The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 916: The grand occasion of the year

Huang Qinian looked at these players, the former captain of the rowing team of Tsinghua University, Zhang Xingyu, the helmsman Song Guoqiang, the No. 8 motive, Liu Lei, and others. Everybody has made a lot of changes in the past ten years. The only constant is A love of rowing. ?

Now that the two sides are sitting in two piles, Yang An is the host, and he asked the captain Zhang Xingyu curiously, "How did Xingyu join the Tsinghua University rowing team then?"

Zhang Xingyu was embarrassed to pull out his head: "I'm a sportsman, I played basketball very well in high school. In the Tsinghua Winter Camp selection, I applied for a basketball major. When I finished the test, coach Li Ronghua came over and called me To test the sports indicators of rowing. I did n’t understand it at the time, what? Rowing? I thought it was a motor boat, and I went with a joy in my heart. I still think about it, motor boat is also a Tsinghua project? No problem, As long as I can go to Tsinghua, playing basketball and motorboating are the same thing ... So I was successfully accepted by the rowing profession ... "


The audience applauded and laughed. Several people laughed awry. It turned out that there were such hidden things that I had never heard of before. It was so funny.

Huang Qinian fell into the memory and said with a smile, "Coach Li Ronghua is my deputy, and she did so as a last resort! When we took over the Tsinghua University rowing team, we lost to the previous match just to Peking University, we are anxious I set up a new team and got results quickly. However, I was struggling with no suitable candidates. I had to choose from the outstanding candidates who applied for Tsinghua University. I remember that your first batch of players were all 19o tall, or big men with 19o arms. , Most of them are basketball students! "

"Almost all!"

"Tsinghua's highest group of students was us."

"At the time, there were people who thought we were Tsinghua modeling professionals, haha!"

Everyone else laughed. It is true that half of the members are people who like to play basketball. It was helpless to be fooled into a rowing profession by Keng Meng.

Yang An asked again: "For the first time you participated in a rowing match between the two schools, do you remember the lively scene at that time?"

This question evoked the memories of everyone, all of them talked eloquently, and finally gave the captain Zhang Xingyu a summary reply.

Zhang Xingyu said with a little excitement: "The game was so lively at that time, the Internet was just unveiled at that time. As soon as the game day was determined, our Mizuki Tsinghua BBs, as well as their Peking University, all started to stir fry a week in advance! The school ’s school newspaper, daily radio, library, cafeteria, forest, and campus are full of propaganda slogans for the Beiqing Centennial Rowing Competition. The scale is really huge ... ”

Something born more than ten years ago seemed to be yesterday. The 2o-year-old rowing team members were so impressed that they sat on the rowing boat of the Kunyu River, holding paddles, and quietly waiting for orders. They wanted to win glory for the school. Earn honors and prove that you are the strongest team.

On the day of the game, the river was sparkling, the breeze was blowing, the sun was excellent, and the sky was blue and green. The cheerleaders of the two teams were packed with dozens of school buses to help out. Hoops, wearing uniform short sleeves, waving school flags and shouting slogans, the most beautiful girls on the shore cheered and cheered them up, making them 2o-year-old bloody!

The track area of ​​two kilometers along the coast is full of public spectators who heard the news, along with speed boats, helicopters hovering in the air, CCTV sent a working group to record the entire process, hundreds of media reporters chased the interview, the flashing lights kept Audiences across the country are watching them. These are the two best universities in China for rowing pk, just like Cambridge and Oxford!

What a wonderful time!

What a pure game!

The rowing boat carrying their dreams!

In the roaring shouts, they are like flying arrows, riding the waves on the river!


Remembrances are always happy, but after they always face reality, that is endless emptiness.

After communicating with the extreme challenge rowing team, the former rowing team members of Tsinghua University have been much relaxed, and there is a tricky entrustment, hoping that future generations will help themselves complete their dreams.

After finishing the indoor recording, Yang An introduced, "This is the Kunyuhe Party and Masses Activity Center. Since it is here, let's go out for a walk!"

Today, it was raining in Zhongjing, and everyone was holding an umbrella. They went on a field trip to the Kunyu River near the community center. After hard work, everyone came to a bus on the side of the road.

Yang An smiled: "Today everyone is invited, not only to remember the past, but also to look forward to the future. Please get in the car, let's go to a place together!"

Huang Qinian and his team members were both blinded by the drums. They didn't know what to do but they just got on the car blindly.

The directors also did not remind them. Until the bus got high and headed straight for Qingshan Lake, the captain Zhang Xingyu remembered and exclaimed: "This is going to the National Rowing Team Training Center?"

That's right, the Beijing Jingshan Lake Sports Training Center and the home of the National Rowing Team are located here. Zhang Xingyu and his team are very excited. Huang Qinian is even more disturbed. The closer he is to Qingshan Lake, the more hesitant.

"Guide Yang, let's just go like this, isn't it okay? It's a bad name ..."

Song Guoqiang is a thin man. He used to be a helmsman. After graduation, he changed jobs, worked as a salesman in a sporting goods company, and slowly climbed to the position of the manager of a branch.

Yang An asked with a smile: "What's wrong? Everyone is traveling!"

Song Guoqiang chuckled and smiled: "You can barely be considered as a colleague now ~ ~ but we have been out of this industry for a few years."

Yang An disagreed and pulled Zhang Xingyu and said, "What's out of this field? Zhang Xingyu also explained on CCTV Sports Channel. In the past few years in the Beijing Olympics, the rowing team won the championship. He knows how excited he was then. How exaggerated? "

The listener laughed, and Shabei had the loudest voice: "He and Teacher Huang Jianxiang shouted about the great Italy! They shouted!"

Zhang Xingyu was a little embarrassed: "Oh, I was really excited at that time. Who is not excited about the first Olympic gold medal of the Chinese rowing team? We ca n’t get it for a lifetime, and we can see that our fellow citizens will get it. That ’s great. of!"

Yang Andao: "Look, Zhang Xingyu is serving as a sports commentator, and Liu Lei is still coaching at the rowing and sailing club on Erhai Lake, Qingdao, and a few of you. Although you are no longer doing rowing, you still work with sports. Related! What ’s embarrassing to go? I say, the coaches of the individual competitions of the current national team are many of your juniors! You seniors went to visit the juniors, and they are well-justified! "8

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