The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 167 Niu Fork Flower Planters (seeking collection, seeking recommendation) two more 6000 word

It can be seen from here that George V and the chicken thieves, Kay is not bad.

They are still dreaming about the wealth in the tomb, but what they don't know is that it is more convenient for Kai to carry the wealth than to put it in his pocket. Isn't the King's Treasure just for this.

Definitely, Kai’s treasure house is still not exaggerated by Gilgamesh. Kai has seen Gilgamesh’s treasure house. The wealth in it is the real gold and silver. Kai even suspects that all the wealth in the world at the time was nothing. Gilgamesh more.

Dalton and the others have been hesitating about land property rights, while constantly testing the treasure's intelligence.

In the end, Kai became impatient and directly showed what is called the "Treasure of the King", and then Dalton and the others honestly sold the land to Kai. No way, the Ability that Kay showed, let them not say to covet them, they can't even understand this method.

I can only give up...

The British are definitely not good birds. When they have no hope of wealth, they directly speak loudly. They can see that Kay is determined to get the land there. Since Kay wants it, and is rich, very rich, They don't slaughter the white.

Kay didn't talk nonsense with them either. Kay gave them as much as they spoke.

And Dalton was not welcome, and directly asked for 10 million pounds! Pre-war ratio, gold payment!

To be honest, Dalton dared to speak so unscrupulously because he didn't understand the market. Before the war, an ounce of gold was worth 3 pounds, 17 shillings and 10.5 pence. The pound sterling implements a gold standard, and you can exchange it for gold with the pound sterling.

But the problem is that it is wartime, and the British government has already overissued by a large margin (referring to more banknotes), which has led to a sharp depreciation of the pound sterling and a sharp increase in the value of gold.

According to the current black market. One ounce of gold can be exchanged for almost 100 pounds. And there is still no market, because during the war, the United Kingdom implemented special laws, and now various banks have stopped exchanging gold.

So don’t look at the ten million pounds, but it’s definitely a huge sum of money at the time.

To use an intuitive analogy, the purchasing power of one pound at that time is equivalent to 1,000 yuan now. Imagine how much it is.

So Dunn’s heart is really black.

But Kay didn't care, because he converted a bit and found that even according to the pre-war ratio, 10 million pounds is only a small amount.

Kai didn't need to use the treasures in the mausoleum, he could easily pay for his own private money.

When Kay traveled the world, he also accumulated a lot of wealth, which was originally intended to be left to future generations... and as a result...

When Dalton spoke with a black heart, George V shivered. He was frightened by his own consultants and teachers. Even though the estate was large and well-run, it only cost tens of thousands of pounds to survive. After all, real estate was not easy to sell during the war.

But with such a piece of land, Dalton sold it for 10 million...

You must know that before the war, the British military expenditures were generally only maintained at around 200 million pounds. This earned one twentieth of the military expenditure. (After the war started, definitely more than this number. In fact, the British military expenditure during the war has been maintained at about 2.5 billion pounds per year)

But when Kay opened the King’s Treasury and poured gold on the ground like water in front of George V and Dalton, George V felt that Dalton seemed to be less.

King George V has always felt that their British royal family is relatively rich, but today he really saw what it means to be a big dog.

The meeting room, which was originally a fairly large area, was suddenly filled with gold. If it weren't for George V's agility, it would have been drowned by gold.

Although he felt that he was less, but Kai's bold payment method still shocked Dalton with nothing to say.

Money is cowhide!

When Kay reminded them to sign the contract, the two men recovered from the massive amount of gold. Although they are all rich and noble people, it is the first time they have seen so much gold spread in front of them so intuitively.

After getting back to his senses, George V was not the first time to prepare the transfer contract, but to promote the royal family's real estate in London.

During the First World War, life in Britain was not easy, and so was the royal family. Even in order for the nobles to buy war bonds, the royal family can only set an example, use their wealth to subsidize the government, and buy war bonds with blood dripping in their hearts.

Now the royal family's funds are also stretched, so George V also hopes to get a little financial subsidy.

Kay was not very interested in the promotion of George V, but seeing that this guy was a good licker, he took out several million pounds of gold to buy several castles and some properties in London. Among them is Leeds Castle, known as the "Queen of the Castle", which is the best country castle for the royal family.

King George V was very happy about this, and even so happy, he directly canonized Kay as the Grand Duke of the Rhine, which is regarded as the restoration of Kay's original aristocratic status. The Duke of Definite is just an honorary title. Kay has no territory, no salary, and no corresponding political status and power.

Kay also didn't care, if George V really gave him these things, he wouldn't dare to ask for them. After all, as much responsibility as he has, Kay is not interested in taking responsibility for a country that he doesn't understand at all.


After talking with the King of England, Kay did not immediately return to Leicester's manor. Instead, he lived in St. James’s Palace in London, which is located next to St. James’s Park in central London, not far from Buckingham Palace.

Regardless of Kay's indifference, King George V remained obsessed with him, still admiring him very much, and even urged Kay to live near Buckingham Palace so that he could listen to the great deeds of the ancient knight kingdom at any time.

Kay also stayed because he wanted to know something.

The difference from other British palaces is that St. James's Palace is built with red bricks and is not magnificent. Only the gates and gates are higher. It can be seen from the architectural shape and the shape of the garden arch that this is a typical British Tudor building.

Kay likes this castle very much. It's low-key and not gorgeous, and it has a very lively atmosphere. He even thought about paying for the purchase. Unfortunately, King George V couldn’t do anything about it. Many people in the royal family were extremely dissatisfied because of the previous asset resale. They thought it was detrimental to the royal family’s dignity, so even if George V wanted to sell it again, It's not working.

In the end, Kai could only pay a sum of money to rent this place as his temporary residence.

Kai lives here these days and starts reading various books to enrich himself. Especially with regard to the information about that ancient country in the East, he was seriously planning to return there. Even Kay had planned it. The first step before he went back was to spend a lot of money to buy back the cultural relics looted from China by the British from the British Museum.

This can also be regarded as a wanderer from another world, making a contribution to this time and space in China.

But after reading a large amount of information, Kai found out speechlessly that this time and space of China didn't need him to contribute at all.

Although China in this time and space is really not so good at this point in time, the domestic situation is turbulent, the warlords are fighting, and the people are not living, but it is far from the miserable Kaiyuan time and space. In this world, the flower grower is a very special existence. Just like the original time and space, in the feudal era, the flower grower always leads the world and beats the world.

In modern times, it also lags behind the West due to system problems. But even so, Western countries still have no choice but to grow flowers.

For example, at the end of the last feudal dynasty of flower growers, the British were already an empire at that time, and flower growers had never paid much attention to the ocean, so the navy was very weak. This was an opportunity in the eyes of the United Kingdom, so the proud British wanted to open up this market, or simply turn the flower grower into India, so he launched the so-called Opium War.

As a result, the British army had just landed in the south, and the beaten grandma didn’t recognize it anymore. If it hadn’t been for the British government to stop the losses in time and pay a large sum of money to redeem the prisoners of war, those ghosts might have been in the kiln. Squat for a lifetime.

After the last feudal dynasty of the flower growers collapsed, the situation of the flower growers suddenly became chaotic. A group of European ghosts thought they had seen an opportunity, so they assembled the Eight-Power Allied Forces to split the flower growers and turn the flower growers into a semi-colonial land.Unfortunately, the result was still tragic. The Eight-Nation Alliance landed at Jinkou. What else could be done? A warlord who occupied the capital at that time grabbed a blast. The Eight-Nation Alliance was wiped out. It was also the warlord who was competing with other warlords for territory. Annoyed the ghost and made trouble for himself.

So it just made the Eight-Power Allied Forces lose money, and even the warships were returned to them.

Just then, this warlord was sprayed into dogs by various domestic newspapers, saying that he betrayed his country for glory, and bowed his head to the ghost...

Seeing how vigorous his predecessors in this time and space, Kai began to wonder, is he necessary to go back? The key is that he still looks like a ghost. Based on the current prejudice of the planting family against ghosts, it seems that there is no good life for himself when he goes back.

As for the looted cultural relics... there is a fart of cultural relics. The collections from flower growers in the British Empire were sold by the domestic cultural relic dealers to the British, and they were all defective products. Really The planters didn’t even intend to sell them to Guilao.

According to what Kai Qiao heard when chatting with a Chinese restaurant owner in London.

‘Ghosts understand the Chinese culture of a hammer, and it’s enough for them to be happy to sell defective products to them at a high price. ’

After that, Courtman's visit completely eliminated Kay's idea of ​​going home.

According to Kotman, the attitude of the great eastern countries towards foreigners has always been poor. Forget it, some honest foreigners can also live there. But it is only for honest ordinary people, as for those foreigners with extraordinary powers, don't even think about it.

Courtman also told Kay something to corroborate.

Around the middle of the nineteenth century, that was the most rampant period of vampires, and vampires were fighting vigorously with the church in Europe.

At that time, vampires also thought about expanding to the east in order to increase their strength. At the same time, the church also has this idea, but the church’s approach is smarter. They plan to let vampires stand before them, and then go to the flower growers to take root in the name of helping the flower growers fight against vampires.

As a result, the vampire went, and the church followed.

Then they all died...

It was suppressed by the local government of the flower planters at that time...

The church sent people to negotiate, but the flower growers didn’t care at all. They didn’t like the church at all. The church was definitely unhappy, so they organized an expedition to let the flower growers see the strength of the church. At that time, several countries responded. After the call, the church’s expeditionary fleet was wiped out by a group of pirates before it could get close to the mainland.

What is even more frustrating is that the feudal government of the flower planters did not know that such an expeditionary army came to trouble them from beginning to end. This also laid the groundwork for the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

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