The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 976: 1 born with you

Rong Feifei supported Song Leping. The two had similar destinies. Some words need not be spoken. They are like minds, just like real sisters.

The chanting session is not over yet. Yang An said: "This" for you "is a blessing from our extreme challenge collective. In addition, I also have a song for my sister Song Fuping alone."

my little sister!


For this title, the guests were jealous of envy!

Song Pingping even cried, and looked at Yang An without covering her face.

The corners of Li Chen's eyes were also wet. He couldn't understand his wife well. Parents did not want them since childhood. The sisters and aunts lived together. Other children had brothers and brothers as playmates, and father and uncle as life teachers. Knowing how much he expected a man to be there to shield her from the wind and rain. In the past few years, his wife's dependence on him has taken him by surprise. He knows the truth has turned into pity. He understands his wife's mood at the moment. Yang An This "brother" is definitely the best gift in his wife's wedding!

[Yang An, thank you for everything ...]

The young couple meditated this sentence ten thousand times in their hearts, and there is no regret in this life for such a big star who treats them so sincerely!

The staff next came with the acoustic guitar, Yang An expertly plugged in the pickup line, and sat on a high stool in front of the new couple. After setting up the microphone stand, he gently plucked the strings.

Multiple cameras were aimed at this scene. The hall was quiet and the crowd was gradually changing. Song Fuping's junior and high school students quietly stood behind Yang An, standing in a chorus formation, all excited. Smile.

A soft piano sound sounded, Yang An held the guitar, looked at Song Leping, and blinked at Rong Feifei next to her, swiped gently, and said, "This song" I Have You in My Life ", send for you all……"

Having you in your life is not only a song for Song Dingping, but also an opportunity to confess to Rong Feifei. Yang An is not a too romantic person, but the occasional flash of light will also surprise his beloved woman.

"Because I dreamed of you leaving, I woke up from crying,

See if the night wind blows through the windowsill, can you feel my love.

When you get older, will you still be with me,

Look at those oaths and lies, slowly drifting with the past.

How many people have admired your face when you were young,

Know who is willing to withstand the ruthless changes of the years,

How many people have come and returned in your life,

I know that I will be with you all my life ... "

Yang An sang softly as he said. During the whole process, the bridal classmate behind him sang the harmony gently. The band area was accompanied by the piano and violin. Yang An himself played the guitar. The gentle voice, warmth The lyrics of the heart not only moved Song Leping and Rong Feifei, but also softened the hearts of many guests.

"Yang Geer sings so well!"

"The lyrics are also in place. It is definitely a song carefully written!"

"I'm about to cry. How many people have admired your face when you were young, but who knows who will withstand the ruthless changes of the years ... A woman will grow old, and it will be true happiness to be accompanied by a lover ...

"Well, I didn't expect that the singing can be so warm and moved ..."

"It's true, this episode of Extreme Challenge will definitely become a classic in the classics!"

Whether it is a live guest or a TV audience, when they see the same screen as a live concert, they hear carefully arranged songs, they see a warm and touching picture, they all sigh with emotion.

The song is still echoing, and lyrics added later on appear on the TV. Numerous audiences followed the melody and hummed gently, feeling the deep love in the song.


When everything has looked dull,

Is there a kind of persistence in my heart ...

How many people have admired your face when you were young,

Know who is willing to withstand the ruthless changes of the years,

How many people have come and returned in your life,

I know that I will be with you all my life ... "

When Yang An sang out the phrase "Still staying in my heart", even Rong Feifei couldn't help covering her mouth this time, and moved tears from her eyes.

She heard it. The song said it was a wedding toast. Why didn't Yang An sing it to her?

Although she is an old wife and wife, Yang An always likes to give such small surprises and make very emotional things so that she always feels his love. She has been like this for so many years and she is the happiest person.

[I can do nothing, I just want to have you by my side all my life ...]

Rong Feifei moved to tears, and many viewers cried in front of the TV.

Like this song, it doesn't have to be a nice melody, beautiful lyrics, catchy, and how popular singers are. The most important thing is that listeners can find their own shadow in the song and find their own in the lyrics. story.

Obviously, "I Have You in My Life" is such a song, and countless people get their feelings from it and think of themselves.

This is the resonance!

On Qingdao, the Huang Bo family who was watching TV all sighed and sighed. I don't know who was humming the song gently in the room. It was very warm.

Guo Tao didn't speak, and they nestled in the corner of the sofa. The wife leaned her head on Guo Tao's shoulders, and the two hands clasped tightly.

Each of them wanted to say something, but they couldn't bear to disturb the people on the screen-although they knew they couldn't be disturbed.

The same scene happened in many families across the country. Extreme Challenge rarely appeared in this kind of warm scene. Many times it was full of laughter, tension, argument, noisy, where is this situation now? In front of the TV, countless couples are holding their lover's hands and enjoying quietly "Your Life Has You" brought to you by Yang An and the choir.

After singing the song, Yang An stood up with a guitar and bowed to the classmates behind him with a smile.

Song Fuping's classmates were organized by the staff. After today, the guests of the extreme challenge are unlikely to keep in touch with Song Fuping at all times, but the friendship of the classmates will never change. They will still be in Song Fuping. They play an important role in their lives, and they still have a lifelong relationship.

There was thunderous applause at the scene. "A Life With You" sang the true desires and desires of many people, and moved many people.

Sabe suddenly said hilariously, "Oh, we cried another. Fifi, did you think of any sadness? Tell the brothers, the brothers will support you today!"

Extreme Challenge Others also coaxed: "Brother and sister, tell your story!"

"Yang An is so abominable. In the days of great joy, we must sing and cry everyone!"

The audience laughed, and Rong Feifei glanced at the laughter, wiped away her tears, and turned back and said, "This guy really hates it! But he still has a heart, sister, do you think this confession is OK?"

Song Duckweed, who had long ago been totally confused, sniffed, holding Rong Feifei with one hand, and Li Chen with her husband with one hand, with tears in her smile: "Reluctantly ..."

Yang An was startled, "This is just reluctant? My gosh ... I used my power to write this song ..."

The audience laughed ~ ~ What is the power of Honghuang?

Write a song, just use your brain. Need this power?

The audience in front of the TV set laughed wildly at first. At first, they thought that this part of Yang An ’s visit would be like the tragic mood of Lao Tang. Who knew that the two songs were so sweet and touching, and now they have become The happy ending, this roller coaster-like change is really unexpected, in just a few tens of minutes, it seems to have tasted the world, it is really endless aftertaste!

Rong Feifei and Song Dingping whispered to each other, then raised their heads, and said proudly, "Forget it, my sister said that for your sincerity, I reluctantly accepted this gift. As a gift, our lady will give you one "The Most Romantic Thing" for you. "

"it is good!"

"Sing together!"

"Come, come and sing together!"

The extreme men helped others loudly, and greeted the guests around to follow the carnival. After the music sounded, everyone who would sing this song hummed with the music.

"... the most romantic thing I can think of,

Is to grow old with you,

Collect bits and pieces of laughter along the way,

I will sit down and chat in a rocking chair later.

The most romantic thing I can think of,

Is to grow old with you,

Until we are too old to go anywhere,

You still see me as a treasure in your hand ... "

The camera gradually zoomed out, and the entire banquet hall was covered by happiness and laughter. Today's most beautiful bride, Song Leping, is accompanied by extreme challenges. She will never be alone!

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