The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 936: Chinese spirit!

The Japanese team lost 0.2 seconds and failed to get a medal. The Japanese people are still very restrained. The word "regret" is used a lot.

As for India, which lost 0.1 seconds, this typical sports weak country will not say. The three largest Hindi newspapers in India did not even send a related newsletter. Just as the Asian Games did not exist, rowing was not. Take it seriously.

For India with a population of 1.1 billion, it is impossible to find a few talented people in sports. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it took 60 years to participate in the Olympic Games and won a gold medal. The only one who won the gold medal was named a national hero. Congratulations, medals are very, very important to them!

Therefore, losing 0.1 seconds to them is really like eating a dead fly, and it is disgusting!

It is they who have taken off the oars, who can blame them? Not only can they blame them! Hitting the water dog is a favorite thing for every team. The third brother can only hit his teeth and swallow it in the stomach, silently tearing, eating their curry, watching the extreme challenge team take away an Asian Games medal that originally belonged to them. .

Besides South Korea, in the absolute gap of power, it is impossible for them to catch up with the Chinese national team. They were satisfied with the silver medal of men's eight men.

And because of the good relations with the Korean entertainment star company, the Korean media still gave a very high evaluation of the extreme challenge rowing team, saying that they are "one of the rare strong teams in Asia", and the effort to make a flattering increase!

As for Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, Southeast Asia, the reputation of "Extreme Challenge" gradually covered these places, and its influence has become greater and greater.

In an office in Zhongjing, a middle-aged man grabbed the newspaper violently, shredded it into pieces, and slammed it into the trash bin.

He gasped violently and yelled, "What! Go to the B station to broadcast live! Do your uncle Li Jun! I am at odds with you!"

This man was scolding Li Jun, but Li Jun was laughing proudly with the newspaper of the day: "Hahaha! Zhu Qiaolin, Zhu Qiaolin, if you want to arrogantly in front of me, I will choke you with this newspaper!" [A famous sports commentator vowed to eat live on the Internet] Hahaha, "Sports Weekly", I really like you so much! Give you 100 likes! "

This news has been published in many newspapers in the sports industry. All of them are gloating. Everyone is happy to beat the water dog. Just like the painful team at the time, everyone is very happy together. Anyone who despises the extreme challenge will pay the price. !!

Throughout the day, Yang An's phone number never stopped, all congratulations. Calls from all over the world were all friends he made when he was recording the show. Even Pei Yeah heard the news. A lot of them, Yang An laughed and worked with Beye for a while, and invited him to join a wild variety show like "Law of the Jungle" when he was free.

At noon, the 15-minute "Sports Newsletter" broadcasted a public statement from the leader of the State General Administration of Sports. Director Song Wanli and Deputy Director Wang Qiulin praised the extreme challenge rowing team and praised their hard work and hard work. Used a word to describe the Chinese spirit!

The audience watching the news while having lunch was shocked. Is this too high-pitched?

"Chinese spirit? This is enough fame!"

"Too praised?"

"Fortunately, the domestic entertainment industry is also active in the extreme men's gang and running men's family."

"These words are absolutely responsible for the extreme challenge! No problem!"

"There is really nothing wrong with it, but you can shoot it out. The General Administration of Sports has given a vain honor hat. This is to set the ultimate challenge on fire!"

There has been a lot of discussion on the Internet. Some are happy for Yang An, and some are pessimists. They think it is the intention of the General Administration of Sports.

The most incredible thing is that at night, the national leader who participated in the opening ceremony of the Asian Games also publicly sent a congratulatory message to the "Extreme Challenge" program group, congratulations, the original text was read out in the news webcast!

National shock!

Turned out to be praised by national leaders!

Also on the news webcast!

No variety show has ever been valued to this extent!

Fans of the Extreme Challenge show are happy, and ordinary people who do n’t watch variety shows are shocked. They wait until 8 o'clock to tune in to Red Maple TV to watch the “Extreme Challenge Rowing Special 8” broadcast.

The famous mousse cafe on Hongfeng Cultural Street. Many customers who seek style and elegance like to relax here, or order the most famous Australian steak steak set here, and enjoy the gourmet with honey hazelnut sauce, or I just ate some staple foods in other places, switched to coffee here, chatted with two or three friends, and relaxed wholeheartedly.

At the table near the window, there are a pair of young men and women. The men look tall and handsome, the legs are long, and they are particularly thin. With Korean hairstyles, their facial features look a little feminine, much like some fresh meat idols on the screen now. .

Although the girls sitting across the street are not amazingly beautiful, in the eyes of countless waiters, this is a rare natural beauty with a tall body. From the outfit to the sitting posture, they have all been deliberately cultivated and look very He has a temperament and looks good with this boy, at least the waiter thinks so.

At this moment, the man was lingering and talking incessantly, while the girl lowered her head slightly, her eyes fluttered, and she inadvertently scanned the watch on her wrist, and gradually became impatient.

"Xiaoyi, my brother in Hawaii has already contacted us. When he went there, he was in charge of the reception, food, drink, and one-stop service. Really, my brother is the rich second generation of immigrants ~ ~ If you do n’t lack money, you can play! Hawaii is really beautiful. Sun, beach, surfing, diving, and all kinds of delicious seafood ... How do you like to go next week? Passport will be available in 1 day It can be done ... "

The man was talking in a frown, and was getting up, suddenly interrupted by Wang Xiaoyi.

Wang Xiaoyi said coldly, "Chen He, there is no need to be so troublesome. I don't want to go to Hawaii. I think ... we still don't want to meet in the future, we are not suitable."

Chen He froze and barely squeezed a smile: "Everyone who knows us says we are a pair ... Don't you believe? Waiter!"

The waiter who just passed by was stopped and smiled and said, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

Chen He pointed to himself: "Do I and this lady look like a couple?"

Good-looking men and women sitting together are really good, but the boys are very enthusiastic and the girls are very cold. The waiters can only sneer and dare not answer.

Wang Xiaoyi frowned directly: "The more you do this, the more boring I feel. OK, here it is today!"

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