred at the gate of the residential area. The two drivers strangled each other and gave way to the noise in the early morning, blocking other owners.

The people living in this community are either rich or expensive, and some people dare not move. Even the security guards can't advise it. Many people at work are forced to change their travel methods.

Yang An's car was stuck in the middle of the traffic flow, and he got out of the dilemma. He simply got out of the car, carrying his two schoolbags, and handed the car keys to the community security: "Xiao Li, if you get through the road, please help me Just park the car back in the garage and leave the keys in the car. "

The security guard Li was only in his early 20s, and was a **** fan of Yang An. Of course, he promised: "You brother Yang, please rest assured, wrap me, Xiaoyin, Xiaole, how are you!"

"Good morning, uncle!"

How cute and cute the two children are, Qi Qi's sweet voice yells, making Xiao Li feel like eating ginseng fruit, and Mei's body has 36,000 pores open.

Yang An laughed: "Okay, let's run to school today!"

The three ran out to the gate of the community, and many neighbors greeted them along the way, very kind.

"Yang brother is exercising again? Come on running!"

"Take good care of yourself and fight for the gold medal in the Asian Games!"

"Xiaoyin cheer up ~ You see my brother runs faster than you"

Passing by the door of the accident, several neighbors who watched the mediation saw it and quickly pulled Yang An over: "Yang Yang, Yang Yang, you can also help me to persuade them to disperse quickly. What's old blocking at the door of the community?"

Yang An had no choice but to go. The rear car rear-ended and the lampshades of both cars broke. The front car said that the speed of the rear car was too fast. The rear car said that the front car suddenly braked. Both were million-dollar luxury cars. The loss is at most tens of thousands, mainly because the young people are vindictive and do not give up each other. This still happens at the gate of the community. Because they do n’t dare to do anything, if they are outside, it is estimated to be a fight.

"What a big deal! With your worth, is this money? Oh, how can you be so angry? You look at me, I'm an old age, I've been kicked by a duck, and I'm forced to go to what Asian Games, I'm angry. ?"

Yang An joked, others nearby quickly agreed: "Look, your quarrel blocked the road and forced Yang Geer to run to send the child to school."

"It's okay ~ ~ others saw it and said that I was preparing for the Asian Games, this reputation is not bad!"


People all around laughed, Xiaoyin and Xiaole were hugged by the two neighbours, and Meng Meng was cute and terrible.

The atmosphere finally eased down, there were big stars to come forward and adjust, and everyone was a person with a head and a face. The two young people decided to give Yang An a face, and eventually boarded the car and left each other.

The road passed, and Yang An didn't want to drive anymore. He really carried his schoolbag and took his children to trot all the way to school.

This kind of grounding approach has made him gain a lot of people ’s favor. Passers-by and citizens have encouraged him to cheer, and they have accompanied him to accompany them. Yesterday ’s extreme challenge has been seen by many people. The official establishment of the team means that there is no turning back for the bow. Their participation in the Asian Games is inevitable. Everyone is looking forward to seeing them get good results.

At the gate of the school, Yang An stopped and handed the schoolbag to the two children, letting them in.

But the two children stopped him.

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