The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 941: Pretend not to be reversed

Guo Hongyang pointed to a line 4 meters away and said, "After I shout 'start', someone who knows the answer will immediately come over and press the answering device. If the answer is correct, the guest will be given priority. If the answer is wrong, or it is grabbed in advance Those who run fouls need to return back, and they can't move for a round of freezing. Do you understand the meaning? "

Everyone knows that there are penalties for wrong answers or preemptive answers. This is fair, because the first one may not answer correctly, and can give a hint to those who did not grab it later.

At the beginning of the game, Guo Hongyang asked: "In traditional Chinese weddings, various details are determined through the form of documents. What are the names of the three most important documents? Start!"


Six people rushed forward without thinking. Yang An, who was standing in the middle, had the shortest distance and the most agile movement. He ran and pulled Shabei and Sun Honglei beside him. Laughing.


"Who! Still pulling!"

"Relying on strength, pushing people!"

"It's so hate, bullying us old guys can't run?"

Everyone disdain, Sun Honglei also provoked: "Come on, this opportunity is for you to talk about, what three documents?"

Yang An laughed: "The first is a letter of appointment! That's what the next letter of appointment means. It's used when making a relationship, right?"

"Everyone knows this!"

The five brothers urged, "What about the second?"

Yang An laughed: "The second book is a gift book! Marriage is a major event for both families. It is a combination of the two families. The names, types, and quantities of gifts between the two parties must be listed clearly. The White-browed Eagle in" Tian Tian Yi Long Ji " The gifts Wang gave to his son-in-law Zhang Cuishan were several carts and more than 200 kinds of gifts, including the four treasures of the study, pearl agate, divine sword, gold and silver money. . This letter is actually a ritual book. Did you think of this bridge? "

"Wait, wait!"

The bridge does exist in the novel, but everyone is confused. Huang Bo asks: "How did this gift list become a gift from the woman?"

Yang An grinned and forcibly explained: "Zhang Cuishan is a poor aunt, and he ca n’t give it back. If he is also a rich man, there must be a lot of gift money! Besides, there was also the idea of ​​equality between men and women in the past. Actually both men and women have to write! "

Everyone wanted to refute, but they didn't know what to say. Yang An's explanation was quite satisfactory. It was not easy to pick. The staff and the two couples next to each other covered their mouths and laughed. Feel funny.

"The third, hehe, is the document that the groom brought with him on the day of the wedding and the bride, called a wedding book! A paper wedding book and a paper wedding book said that! Only by issuing a wedding book, this marriage was recognized by the society! "

Yang An talked endlessly, and looked at the stunned brothers: "How? Can you accept it? I'm versatile, right?"

"What do you serve?"

"I suspect you're talking nonsense."

"What did the referee say?"

Of course they were not convinced, Guo Hongyang commented in a timely manner, and smiled: "Answer ... wrong! Everyone is back!"

a bolt from the blue!

Yang An is stupid. Is this actually wrong?


How could it be wrong?

He planned to get married to his cousin Li Dongze that year, and considered a traditional Chinese wedding to marry a Korean daughter-in-law. He also went back to his hometown in Hong'an and asked his grandmother to learn a lot of old traditions. He finally gave up because the process was too complicated. But generally remember, how could it be wrong?


"Look at you like this!"

"Haha, my stomach hurts with a smile ... It's wrong to say so much ..."

Everyone fell into the ground and laughed at it, this example of pretending to be veiled is really funny!

Yang An was really aggrieved, honestly returned to the starting line and asked, "Where am I wrong?"

Guo Hongyang laughed: "Someone answered correctly, you will know. Next, Yang An freezes for a round. Let's fight for the answering device again ... begin!"


Five people fight for me, pull, and finally get grabbed by Sha Yi. The price paid is that the clothes were torn and a mouth was torn, so that everyone else couldn't stand up quickly, and the bride and groom model next to him were covering up. Mouth laughed and couldn't stand the violence of the Extreme Men Gang.

Sha Yi didn't care, and said proudly: "The appointment letter and the gift book are right, but on the day of the wedding, the man brought not the wedding book but the welcome book!"

Wedding book? Welcome book? Just a word difference?

Yang An's eyes popped out, because Guo Hongyang laughed: "Sha Yi answered correctly!"


Sha Yi was so happy that she danced, leaving others with big eyes and small eyes, and stared pitifully at Yang An. When she saw the annoyed Yang An, she could n’t laugh or cry ~ ~ Yang An protested: "Also Isn't that right? Isn't wedding book and welcome book the same? "

Sha Yi laughed: "Wrong is wrong, go back and consult with a professor of folklore to see if they are one thing."

Guo Hongyang explained: "A marriage book can be understood as a marriage certificate. It contains the eight birthday characters of the man and the woman, the introducer, the witness, the name of the loved one, etc. The welcome book is similar to the itinerary. What you want to do, where you want to go, welcome relatives and unacceptable guests, etc., all actions must be based on the content of the welcome book. "

So many rules? Everyone listened, Sun Honglei said with emotion: "It was not easy to get married in ancient times!"

Huang Bo laughed: "In fact, in which age, marriage is a big thing. People only do this once in a lifetime, of course, we must pay attention to it!"

Willing to lose, Yang An said: "Okay, the first question is barely Sha Yi wins! You choose the guests!"

Sha Yi also proudly said: "Win is win, what is it to force me to win? Haha ~~ Who do I choose? Wow ~~ Wow ~~ Can anyone choose? There are too many, dazzling! "

Guo Hongyang laughed: "Whether you can invite us depends on your own ability. Of course, if you can't invite others, others can't find him again."

Curious, Sha Yi asked casually, "Why?"

Yang An patted his shoulder: "That's to protect your poor self-esteem, stupid person. If you can't invite me, but I'm here, does it prove that I am handsome than you?"

Sha Yi responded very quickly, blinking as he pleased, and bumped Yang An's shoulder: "You are better than me."

"Cut ~~~~"

A group of people booed and let Sha Yi choose quickly.

"Well, I choose her!"

Sha Yi pointed at a name and shouted.

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