But the video keeps playing

【In a forest, Jin and his girlfriend Alia were chased here by agents sent by the alien Gurachis, the mastermind behind everything in this world.】

【Just when Alia told Jin the truth】

【Without any warning!】


【A light bullet appeared out of nowhere and attacked Alia, leaving her seriously injured.】

【It was not until the angry Jin started shooting wildly with the DEUS pistol that he finally discovered the culprit who attacked his girlfriend Alia, a giant spider!】

【This is the ultimate weapon controlled by Grachiace, Mechanical Grachiace!】

【J took out the Ultra Glasses and was ready to transform, but a familiar yet unfamiliar scene suddenly flashed through his mind, as if a woman was waiting for someone by the lake.】

“An Nu…” Seeing this scene, Seven, who was in the Kingdom of Light, was stunned, and then a complex emotion surged in his heart.

【And at the moment when he lost consciousness, Mechanical Grachiace fired another light bullet at him!】

【The situation was urgent at the moment and he had no time to think too much. He decisively put on the Ultra Glasses and transformed into Seven X!】

“It looks like this is the final battle!”

“So what will be the ending?”

“How long can this mechanical Grachis last in the hands of Seven X?”

Seeing this scene, everyone watching the video also realized that this would be the final battle, and they were all looking forward to it.

【However, just as Jin transformed into Seven X and put his girlfriend Alia in a safe place,】

【The attack came upon him without warning.】

【Three spider silk threads instantly wrapped around his body. They were so tough that he couldn’t break free even with his strength!】

【It was only then that he realized that there was not just one mechanical Grachiace present, but three.】

【Then, the three mechanical Grachiaces fired light bullets continuously at Seven X!】

【Because his body was tied up by spider silk and he couldn’t move at all, Seven X could only unilaterally endure Grachiace’s attacks!】

“Impossible, how could this happen?!”

“Seven X was completely powerless to fight back!”

“Is the power of this mechanical Graciace so strong?!”

This completely unexpected scene immediately changed the faces of everyone watching the video, revealing expressions of shock and disbelief.

Even the countless evil monsters and cosmic people in the main universe of the Kingdom of Light, and even Desrem and Diablo, obviously did not expect such a situation to occur.

But then they all showed surprise on their faces.

【Under the continuous attack of the three mechanical Grachis’ light bullets, Jin’s consciousness gradually began to blur.】

【Taking this opportunity, the Grachiace body that controls the mechanical Grachiace also pulls Jin’s consciousness into the illusion.】

【A French courtyard】

【Three figures stared at him with strange eyes.】

【And told Jin his purpose】

【It turns out that their purpose is not to invade or destroy the earth. They are actually a kind of life form that parasitizes civilization and has a high degree of intelligence. What they really want to do is to coexist with human civilization.】

【It’s a pity that this kind of coexistence requires humans to become slaves under the institutional rules they created!】

【There’s no way Jin would agree】

【Because of this, Grachiace decided to execute Jin and Seven X together!】

【”Your mission has ended, Ultraman Seven!”】

【As the human transformed by Graachiace said this, the three mechanical Graachiaces in reality also began their final attack on Seven X!】

【They pulled Seven X high into the sky and fired light bullets at him again, launching the most violent attack!】

【Jin’s consciousness finally faded under the attack of Mechanical Grachiace.】

【He was directly beaten back to his human form】

“This is a lie… isn’t it?!”

“Did Seven X really lose just like that?”

“How could this happen?!”

Seeing that Seven X was actually defeated, countless people watching the video in front of the screen showed incredible expressions.

They simply couldn’t believe that Seven X, who had previously shown a powerful force like a god, would eventually lose to Grachis!

“Is this really hopeless?”

“Even Ultraman Seven can’t save them?”

The people in the Seven X world obviously haven’t experienced the coming of Ultraman Seven yet. Seeing the savior they are looking forward to being defeated by the overwhelming force of Mechanical Grachis in the video, they can’t help but feel despair in their hearts.

“That’s right, under the rule of our Gurachiais, there is no so-called savior at all!”Gurachiais saw this and immediately showed a proud smile.

“No, it’s not over yet!”

However, just when everyone in the universe was feeling extremely heavy in their hearts, someone suddenly discovered that the video review was not over yet.

Suddenly, everyone’s attention was drawn back to the light screen.

【Jin, who had been defeated and was on his deathbed, was suddenly enveloped by a ball of colorful light!】

【The next moment, he opened his eyes again!】

【But the feeling he gives is completely different from the previous Jin】

【”I’m going, I won’t betray your hearts!”Jin, who seemed to have transformed into another person, looked at Aaliya and said】

【Then he raised the Ultra Glasses in his hand and put them on without hesitation!】

“What’s the meaning?”

“what happened?”

“Why did he suddenly come back to life?”

This sudden change made everyone watching the video stunned.

But soon, they suddenly reacted!

“I see!”

“So that’s it, Ultraman Seven’s consciousness has finally awakened!”

“Very good!”

“Is Ultraman Seven finally going to appear in person?”

For a moment, countless people in the universe couldn’t help but get excited.

Their eyes were full of anticipation!

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