The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 958: Thank you, Extreme Challenge!

The emcee said affectionately: "When we are happy, the blessings of our friends will always be indispensable. Now, with the warmest applause, please welcome two friends from afar to send wedding ceremonies to the new couple!"

Qin Xiaoou and Tang Qianying were a little at a loss. They had just exchanged their rings and vowed. They had stood in the center of the stage and looked face to face. The slowly extinguished lights left them a little overwhelmed.

The emcee standing behind them lowered the microphone, whispered to let them take a few steps towards the guests, and then led them to the side stage together.

A soft piano music sounded, and the spotlight in the dark swept around the hall, and finally traced to the screen exit, a figure slowly came out.

Yao Beina held the microphone and sang gently: "yurelysnyindlldyjustllthetieyureeverytetebrighteststrtletesee"

When the lights gradually brightened and everyone could see that it was Yao Beina, the scene suddenly fell silent, only Tang Qianying screamed, the white gloves covered the red lips, and the eye circles became red instantly!

"Illlveyutillidie I will always love you until the end of my life"

Huang Bo trained hard in English to sing this lveprdise. As soon as his voice appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention. He was handsome in a suit, and his face was highlighted by the three-dimensional outline of the face. The faces were instantly recognized by the guests.


The guests in the lobby have already reacted, it is Yao Beina and Huang Bo!

The bride Tang Qianying stunned for a long time, even in the presence of her father, but she did not lose her posture, but after seeing Yao Beina and Huang Bo, she burst out of emotion and couldn't help anymore, she couldn't help crying!

The bridegroom Qin Xiaoou was already stupid. He didn't know about it at all, and it seemed that his wife was completely unaware. He opened his mouth and held one hand of Tang Qianying, his lips trembling, and he didn't know how to express it.


The hall was cheering and screaming one after another, all the guests stood up involuntarily, applauded, and took out their mobile phones to shoot this rare scene!

it is good! Good job! I really did not mistake your extreme challenge!

The old Qin couples had flushed faces, and they themselves did not know how they would appear. Seeing this unexpected effect, and the expression of the son and daughter-in-law's dysfunction, the satisfaction of all the guests, and the surprise of the in-home old couple With smiles, they were so satisfied that they sent Huang Bo and Yao Beina 10,000 likes.

Qin Xiaoou was a little overwhelmed by Tang Qianying's miserable crying. She could only hold his wife's shoulders and stared at Yao Beina and Huang Bo.

Today's protagonist is this pair of newcomers. Anyone has to stand aside. Even Huang Bo and Yao Beina who sing a song of praise are just carriers of blessings. There are only this pair of newcomers in the spotlight!

Yao Beina came over, and she looked up at the bride from close range, and her eyes were wet with tears, but she still smiled and sang her part happily.

Huang Bo also swayed her body gently while Yao Beina was singing, standing next to Qin Xiaoou and dancing, and finally holding the groom's shoulder, singing a song in his ear.

I pray that I can be with you all the time, through the rain and shine every day.

You are my hope, you are my pride, I have found my heaven in your arms, and our life will become a heaven of love.

In the first song of Gao Chao, the guests who sang the song chorused together. The young impatient friends gathered around the first round table, looked at Yao Beina and Huang Bo up close, and looked at the four like brothers and sisters. Surrounded together, singing this paradise of love.

The second paragraph of the next song is sung to parents, expressing gratitude to parents, and also telling parents that the new couple will definitely live happily.

At this time, Huang Bo and Yao Beina led the two newcomers left and right, and slowly walked in front of the four old men.

The old Qin couple applauded constantly, feeling very excited and smiling.

The old Tang clasped his hands tightly and encouraged each other. Old Tang had choked continuously, his eyes did not dare to look at his daughter, and turbid tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, his emotions were extremely complicated.

Seeing Lao Tang's thin face and tearful eyes, Huang Bo touched the scene, and suddenly he couldn't sing a word.

The emotional Yao Beina had known for a long time that she would cry so thinly that she tilted her head and could not sing.

This time, plus a new couple, all four on the stage wiped away tears, causing all the family members and friends who knew the stage to be uncomfortable, and then choked and wept with tears ~ ~ The piano continued to be empty. In the accompaniment, Master Chen Yi shouted first: "Don't cry, come on!"

The voices of dozens of people immediately sounded at the scene, Huang Bo also gritted his teeth and shouted to the new couple: "Come on! You will be happy! Forever happy!"

"Happiness forever!" A hundred people shouted in unison, sending their heartfelt wishes!

"I wish Qin Xiaoou and Tang Qianying a happy wedding!"

"Happy wedding! Happy forever!"

After finishing singing this song of love, I saw Huang Bo and Yao Beina laugh with tears, bowed to them together and shouted the blessing, Tang Qianying finally showed the brightest smile.

Here comes the extreme challenge!

Here they sing a song for me!

Yao Beina is my favorite inspirational singer, and Huang Bo is my favorite power actor!

They give us the strength and happiness of our family, which is the most memorable memory of my life!

Thank you, Extreme Challenge!

Thank you, Huang Bo, Yao Beina, thank you for your 12 points!

At this moment, Tang Qianying felt that she was the happiest bride in the world. She looked gratefully at the two smiling and singing. The feeling of being loved by thousands of people was full of her body.

The music hasn't stopped, the second chanting has started again, and the second and third songs are finished.

Yao Beina is just like her older sister, Huang Bo is more like a calm older brother. The two backbones appear here, as if there is no sorrow or any difficulty!

Today, there must be no sorrow here, only happiness and joy!

Super cheers erupted at the scene. In addition to the guests, even hotel staff, other diners, and visitors outside the hotel came to see the lively citizens. After Huang Bo and Yao Beina introduced themselves, they were all enthusiastic. applaud.

Many people think it's incredible, and people who are new to the situation just now are asking about it.

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