The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 969: He lives forever in my heart

Father Yao said quietly: "Actually, it is not easy to be a man. As a pillar of a family, a true man who has everything in his eyes, he must support his family inside, and fight for his face outside. Nothing is worrying ... "

Mother Yao glared at him, and sighed again, "Lao Tang is really working hard, Beibei, do you know how he is doing now? Forget it, don't tell me first, watch my good daughter performance before listening ! "

Yao Beina was relieved, and she was still a little sad. In case she later said this sad ending, she didn't know what her mother would think.

On the Internet, countless viewers have started to post comments on the official website forum.

"Old Tang man!"

"Cancer is so painful. He insisted on not saying a word. It was so touching."

"I beg for Donald's final end!"

"I know that after giving up treatment, I basically wait for death, but I still have a glimmer of hope. I just hope that Tang is still alive and can see his daughter on TV!"

"Yes, yes, maybe the limit challenges a miracle? For example, sending Tang to a foreign country for treatment?"

"This show is poisonous. I dare not watch it. I think I will cry after watching it."

"When I saw Uncle Tang's back, I immediately thought of my father. He also died of cancer three years ago. I didn't even have a boyfriend at that time, I'm really sorry for him ..."

"Well ... why did my father also have advanced esophageal cancer? I can't stand it anymore ... I want to cry as soon as I hear them talking!"

"Hug, sister, be strong!"

Netizens groaned on the forum, encouraged each other, and watched TV there. Huang Bo and Yao Beina were talking and crying on the screen, which made the audience feel uncomfortable.

The producer is playing this time. The BGMs used are all very sad tears, dialogue lines, and selected photo materials. They are all the kind that makes people want to cry, not to force the audience to fall. Tears, never stop!

Finally arrived at the scene, the old Qin couple quietly came to the parking lot to meet, this pair of cheerful and strong old people made everyone feel good, especially the old Qin said "don't call daughter-in-law anymore, it's a girl, Tang Qianying I will She was treated as a girl ", which made the audience gradually happy.

For a woman, the most reliable man in her life is her father, followed by her husband.

It's awkward. Taken together, the reliability of a husband is far less than that of his father. It is conceivable how sad, sorry, painful, and lost a woman is to lose her father.

"This in-law is good!"

Mother Yao said with tears in her eyes, she also represented thousands of audiences, and everyone was very satisfied with Lao Qin's answer.

The next lurking entry has become the usual style of "Extreme Challenge". It is fun and easy, especially when you see VJ calling other guests to take pictures together. The two quickly slipped in and hid. BGM is the witty squirrel battle. Music, the audience all laughed.

The wedding is really like a prank, but this prank is especially happy. When everyone laughed, the director of Wan evil began to cry again.

Old Tang silently looked at the flower channel, but he used his mobile phone to write the word "debt", which immediately hit the audience's tears.

[Don't owe anyone ...]

When countless spectators wiped their tears and silently shouted this sentence, at the beginning of the wedding, Tang took his daughter's hand and slowly walked from the flower shed to the stage. His face was sacred, solemn, extremely solemn, and handed to the son-in-law. At that moment, the perseverance revealed in the eyes contained too many rich meanings.

It is resentment to her daughter, but also to the world!

If he can live a few more years, he will happily take his grandson, teach children to recite Tang poetry, learn to write, and be happy to pick up and drop off in kindergarten. He is also very good at swimming and can cook good food. Life, how willing to be happy!

Zhuge finally began, Huang Bo and Yao Beina came out, and everyone was intoxicated in their singing.

Warmth, harmony, unity, and politeness. Although everyone is not rich, they are all happy. Although there is nothing they can do about it, others are full of hope for life.

Every audience has tasted the sweetness and bitterness from this story, felt the warmth and warmth of the people, and experienced the taste of the world.

This is the taste of life!

Huang Bo and Yao Beina sang very well, and the wedding response was very good. The guests and the hosts were happy to make people forget the troubles. Countless viewers longed for time to freeze at this sweetest moment.

Unfortunately, the story always has to say goodbye.

After everyone raised a glass of congratulations to the newcomers, drank a glass of Chinese wine, and cheered loudly, the screen gradually faded.

The next step was the preparation of Zhang Yixing and IU. The young people's ideas made the picture particularly happy. The brisk BGM escaped quickly, and soon dilute the sorrow that just occurred.

Mother Yao, who had not yet come out of the mood just now, opened her eyes and said, "This is over?"

Yao Beina wiped her eyes and smiled hard, "What else do you want?"

Mother Yao froze and protested: "No ~ ~ Why don't you show your cards according to the routine? Shouldn't you tell us what happened to Don?"

Yao Beina asked, "Did you tell me that?"

Uh ... Mom Yao was silent, sighed heavily, patted her daughter's hand, comforted, she knows how her loved ones feel cancer, in contrast, Yao Beina is 100 times luckier than Lao Tang!

On the online forum, the audience is discussing the ending of Tang and Tang Qianying.

"Is there anything wrong, what's wrong with the program team saying one more thing? Does anyone know what happened to Tang?"

"Do you still think about it? What are the consequences of esophageal cancer at the advanced stage of giving up treatment?"

"I just want to know if Tang has persisted till now and hasn't seen the show broadcast!"

"I hope that Tang will leave without regret ..."

"My father's love is like a mountain. I finally figured out the meaning."

"Life is short, love is priceless, and cherish it ..."

While many netizens were feeling emotions, an amazing news broke out suddenly, and was quickly artificially pinned by netizens. The user named ID KittyRat posted: "Exclusive news! I am an emergency doctor in Suzhou and Hangzhou. The situation has deteriorated a few days ago. He was taken to our hospital for rescue. He died unfortunately less than a day later, probably the day after his daughter got married! "

When everyone questioned whether the user was actually a doctor, another message came from Weibo, and Tang Qianying voluntarily posted a group of mobile phone photos. It was the text message that was handwritten when Tang died.

Tang Qianying said: "Thank you all for your care and concern. My father walked very peacefully. This is also a relief for him. I wish him all the best over there. He will always live in my heart and be the best father! "

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