The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 458 Assault (seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking monthly pass) first and ask

(There is a shortage of three hundred characters, so I copied it, keep all attendance first, and change it immediately)

Jin Bin's subordinates are not all kinds of demons and ghosts, after all, there are still more ordinary people in this world. Therefore, except for a few special killers, most of Jin Bin's subordinates sent to Los Angeles are ordinary people. The "ordinary" definitely is also relatively speaking. For real ordinary people, each of Jin Bin's subordinates is It is extremely vicious, and it is true. How can a person who can be killed by gold and cross the entire United States to the West Coast desperately be a kind person.

"They are just a piece of toilet paper!" A bald man holding a bottle of whiskey unscrupulously mocked their West Coast counterparts.

For example, the east coast with a longer history, most of the cities on the west coast are juniors, they have no traditions!

It is ridiculous to say that it hasn't been many years since the United States has been together with the Communist Party, but people on the east coast like to look down upon the people on the west coast because they have no traditions.

A group of people laughed in the alcohol and smoke. Although they also have casualties these days, they have small goals and extremely accurate intelligence. They are quick and easy every time. They don’t get entangled with the gangs in Los Angeles at all. If you have no intention of mental arithmetic, you can naturally achieve impressive results.

"When are we going back to New York, I really don't want to be with those crazy men."

After laughing, one of the big beards asked with a bit of annoyance while holding his curled grass leaf in his mouth. They were really making trouble this time, but everyone knows that they don't have much time. The gangs in Los Angeles are not really all idiots, they just don't know who is helping the New Yorkers. But this kind of thing can't be kept forever, once you know who leaked the news, it will be the entire city of Los Angeles that is waiting for them.

As for the lunatic in the bearded mouth, it was also one of the reasons they wanted to leave.

To be reasonable, gangs are on fire, Deadman is not uncommon, but like those crazy men, it is really rare to kill everyone. Even these hot sellers are a little scared. In the past half month in Los Angeles, hundreds of people have died!

They know very well that, generally speaking, whether it is the police or the government, they turn one eye and close one eye when they treat the gangs of their gangs. As long as innocent people are not injured or killed, their attitude towards gangs has always been. It's all "Dog bites a dog, it doesn't matter if anyone dies."

But this has to be a degree!

Hundreds of people died in half a month! This is so much higher than the casualties in the Afghan battlefield! Once any unopened reporter stabbed the news out, the fun would be great.

So they know very well that it's time to leave, otherwise the police and the government will do it before the Los Angeles gangs find them.

"Quickly, I have already asked the BOSS for instructions. There are still a few goals to get, and we will retreat immediately." A big man sitting in the back of the house took a sip of wine and said softly.

When everyone heard this, they were relieved.

Although they were very beautiful during this time, a dozen people turned the whole Los Angeles upside down. But the pressure is also great. They know that once they are caught, the consequences... In short, those gangsters attacked by them will never let them die easily.

Let go of the biggest concerns, and the atmosphere in the room will be more relaxed.

At this moment, suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Huh?" Almost everyone touched their weapons subconsciously. Their location was extremely secretive, and in order to prevent exposure, they would constantly change their hiding spots during their stay in Los Angeles, that is, they knew they were here right now. Very few people! As for ringing the doorbell so generously, it was even more impossible.

The head of this group is the big guy who just spoke. He tilted his head to the one closest to the gate and motioned him to take a look.

That person nodded, and approached the door very carefully with the other person. The other people also separated to the sides of the room in a tacit understanding and did not allow themselves to appear on the opposite side of the door. Once there was a difference, everyone could move from the two sides. Set the fire side to the door.

It can be seen that the quality of these people is quite good, at least they will definitely not be ordinary street gangsters.The two people who opened the door walked to the door, one person held the doorknob, and the other leaned against the door. Once there was a situation, he immediately opened fire.


"Check the water meter!"

? ? ? ?

The term "checking water meter" hasn't even been popular in China at this time, so it's impossible for the people inside to understand this slogan.

Just when they were confused.

boom! ! !

Countless bullets punched a big hole in the door. The guy at the door was hit by countless bullets in his chest, and then the whole person flew out like a torn sack.

Before others could translate, the door was kicked open. Then three black balls were thrown in.

"Fell down!!!" The leader was a bit knowledgeable, so when he saw three black balls thrown in, he called out immediately.

But it was too late.

Boom boom boom!

Three loud bangs in a row brought strong flashes and loud noises.

These are three shock bombs. In order to create a greater effect, the three shock bombs rolled in three directions after being thrown in, so the effect immediately enveloped most people. It just so happened that, in order to keep secret, these people subconsciously closed the doors and windows tightly when hiding in the house. As a result, the confined space exacerbated the effect of the shock bomb, so almost everyone in the lobby on the first floor was in the middle of the room. Hired!

One by one, they only felt that their eyes went dark after a burst of bright light, and then a burst of dizziness and nausea.

But the people here are desperadoes and know a little bit about this kind of things. So even though the body and eyes were very uncomfortable, they still held a sigh of relief, resisting the discomfort, and took out the weapon in their hand to shoot wildly in the direction of the door according to their instinct.

Kay was outside the door, and he was lying under the rock stairs outside the door to avoid the swarming bullets.

"B team action!!!" Accompanied by the gunshots, Kai roared and issued an offensive order.

The already in place SWAT team immediately raised their automatic rifle and fired smoke bombs at the windows of the villa with the grenade launcher hung below!

For a while, the villa seemed to be on fire, and thick smoke billowed from all over the house. At the same time, several other special police also cut off the electric circuit of the villa and plunged the house into darkness.

Heavy smoke and power outages all of a sudden made the counterattack in the house sparse.

What Kay wanted was this opportunity. After he put on a gas mask with infrared night vision, he rushed into the house first.


A group of special police officers armed with gas masks and infrared night vision devices filed in in a tactical formation.


In fact, Kai’s perception is the same with or without infrared night vision. Those people can be said to be unobstructed in front of him.

As soon as Kai entered the door, he drew out the pistol from his waist and shot a gangster who was away from him. Because of the Ability of the bull's eye, Kay doesn't even bother to aim now, anyway he will definitely hit it.


With a soft sound, a hole was opened in the culprit's forehead, and a large swath of red and white liquid was sprayed out, casting a face on his companion. The companion who was originally choked by the smoke and couldn't stand it suddenly felt a warm liquid sprayed on his face. Without thinking, he immediately wiped the liquid to his eyes.

But he froze as soon as he completed his movements.

A bullet hit his heart.

Kai deliberately aimed at the targets that were still stubbornly resisting, and shot them to death first, and then left the rest to the SWAT team, somehow others also appeared on the scene. Besides, you can't really leave it alone, right? That's cruel.

If you really want to do that, I guess Lian Kai's colleagues will have to mumble.

It's too ruthless and doesn't fit the style of an urban modern person, so you still have to relax.

It is impossible for the SWAT team members to say that they have no objection to Kay. No one likes someone to point fingers in their professional field. Although SWAT also belongs to the police station, it belongs to two systems with the general police. The difference between the two is like the police and the army. Kai's gossip hasn't reached the special police. They only know that Kai is a very powerful policeman. As for how powerful they are, they don't know.

From their point of view, what about the most powerful police? In special operations, their special police are professional, police? They look up the case, and just cos with Sherlock Holmes. It really doesn't work, it's enough to maintain law and order, what else? They definitely come.

So at the beginning, they were very suffocated. They felt that what headquarters did was just playing the piano.

But now?

Almost all members of SWAT are stubbornly admired by Kay.

It's not how clever Kai's command is. The special police officers present are all experts, so they naturally know Kai's command Ability. It can only be said to be quite satisfactory. What really made them admire was that Kai charged forward and was the first to take the lead from the beginning.

Moreover, specializing in hard bones always eliminates possible resistance at the beginning.

Being able to fight is definitely a very, very important advantage in violent agencies like special police. Among other things, tonight against a dozen gangsters who were extremely vicious and armed with various light and heavy weapons, their squad decidedly did not have a single casualty from start to finish!

The enemies on the first floor were quickly wiped out. Those gangsters were either killed or directly subdued. After being handcuffed by the special police with plastic handcuffs, they were taken out of the villa.

But on the second floor, there were still a few gangsters resisting. They closed the curtains and guarded the stairs, not counting the counterattack with automatic rifles.

The SWAT team tried to attack several times, but they were all shot back.

"LAPD! Put down your weapons and surrender!"

"Fak squid! Go to hell!"

When Kai felt that, several special police officers could only guard the landing on the first floor and the second floor, and they could not go up at all.

"Team A!" Kay shouted on the team channel with a headset."Lost the vision of the target, they blocked the window with a sofa. We can't see them!"

"Damn, it's all like this, these guys are still not willing to surrender... They definitely have a big case!" Like this situation, it is clear that you are going to die, and surrender is the best choice. California has no death penalty, and it is amazing to be arrested. What's the deal with staying in jail for a lifetime. Even for many of them, prison life is more suitable for them. But these bastards are still on the second floor, and they clearly want to resist to the end. There are only two possibilities for this situation. Either there is a pit in the brain, or there are too many homicides on the back of the body, and the kind of being caught and absolutely ruined.

California does not have the death penalty, but not all states in the United States do not have the death penalty.

Although it is certain that these people will be arrested, Kai can't tolerate them going on like this. If the reporters know about it, the ghost will know what it will become.

Thinking of this, Kay made a decisive decision and directly let the stairs continue to confront them and drag them, while he went outside the villa.

"Sir, what are you?"

It was a bit strange for a special police officer to see Kay running out of the house.

Kay ignored him, but looked around the villa, and finally saw a window at the back of the villa, which seemed to be the window on the top of the villa.

"Are there any bandits guarding the attic?" Kay used the communicator to contact the sniper.

"No! Sir!"

"Okay, everyone! Cover me, drag the gangsters, I go up from the attic and attack behind them!"

After speaking, regardless of other people's reactions, one stride stepped on the wall of the villa, and three stride up to the second floor of the villa.

Just as Kai jumped up to the second floor, the gunshots on the first floor suddenly became louder.

Kai originally planned to try to see if he could enter the house from the windows on the second floor, but found that these people were really careful. The doors and windows were all covered with things. It seemed that they could only use the original plan to go from the attic to the second floor.

Soon Kay climbed to the attic window. The attic window was also closed, but the gunshots on the next floor scared Deadman. Even if Kay removed the attic window, no one would know. So Kay simply punched the glass of the attic and opened the window to enter the attic.

The attic is between the second floor and the roof. Space is limited. The highest place can make Kay stand with his head down in front of him.

There were some debris piled up in the attic, and the dust inside was so thick that no one appeared to come up.

Kai originally planned to try to see if he could enter the house from the windows on the second floor, but found that these people were really careful. The doors and windows were all covered with things. It seemed that they could only use the original plan to go from the attic to the second floor.

Soon Kay climbed to the attic window. The attic window was also closed, but the gunshots on the next floor scared Deadman. Even if Kay removed the attic window, no one would know. So Kay simply punched the glass of the attic and opened the window to enter the attic.

The attic is between the second floor and the roof. Space is limited. The highest place can make Kay stand with his head down in front of him.

There were some debris piled up in the attic, and the dust inside was so thick that no one appeared to come up.

The attic is between the second floor and the roof. Space is limited. The highest place can make Kay stand with his head down in front of him.

There were some debris piled up in the attic, and the dust inside was so thick that no one appeared to come up.

The attic is between the second floor and the roof. Space is limited. The highest place can make Kay stand with his head down in front of him.

There were some debris piled up in the attic, and the dust inside was so thick that no one appeared to come up.

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