The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 973: To host a new variety show


Leaving Extreme Challenge?

Ears have been erected around everyone, everyone knows that Huang Bo has been a bit wrong recently. Inviting Guo Tao to the house may have a special idea. When he heard him say so straightforward, everyone was nervous.

"What are you thinking? What's going on in Extreme Challenge? Why do you want to leave?"

Lao Huang couldn't help but reprimand others, everyone else broke his head and stretched in, Huang Bo even thought of quitting. What was this about?

After all, Yoyo is still a child. I can't think of anything more profound. I was curious and asked: "Dad, don't you play" Extreme Challenge ", are you taking me to" Where's Dad? "

Huang Bo laughed, this girl, went to the first season of "Where's Dad", then became addicted, and read for several years, but unfortunately, she is too old to follow the program requirements!

The others laughed happily. Huang Bo touched her daughter's hair and laughed: "Dad wants to participate in a travel show, go around the world to see and walk around, and after waiting for the winter and summer vacation, Yoyo can also go out to play ,good or not?"

Youyo is so happy that he kisses Dad's face again and again and hugs Dad's neck to coquettishly.

Lao Huang wondered: "Participating in a tourism show? Is it Yang An's new show?"

Huang Bo handed his daughter to his wife and introduced: "The running man and the extremely picky Yang Yang who tied him up, he said that he couldn't be separated, how could he still lead the team? I talked with him half a month ago , Put forward the idea that I also want to learn Shabei and He Jiong and do innovative variety shows. "

Everyone suddenly realized that after the rowing special, Shabey devoted himself to "Terminator of Rumors". This program is mainly responsible for the details of his four high IQ assistants. He is responsible for hosting, and each recording takes up to one day. There are only 12 episodes broadcast in one season, so there are not many problems in scheduling.

He Jiong is mainly responsible for two programs, "Star Detective" and "The Strongest Brain". Other guest appearances, such as "All Accelerating", are also available. The work schedule is also full, busy and fulfilling.

Huang Bo also proposed to do the show alone. Yang An did not agree on the spot, saying that he needed to think about it.

Guo Tao asked, "What does he say? Is there any result?"

Bo Huang explained: "The day before yesterday, he called me and said that he could give me a try on the tour program, and then gave me a brief introduction. I heard that it was good, and he agreed. He also gave me several places for the group. , Brother, I want to invite you to join. "

Guo Tao asked inquisitively: "Wait a minute, let's not talk about quotas. I'll ask you first, do you really plan to focus on variety in your future career? Variety does not make money by making movies! Awards are not high either , A Cana film emperor, may not be less gold than the variety show award at the Enron Art Festival. "

Huang Bodao: "I know that in the current domestic entertainment industry, the most sought after are movie actors, followed by TV series, and variety shows last. But I think so, I participated in the" Extreme Challenge "for almost two years, although I I pushed two movies and three TV shows, but my value has risen without falling, it is difficult to figure out how much the "Extreme Challenge" gave me, but at least in terms of fame, I have gained a considerable mass base, I think It's a good deal! "

Rejecting these few plays, Huang Bo lost at least 100 million.

However, the price has risen, and I have taken a few more commercials, and made two movies and two TV shows in two years. I have made twice as much money as I did in the past.

Guo Tao asked, "Is that new travel show also a weekly episode?"

Huang Bo nodded: "I go out to shoot four or five times a year, for about ten days each time, and each shot should be able to play about 10 episodes. I think this intensity is acceptable, anyway, I quit" Extreme Challenge "and concentrate on doing This is no different from today's life. I can take care of movies and TVs as well, and there is no shift of center of gravity. "

Everyone understands that Huang Bo means that instead of being an awkward person in "Extreme Challenge", it is better to be the protagonist in the new show. Of course, the premise is that the new program has a high ratings.

Guo Tao nodded: "Now that you think about it, arrange your work and don't lose sight of it."

Guo Tao's wife asked, "What kind of travel show is it? Is it like" Sisters Over Flowers "and" God over Flowers? "

Huang Bodao: "No, a new variety show called" The Law of the Jungle "is an upgraded version of" Follow Bell's Adventures "six years ago. It is a type of travel, adventure, and outdoor survival."

"That's fine, too dangerous!"

"No! This show is terrible!"

"I remember they went to the Himalayas and met crocodiles and tigers. It was dangerous!"

"Are there still few variety shows following the trend" Adventures with Bell "in recent years? Which one have you succeeded?"

Almost everyone is opposed to ~ ~ Huang Bo's wife is the loudest. If it is a travel show such as "Fantasia", she doesn't say anything, but just how Huang Bo plays, but directly enters In the jungle, learning to make fire, hunting, and playing outdoors, the danger has increased by several orders of magnitude!

"We are not short of anything! If you are not short of money, you are not short of fame. If you are really unhappy, you will withdraw from the extreme challenge, why bother to go outside to suffer? You are also 40 years old this year. Do you think it's the same as young people? "

Facing his wife's blame, Huang Bo smiled: "I thought the same two years ago, but in the past two years, I have felt more and more that doing a long-lasting positive energy variety show is far stronger than receiving a few bad movies. many."

Guo Tao applauded and agreed very much: "This is reasonable. Yang An's variety shows are different from others. The national leaders have praised them by name. Is there anything wrong? Then again, where are the" Law of the Jungle "going to shoot? Are you going to the jungle? "

Huang Bo said: "It's not clear, the plan is not ready yet. If we really want to go, we have at least half a year to prepare."

Guo Tao clapper: "Count me first! Wife, don't look at me like this, how many times in life are rare? Yang An's team is very experienced outdoors. When have you seen his show full of danger? People want to join his variety show I ca n’t even ask, you still want to stop me, really! ”

With that said, no one really stopped the two.

That's right, Yang An's variety shows have no low ratings. Now I go home every night to turn on the TV. The most popular variety shows are basically produced by Yang An!

At this time, Huang Bo shifted the topic in time: "Look, Yang An's singing song has begun! The most classic of this paragraph, I recommend you must watch!"

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