The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 919: Forty-five rowing you are the best!

The extreme challenge team is in a particularly good shape today. They encountered the strongest opponents ever. The national team is more serious than the University of Melbourne and Yale's rowing team, which makes them feel tremendous pressure.

After 1000 meters, although the team members can't see where the left national team went, the helmsman Shabe is very clear. The national team is about 50 meters ahead, which is the distance between the two hulls. This is acceptable. the result of!

The Tsinghua team on the other side still bite them. They rely on skills to reach this level and fight for strength. They are definitely not as good as the extreme challenge team!

"Come on! Long stroke! Long stroke!"

He Jiong roared, his body continued to pulsate forward with the rhythm. Nine people in the rowing almost did the same thing. Long stroke is to deepen the paddle draft, and to deepen the legs, the distance is the most exhausting. , The action with the greatest force.

1000 meters is a hurdle, and the national team cannot always keep moving at a high speed. The Tsinghua team is even more tired. The extreme challenge throws off the hull of the Tsinghua team. They are more confident!

In the middle of the team, Yang An growled: "Keep! Hold! Hold! Hold!"

His voice forced the other seven people to dare not slack off, even if their legs were too tired to cramp, they had to grit their teeth and paddle hard to follow the rhythm.

The extreme challenge sprinted for the second time at 500 meters, rushed to 750 meters to relax, and then accumulated 400 meters of physical strength to 1150 meters. It is to take advantage of the surprise attack of the national team when it is level, can you catch up?

The third sprint was 150 meters and reached the position of 1300 meters. The extreme challenge boat had touched the stern of the national team. The distance between them was not even half of the hull.

What about Tsinghua University rowing team? They were thrown out of the three hulls!

Everyone cheered up, this was a miracle they had never thought of!

However, rowing is about strength. Under the suppression of absolute strength, the national team slowly increased its speed at 1500 meters at its own pace, and once again pushed the exhausted extreme challenge team away.

He Jiong could only watch the national team get farther and farther. He couldn't sprint, he couldn't do it.

The helmsman is the captain on the field who knows the players best. He judges the physical exhaustion of the team by feeling the thrust from the back. Now the extreme challenge team has no energy.

Starting, 500-meter acceleration, 1100-meter sprint, 1800-meter sprint, these are the only four acceleration opportunities for the extreme challenge rowing team. This is a tactic arranged according to their own conditions and will not basically change easily.

Now just catching up with the national team, they must be in a flat state, otherwise 1800 meters will not be able to sprint, and now they cannot be impulsive!

The Tsinghua University team also gradually caught up behind him. He Jiong was so anxious that he didn't dare to show half a minute. He could only desperately shout: "Very good! Keep it! 1500 meters passed! Hold on for 30 seconds! Rhythm! Rhythm! Come on! "

Shabei and Wu Jing's faces were all water. I don't know whether it was rain mist or transpiration sweat mist on their heads. Brother Sun Honglei looked like he was going to die. His eyes could kill people and stared at Wu Jing's back.

In the middle, Sha Yi's face was pale, Yang An kept shouting and insisting, and further behind, He Jiong couldn't see clearly, the environment was extremely bad!

"The 200-meter sprint speeds up! One! Two! One! Two!"

He Jiong's throat was already shouting, and Sababe stared at him. It was a determined look. It seemed to be saying that I could. He Jiong's brain was shocked. When the team's first accelerated sprint, his rear vest realized With huge propulsion, he came up with a crazy idea, they can challenge the high-speed frequency of 35 times a minute and even more!

"Accelerate! Accelerate!"

All three teams are crazy, all fighting for themselves!

Coach Xu on the speedboat held a loudspeaker wrapped in a waterproof plastic cloth, holding a stopwatch. He only cared about the extreme challenge team: "There is the last 100 meters! Hold on! Don't give up!"

do not give up!

The rowing team of Tsinghua University came to the end. They really rushed into the game without preparation. They were unable to paddle. Only faith supports them and they must not give up!

The extreme challenge team was forced to its maximum potential. The high-speed stroke of 35 times a minute is the biggest weapon for sprinting. They feel that the body is no longer their own. They are purely supported by perseverance, their eyes are congested, and their vision is almost blurred.

But the national team is still the first to cross the line!

The absolute suppression of strength made them easily shake off the extreme challenge team even with a load, especially in the last 500 meters sprint. The national team did not show mercy. The captain bet his dignity and forced the team members to use their best. Rowing Such as flying, the sprint speed even reaches a terrifying frequency of 40 times a minute!

"Over the line!"

He Jiong almost cried out and called out the order. He didn't want the brothers to plan again. He was really distressed by the brothers. This is really not a human job!

Sure enough ~ ~ Just stopped, Sha Yi, Zhang Yixing, and even Zhang Yishan all started to vomit instantly, while Shabei, Wu Jing, Sun Honglei, Huang Bo, and Yang An all bent down and bowed, tired. Nothing, like a dead body, let the rowing boat float on the water.

During the whole game, Dunchao covered her mouth, mixed with rain and tears on her face, shaking her body, and shouted silently: "I really want to replace them! Let me suffer this! I am willing to fight alongside them ! "

Coach Xu was also really shocked. In such bad weather, they actually achieved an inverse result of 6 minutes and 28 seconds. Is this really a group of amateur stars? This is even comparable to their sports professional team!

"You guys are doing great! Really good! Hard work everyone!"

Coach Xu instructed the speedboat to sail. After so many years of rowing coaching, this group of players who really worked hard and who were fake paddling, he can see at a glance, he looked at the exhausted team members up close, everyone They didn't relax, they tried their best, because the body couldn't lie.

The situation on the national team is not much better. They did not take care of anyone's feelings during the weight training. They were also tired and did not want to move, but they were used to it. Each training is better than life. Challenge the limit to keep improving!

The worse performance was the Tsinghua University rowing team. At this time, members of the team had cramps. The medium-sized rescue boat drove over in an emergency.

"Are we doing OK?"

After Yang An recovered his strength, the first sentence he said to coach Xu was this.

Everyone else has seen it, and I really want to hear praise and affirmation from the coach's mouth.

Coach Xu proudly gave two thumbs up, showing the happiest smile in the past six months: "You are the best!"

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