The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 964: Where are the applause and cheers?

"Oh my God, Teacher He actually gave a red envelope to the groom? What a face!"

"Hu Dongpeng is a friend of Teacher He? I made a big mistake! I don't know? I have a fake relative?"

"The bunker has my brother! Hu Dongpeng, your boy is hidden deep enough!"

"I'll go! Can He Jiong be invited ... He Jiong's appearance fee is estimated to be millions!"

"It's a worthwhile trip today! What a great insight!"

"It's so ridiculous! The Hu family really is burdock! I never expected a friend like He Jiong!"

"The rich are so low-key ~"

The guests were all envious of death, no matter what reason he was, anyway, He Jiong came, this is the face of Tianda!

He Jiong shoved the red envelope into the hand of the bride Li Junlan, said a word of blessing, and looked at it with a smile. He just met Hu Dongpeng. Although he met for the first time today, he had already seen the video and photos in advance. No stranger to children.

"Dongpeng, I wish you a happy wedding! Okay, please give me a microphone."

He Jiong patted Hu Dongpeng's shoulder, blinked at him, revealing a smile that only the two of them understood, and then said to the microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen, please return to your seat and sit down, Mr. Hu Dongpeng and Miss Li Junlan The wedding is about to start. I ’m today ’s emcee He Jiong. May I hear your warmest applause and cheers? ”




Poppy poppy!

There was a warm applause throughout the hall, and everyone was crazy, all shouting.

It's incredible!

He Jiong personally came to be the emcee and presided over the wedding!


Do you want to be so exaggerated!

Lao Hu's eyes were dumbfounded, and they were at a loss as to what to say!

The old couple were dumbfounded, staring at He Jiong for a long time before they dare to confirm, and then looked at Lao Hu who was like a wooden chicken, knowing that this was not Lao Hu's ability, and then looked at the daughter who was so excited to cover her face and crying, and looked very proud Son-in-law suddenly felt scared!

Is this really a relationship with son-in-law?

There is such a son-in-law, it seems ... well, the daughter chooses him, should be okay ...

It doesn't look like all of this is fake. Fortunately, I didn't grieve today, otherwise it would be shameful!

Both elders from both sides have taken their clothes, and their relatives and friends have all written capital letters on their faces, all taking pictures with their mobile phones!

Liu Siyi, who was sitting at the last seat, turned into an O-shaped mouth, stood there for a moment, and mumbled, "I drop a little boy, they really don't need me to host ... He Jiong can invite, there is such a cow Resources, what are you paying for? Why are you stupid enough? "

The wedding hall, although not rehearsed in advance, but the wedding songs are just a few. The employees of the wedding company played music, He Jiong stood beside him and whispered a few words, and soon took over.

Many people do n’t know. He Jiong has really been the emcee. He has hosted weddings for many friends in the entertainment industry, not to mention he has hosted large-scale programs such as the Golden Eagle Festival awards party, Huangmang TV Spring Festival Gala, and stage experience. It was very rich, and held the audience in minutes.

The lights gradually dimmed, He Jiong really started to host, invited the groom Hu Dongpeng to play, and also joked with him for a while, those materials were seen in advance, Mr. He dazzled, and made the wedding scene laugh and laugh and make the guests satisfied Extremely.

Next, the bride was invited to play, and He Jiong arranged for Lao Li to come together. It was the normal father's daughter delivery process. Lao Li took Li Junlan's hand and walked slowly, and finally entrusted her daughter to Hu Dongpeng.

For this arrangement, Lao Hu had no objection at this time. He even expected that the more complicated the wedding process, the better, the longer the better, and the more lively the better!

This person is easy to change!

Just now I saw that my family was not pleasing to the eye, but when He Jiong appeared, several friends in the business field, as well as leaders and relatives, all quietly touched him, enviously asked He Jiong what was his relationship with him. Where he said it, he could only push it to his son with impunity, and he unknowingly gained a lot of envious eyes, and he was in a good mood. It was nothing to let his in-laws send his daughter!

He Jiong's face is so big. When he appeared, he worshipped in the audience. No one had any opinions. All the guests were fine without eating. They stood there watching the host and watching it with interest.

Even the hotel staff didn't do anything. They stood and watched the excitement. Basically, as long as they took their mobile phones, they all escaped to take pictures and took selfies. Take this rare opportunity to take a picture!

In this way, He Jiong brought a new couple to call his parents, thanked the family and friends for the presence, and joked with the witnesses. The scene was lively and harmonious!

Throughout the process, the couple's faces had a happy smile.

Hu Dongpeng was very satisfied with the arrangement of the director of the Extreme Challenge. He also saw Hu Shaohua standing below, and the two of them quietly gave thumbs up, which only they knew.

And Li Junlan is the kind of happiness after seeing a favorite star, very simple, totally did not expect the ultimate challenge to the wedding ceremony, because He Jiong is not a guest invited by the Extreme Men!

So Li Junlan really knew why Jiong knew her husband. She looked at her father-in-law who couldn't stop laughing, as well as those who were envious of the business and political circles. She thought it was a Hu family relationship. He Jiong was watching Came to host in the face of Lao Hu.

Now that you're here, enjoy yourself!

At least three vj are shooting, Li Junlan wants to present her most beautiful side ~ ~ she is really beautiful today!

After sending away the witness, He Jiong laughed: "Next, the groom Hu Dongpeng wants to sing a song for his wife, applause ~ welcome ~"

No one doubts He Jiong ’s arrangement. Every wedding basically has a toast. Mostly it is performed by the emcee or the singer invited by the wedding company. Guests who are good at singing can also come on stage, and the groom is no exception. A song from the groom must be the deepest love for his wife.

This must be a little romance between husband and wife, and guests think so.

Li Junlan covered her mouth and looked at her husband in tears. She knew that her husband sang very well. At the school singer contest in the school, she was moved because of his affectionate singing.

Just so many years have passed. In addition to the first school days, I still have fun. After graduation, the two became slaves of life. They lost their freedom and abandoned their personality. Who remembers his favorite singing?

As the music sounded, Hu Dongpeng sang, "If I didn't meet you, where would I be, how was my life, and whether life should be cherished ..." (to be continued ...)

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