The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 934: Great extreme challenge!

At the 8th position, Sabine's retina is almost congested. He is exhausted and can hardly see anything. He can only hear He Jiong roaring in front of him, counting down the number of oars. He believes He Jiong very much, only 10 times. For the last 10 times, he will surely persist!

Wu Jing opened his mouth and squinted his teeth. He couldn't even growl. He wanted to put all his physical energy on his legs and hands. As long as 10 paddles, he could achieve the task!

Sun Honglei and Sha Yi were able to complete the course with a paddle frequency of more than 35 paddles. They have already killed them. This is the biggest killer hidden by everyone and the only reason they can survive to this day. Their physical strength is stronger than the outside estimates. !!

But he was too tired to fight, and even Yang An was exhausted. He only knew that he believed in the team, his brothers, and that everyone could fight 120% of the power!

Extreme challenge, never give up!

The audience on the shore cheered. The voices of more than 20,000 people were mixed, and they could not hear anyone calling and cheering.

At 100 meters, 5 paddles broke through this distance. The final sprint speed was much faster than the voyage. Such a high paddle frequency made the rowing boat truly a warship flying on the water.


"The Chinese team is over!"


"Second Korean team!"


The third, fourth, and fifth cross the line almost at the same time, and it is not even clear who comes first!

The host Li Jun looked at the big screen, and the national team's flag produced by the computer floated on the waterway. He even saw the team logo that made him unforgettable forever. He exclaimed with excitement: "Extreme challenge! Extreme challenge! Their third place ! "

Zhang Jianpeng stood up involuntarily: "Unbelievable! Third place! They got the medal!"

Li Jun really shouted like a heartbreaker: "The fourth place Indian team is 0.1 seconds behind the extreme challenge! The fifth place Japan team is 0.2 seconds behind! The extreme challenge 5 minutes and 51 seconds won the Asian Games bronze medal! They won the bronze medal! Incredible The extreme challenge! The great extreme challenge! Such an achievement has never been achieved by such an amateur rowing team! This is a miracle! This is the spirit of extreme challenge in China! "

The host in the live broadcast room was roaring like crazy, and the audience who watched TV burst out with the same shout, shaking with excitement and rushing into the head with blood!

"It's a bunker!"

"Third place!"

"Bronze medal! They got the bronze medal!"

"You are super god!"

"I said, I want to cry with excitement!"

"I admire you so much!"

Countless viewers lost their minds instantly, and many people at work and work suddenly shouted, scaring colleagues around, but more often in a quiet office, several people suddenly shouted Yes. It turned out that everyone was paying attention to this. Entry contest!

On Hongfeng ’s multiple subways, fists are waving everywhere to celebrate with strangers. Most of the city ’s public areas with broadcasts are broadcasting CCTV audio. Everyone heard the extreme challenge and got third place. They were happy for them from the bottom of their hearts, even in public, and shouted in excitement.

On the LED screens of some street squares, the extreme challenge came in third. People in the square cheered and jumped, embracing them just looking for someone, excited and wondering what to do.

The tens of thousands of spectators at the scene were boiling. The big screen was the final crossover ranking. The first Chinese team was 5 minutes and 37 seconds, the second Korean team was 5 minutes and 49 seconds, and the third place was a challenge of 5 minutes and 51 seconds. Challenge to beat Japan and India with a slight advantage of 0.1 second!

Extreme men helped create a miracle!

They successfully broke through their limits and won the Asian Games Medal!

Back at the arena, only the helmsman He Jiong could see the large screen of the dock. Regardless of the danger, he stood up from the helmsman's position, clenched his fists, and bent over and yelled at everyone: "Third! We took the third We succeeded! "

The tired and nearly collapsed eight people still wondered why Jiong was comforting them. They either supported the boat with their hands and panted, or threw the oars and lay down.

But He Jiong cried out louder and louder, and more and more audiences shouted for the ultimate challenge on the shore, and they gradually realized that this was true!

Yang An, who was weak all over, turned his head back hard. Through the blurred eyes, he saw all the rankings listed on the LED. He tried hard to distinguish for a long time. He really saw the name of the extreme challenge in the third place, and his eyes surged instantly. With tears, choking, "We ... really the third ..."

Several assault boats came around, and shore coach Xu shouted holding a loudspeaker: "Third! Extreme challenge third! You are heroes! You are heroes!"

After breathing out, everyone cried curiously. The monitoring channel was full of choking voices from different people. The 40-year-old man was crying like a child, and he was grieved, which made all the staff in the extreme challenge fall. Tears, none of the little directors did not cry. Regardless of the eyes of the people around them, they hugged each other, shouted, and let go of tears.

Shabei lay down and gasped, his chest was violently undulating, and his tears were streaming down. Wu Jing held his head sobbing and wept, tears raging, both of them were heroes and the hero of the team's victory!

Sun Honglei and Sha Yi are nauseating again. Two old and frail people can persist to this step without dropping the chain. They are also heroes and heroes who have broken the limit!

Huang Bo cried so ugly and ugly. Where did Zhang Yixing see that he was an idol, Zhang Yishan raised his arm to wipe the tears, and the skin couldn't wipe the tears that came out clean!

They have never been so tired, so grieved, but so happy ~ ~ The kind of happiness that finally paid off is filled with their chests. They shed tears, wept loudly, and their tears It's sweet, they are all heroes!

And Yang An, the sponsor of the rowing project, and the soul of the team. If he did not set an example and control the overall situation in the past nine months, the extreme challenge team would definitely not get today ’s achievements. He is also a hero!

Yang An was struggling to stand up and celebrate, but just got up, the rowing boat was shaking, and his legs were already weak, and his legs softened, and his body fell straight down and fell into the water.

The Extreme Challenge was toppled, everyone fell into the water, and then came out again, holding the rower to wipe his face and cry.

Too hard, too hard. This is an unprecedented hardship in the entertainment industry. No program has reached such high-intensity sports training!

They were tortured for nine months, suffered countless injuries, flowed endless sweat, endured countless pressures, and finally persisted to this moment of blooming!

Coach Xu desperately squeezed the blockade line of the armed police team and jumped into the water in his clothes. He wanted to celebrate the hard-won victory with the team members. This is the glory they deserve and the most they have surrendered. Good answer!

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