The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 944: Without morals, anything is possible!

Huang Bo grabbed his ears and scratched his head, trying to be in a hurry, trying to say: "It seems that I just forgot to say that before the bed is made by the lady, the woman should send someone to make the bed, and the woman who makes the bed should have both good fortune and good health. Okay, like divorced, widowed, and people with chronic diseases are not allowed! After laying the bed and then put red dates longan, let the little boy roll the bed and so on, I forgot to say this! But In modern society, according to all simplistic thoughts, it is mostly the man's girlfriends and relatives who make the bed, which is also the result of the development of the times. I know so much about the fastest updates. If this is not correct, I will give in!

Yang An and Sun Honglei glanced at each other. The two were a Southerner and a Northerner. Although the customs of their hometown were indeed made by the man, Huang Bo said it was reasonable and it seemed that there was such a custom. They had to be sincere. clothes.

Guo Hongyang also laughed and declared right!


Huang Bo proudly shook his fist without hesitation: "I'm welcome! I choose Yao Beina!"

"it is good!"

"Yao Beina is good!"

"Yes, Huang Bo, do you have a good vision!"

People around were applauding, Huang Bo expressed his thanks again and again, and asked Yang An: "Yang Brother, can I sing" sugar "with Yao Beina at the wedding?"

Yang An laughed and said, "Sing as you want to sing, I won't charge you. Just so many blessed songs, why do you choose this song?"

Huang Bo said: "Of course the meaning of this song is good! In Western-style weddings, the bride has a back to many girlfriends and bridesmaids, throwing flowers backwards for girlfriends to compete, right? Who receives the flowers thrown by the bride, Who is the next lucky person, a happy marriage will accompany her, is this moral, right? "

Yang An nodded: "Yes!"

Huang Bo said: "You think," sugar "is the first you sang to Yao Beina, she got married and got happiness, and then she sang" sugar "to other brides. Does it have a meaning of happiness inheritance? "

Thinking about it this way, really, this Huang Bo, his brain is turning so fast. Of all the guests, only Yao Beina can do it. He really has a wishful thinking!

Yang Andao: "Sing it and sing it, anyway, Yao Beina also likes to sing popular songs, she should have a deep understanding of" sugar ", and then let her write again and again, there must be a good effect."

Huang Bo was so happy, he quickly asked the assistant to invite Yao Beina, he couldn't wait to tell her the good news!

In the end, only Sun Honglei and Yang An were left. Yang An sighed, "Brother Hong Lei, let's not have a fight. You can choose anyone on the list. I can bring my wife to attend."

Sun Honglei laughed: "Still you are smart, the best model in the entertainment industry, and the happiest couple who sings in person is better than any blessing!"

Others are also envious. The exemplary couple Yang An and Rong Feifei are really envious of the others. They both sang a singing song, even if they sang "Two Tigers".

Not to mention Yang An's creative ability. What if he whimpers and writes a classic wedding song? I believe this lucky couple will be the happiest!

Sun Honglei glanced at the guest list several times, and quickly closed, and said to Guo Dao: "I also chose my wife to attend, but I also want to bring the Deng Chao couple! Four of us can play together, right?"

This choice is a bit weird? However, Guo Guo still agreed, Sun Honglei and Dunchao, the fame of this group should be the largest in the six groups!

Looking at everyone's doubtful eyes, Sun Honglei explained: "I chose this way for two reasons. One is that my wife is also from a science class. She graduated from the Vienna Conservatory and sang a soprano. It's really too easy for her, I can take the opportunity to be lazy and let her sing! "

Everyone laughed and said that Hong Lei was eating soft rice, and he even wanted to rely on his wife to sing.

Yang An quite understands: "Hong Lei brother, I support you, my wife is also a professional singer, I am Ye Luzi, the wife of a professional singer stares at you every day, this kind of life really ... I know you ! "

Sun Honglei took a few steps forward and embraced Yang An: "Brother, understand long live! The second reason to invite the Dunchao and the couple to come, we have worked hard for nine months in the rowing race. Dunchao has been a substitute and it is very hard. He and I are of similar size and strength. I have always felt that he was my substitute, but unfortunately, in the whole process, I did not get hurt, two did not make mistakes, three did not lose the chain, and four did quite well in the game. Baton……"

"Ha ha ha! Who are these people? Shame?"

"Is there such a boast?"

"Can't stand it, Hong Lei, you're too thick-skinned!"

"Oh my god, shameless people, the world is invincible!"

Although everyone knows what Sun Honglei means, this is really too explicit! So shameless!

Sun Honglei grinned: "In short, everyone understands, I want to participate with the Dunchao couple. Let ’s have two model couples, pk Yang An, a model couple. Is it always a bit better?"

More than a little chance?

Everyone understands that in fact, in China, movie and TV stars are much more powerful than funny stars. The Dunchao couple, the Sun Honglei couple, focus on movies and TV shows, and their fame is not much less than that of the Yang An couple. Just because Yang An is too good and is the top of the variety stars, the force is slightly higher.

The team has been completed, and the production team will immediately notify the people ~ ~ Extreme men help find a table here to sit and rest, wait for other invited stars to make up, and then come together to meet.

The celebrities must be the most lively after they meet. Of course, those invited will know that they have been selected. They will talk and laugh at the camera and have fun. This time they must compete against each other and the scenes will be filled with laughter.

Before the end of the final game, in order not to say anything, Yang An said: "The biggest challenge of the extreme challenge is that we cannot guarantee that each guest has time at the same time, so today's guest combination is not fixed. Next, we may Candidates make minor adjustments, and they will not be notified one by one at that time. Well, even if the wedding ceremony of the ultimate challenge begins, please stay tuned, we will definitely make the sweetest series! Extreme Challenge ... "

"That's life!"

The crowd shouted in unison, then applauded and laughed: "Good life, absolutely good life!"

"You're sweet with this special!"


"I can't wait to eat their candy" (to be continued ...)

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