The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 980: Funny than fake SWAT

The director laughed: "The recording started at seven in the morning. Today is an important big day. Huang Bo's withdrawal from the last issue of the extreme challenge, of course, we must pay attention to it."

Mo Wen smiled, and sighed for no reason: "Yeah, how many people have come and returned in your life," Extreme Challenge "is also an ironclad camp, flowing guests ..."

The director said: "We hope that the guests will not be drained. It is difficult to find replacements. The newcomers have a break-in period. The workload will not increase. If the performance of the program is not good, it may affect the ratings."

Mo Wen laughed: "That's not necessarily true, as long as Yang An is here, do you still worry about these?"

That's true, everyone laughed.

Huang Bo has joined the Extreme Men's Gang for two years. After many discussions and discussions between Yang An and the production team, he agreed to his request to withdraw from the Extreme Challenge, and instead joined the "Law of the Jungle" program. Today is his last Record Extreme Challenge once.

Of course, there is still a half-year preparation period for the recording of "Law of the Jungle", which will officially begin on June 1. This is a sequel. The "Extreme Challenge" has been dominated by five people in the past few months. During the show, other domestic males will be invited. Artists and guests participate. Those artists who intend to join the extreme challenge and become regular members will be assessed for the internship period.

It's late in the winter, and there is still a little grey meaning at 7 am. Several cars drove to the back door of a high-end hotel apartment building. They walked down a group of staff, carried a camera, held a radio microphone, and the directors held them. The walkie-talkie commanded quickly free up a safe area and sorted out the emergency vehicle passage.

China, the biggest feature is that there are many people. At 7 o'clock, it is the peak period of work. There is a continuous stream of people passing by the surrounding streets. Although it is the back door of the hotel apartment building, many Red Maple citizens are unavoidable to stop and watch.

Several strong men in security clothing helped to discourage passers-by, pulling up simple fence posts to protect five or six vj and sound engineers from being disturbed.

"Wow, extreme challenge!"

A passerby recognized it and cried in surprise.

A person nearby asked him quickly, and he was excited: "I know those vj, I saw their shooting scene before, and they are right! Do you want to shoot a show here today?"

The citizens were so excited that the director ’s assistants could only come forward and talk with each other, hoping not to talk too loud, do n’t rush into the shooting scene, and not to disturb their star artists. Fortunately, Yang An ’s popularity in Hongfeng was very high. Support, it's time to go to work. I want to see the lively An Quiet and stay and watch the lively.

A few minutes later, a black special police vehicle came over, a huge body close to one meter above the ordinary suv, and looked like a mighty and horrible riot armor for the whole car. A row of shiny police lights on the front of the car and high power on the roof The function signal interferes with the transmitter, and the huge “special police” word and shield icon on the darkened body make people feel afraid at first glance.

"The bunker has my saber-toothed tiger! This car is 2 million!"

There are military fans on the road, and they can see it at a glance, and said excitedly: "This car is a level of Hummer. The Ford Raptor 550 chassis is close to 7 meters long, 3 meters high, and the entire car is bulletproof. It is rare in the country. Definitely Hongfeng's first saber-toothed tiger! "

In the commendation of everyone around, the director can only smile with a bitter smile, silently give a praise in his heart, the master is in the folk, this is recognized by everyone!

This car is indeed the first Saber-toothed Tiger introduced by Hongfeng, even without the license plate. As soon as it arrived in the special police department, it was borrowed and filmed by the extreme challenge program group.

The city government is also coddled enough to allow this car to shoot variety entertainment programs, the reason is that it can shock the evil charm of the street, in fact, it is to install Yang to force the scene!

The vehicle stopped crunching, the door opened, and a guy wearing a black special police combat uniform jumped down agilely, holding an assault rifle in his hand. He took off his mask and made the audience almost laugh and collapse. It turned out to be Yang An!

"Move! Move!"

Yang An held a gun and looked at the open door, beckoning constantly.

The second one who jumped down was a short man, squatting in front of Yang An, holding a sniper rifle with a scope, swiping left and right, preparing to force, and there were already citizens shouting beside him, shouting loudly: "Do n’t Pretend, Brother Sha, it's you! "

Damn it!

Is he so short?

Shabei was desperate, took off the black anti-terrorism woolen cap, shook it in his hands, and resentfully, rubbed the hat into a ball, threw it vigorously in the direction of the citizens, and shouted: "fire-in-the -hole! "

Laughing at the scene!

The anti-terrorist wool hat grenades over there were scrambled by the citizens. Before the riot car here, they must continue to make fun of themselves.

Shabey threw the wool grenade ~ ~ and continued to squat down, holding a sniper rifle, pretending to say: "i \ 'm-in-position!"

Yang An, who stood next to her, continued to wave again: "move! Move! Follow-me!"

The remaining few people all jumped out. Sha Yi and Zhang Yixing were relatively good-looking, one old and one young, and the last Sun Honglei who came out was funny. The moment he jumped down, he didn't stand firmly. Knocked Shabe to the ground.

"Stick-together-team! Call you follow-me, one by one without any sense of discipline, all of them stand up!"

Yang An was so desperate that he would hit these people ’s heads when he reached out. This one shouted “affirmative” and the shout “cover-me”. Sabbe also struggled to get up from the ground, and looked around endlessly. ? Like a thief caught!

In the chaos and laughter, the team of intern special policemen shot into the first floor of the hotel. After walking at the end, Yang An didn't forget to turn back and say hello to the citizens. He smiled and gave everyone an air kiss, which made the citizens laugh and laugh. You can be happy today. All day!

The next shooting was in a closed hotel, but some careful citizens found that Huang Bo did not appear in this special police team. Many citizens wanted to follow up and watch the bustling, but they were stopped by the hotel security and everyone had to stop.

The shooting equipment has been set up in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, and five people wearing special police equipment have officially started recording.

"Welcome everyone to watch ..."

"Extreme challenge!"

The five applauded, Yang An said: "This issue is a bit special today. Everyone saw that the police team was only five of us. Huang Bo didn't come. Now I want to announce to you that Huang Bo will leave" Extreme Challenge ". ... "

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