The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 472 Gunfire (seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking subscription) First, please

Polly likes the life of being drunk and gold fans, she needs nightclubs, beautiful handsome guys, and body. But in this damned old factory building, there is nothing! Even more frightening is that she also saw a mouse! Oh my God, she was so close to a mouse for the first time!

wanna die.

The wayward Polly didn't think about running out secretly. After all, Los Angeles is so big, how can it be so easy to meet the police? But my boyfriend refused. She even told her very harshly that if she really intends to do that, then it is very likely that a gun is waiting for her!

Polly felt that he was frightening herself, but she didn't dare to try when she saw the ferocious eyes of her boyfriend when she said this.

Fortunately, this dark day is about to end soon, and they can leave here to South America only after tomorrow night. South America is a good place, the weather is good, there are many beautiful women and handsome guys, the key is enthusiasm.

Polly yearned to leave this ghost place quickly!

Sitting up from the cot, Polly decided to get some new stuff to cheer up. In this ghost place, other things are very bad, only one thing can satisfy Polly, that is, there are a lot of white powder!

But when she was passing by the window, she suddenly found a figure suddenly appeared on the edge of the window.

Just as Polly was about to scream, the man jumped in with the window open, threw her to the ground, and covered her mouth!

It's the police!

Polly knew the black tactical vest LAPD even if he was ignorant. Out of inability, she struggled to remind others that the police were coming, but before she was struggling, she felt her head shook and she didn't know anything.

"I'm already in. Waiting for my signal!" Kay threw the unconscious woman aside, and then pressed the communicator on her neck.

"Received!" The SWAT player on the opposite side expressed his understanding.

In fact, the SWAT team is very opposed to Kai's tactics of ‘getting a tiger if you don’t enter the tiger’s den,’ it’s too reckless. Once a problem occurs, it is very likely to affect the entire operation. More importantly, the people who implement this central meeting tactic will be very dangerous.

For example, if Kay is not careful and disturbs others, he is very likely to be fired by all the bandits before the SWAT team attacked.

But Kay insisted that the SWAT team, which did not have command rights, could not help it.

Besides, Kay's force also gained everyone's trust, so the plan was forcibly passed.

After fixing the woman, Kay came carefully to the door. Carefully poking out his head, he found that not far from the door, a few gangsters were chatting with their guns. The content of the chat was very violent, to the effect that they were caring about Polly in the lewd room.

Saying how and how the woman shouted and how coquettish last night, they didn't sleep well. I also complained that the boss was not meaningful enough. He had women to solve physical problems, and they could only be forced to listen to the corner and not vent, which was fatal. Their boss forbids them to go out and have fun...

When Kay heard this, he suddenly thought of a bad idea.

He rolled up his sleeves and revealed his smart watch ‘Friday’.

"Friday, can you synthesize the woman's voice just now?"

"Yes, sir."



A group of people were still talking yellow in the corridor outside the room, and suddenly a coquettish gasp came.

"Fak! Here again!" a hot-seller said angrily, a grievance that a full man didn't know that the hungry man was hungry had already materialized.

"Wait! The boss doesn't seem to be there, right?" At this moment, another popular suddenly remembered something.

"Yes, we just saw the boss go out just now."

Several sought-after look at each other, and suddenly fell silent. Their boss just walked over, although he didn't know where he went, he should still be in the factory, but he would definitely not be in the room! Well... this woman is in there...Several people looked at each other, and suddenly showed a smile that all men knew.

I heard that this woman has a terrible private life. She is not taboo for men and women, and she also likes multiplayer sports. In short, it is just a bus. They guessed privately that the reason why their boss never forgets this woman is probably because she is really good at technology and she is also good at playing.

"You said the old meeting will not come back?"

"It's hard to say, it's estimated to be reported to'home'. No matter what, it will take more than ten or twenty minutes."

"What do you say……"

"I know what you want to say, but there is not enough time! She is the only one of us, even if the boss comes back in half an hour, there is not enough time."

The person who said this was immediately looked at by several other people like a fool.

"What's the matter, we just want to take advantage, you actually... are you afraid that the boss will tear you up?"

That guy immediately shed cold sweat, these guys...who started it?

At this moment, the coquettish gasp came again.

A few big men bowed up immediately, it was too attractive.

"No way! Even if I touch it, I recognize it. Anyway, this woman is a bus, maybe the boss doesn't care." He rushed into the room regardless. Although the other people were a step slower, they were also scrambling to get ahead. Then rushed in.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Polly lying on the bed shirtless, as if asleep, but the posture was too explicit, as if to seduce them to assault her.

The few gangsters who had the brains of worms, could not bear it, immediately rushed to the bedside, planning to have a hand addiction, maybe they can go further.

The explosion of hormones completely lost their vigilance. They didn't notice it at all. Just as they rushed to the bed, the door closed quietly, and behind the door, Kay pulled out two M1911s with silencers.

biu! biu!

The two culprits who walked at the end were hit in the back of the head, and fell forward without humming.

The two bodies rushed forward and bumped into the gangster in front of them.

"Hey, don't jump in line..."

The two people who were hit immediately turned around and planned to teach their unruly companions a lesson, and they saw two gunpoints on their foreheads!

biu! biu!

Two bullets shot through their foreheads and opened their skulls.

The movement was not small at all, so the last culprit was alarmed, but before he could scream, a gun was put into his mouth.


The world is quiet.

But in the end the hapless guy had good luck, and when he finally fell, he fell directly on Polly's body.

This is also considered lucky, right?

Kai didn't clean up these people, so he let them fall to the ground. He turned back and opened the door and found that the corridor was clean. He inserted two pistols back, held up the assault rifle, and walked outside.

Just approaching a corner, Kay heard someone talking. He hid near a corner nearby and used a small mirror to check the situation outside.

There are six gangsters sitting outside the corner talking and talking.

This is a bit troublesome. After going out of the corner, there is a large open area, unobstructed, and there is no place to provide cover for Kai. The enemy has a good view outside, and it is impossible to get in.

Can only storm.

He said to the communicator, "Prepare to storm!"

After speaking, he took out an iron pineapple, unplugged the insurance, and held it in his hand. Wait for the moment.

At this time, there was a burst of gunfire outside.

A group of gangsters who were talking about the world immediately took up their weapons and prepared to rush in the direction of the gunfire.

And Kay is waiting for this opportunity.

He picked up the grenade that was about to detonate, threw it forcefully, and threw it among the few people near the passageway.


These people didn't have any resistance, they were blown up and flew out.

At the same time, Kai took out another grenade, this time he didn't hold it in his hand again, and threw it out with greater strength.


When the second explosion sounded, Kai rushed out with an assault rifle!

Bang bang bang bang! With the sound of gusty gunfire, Kay marched against the wall, venting bullets to the gangsters who rushed out of the abandoned factory building, while choosing a suitable shelter. Reluctantly, the time for this plant to be abandoned seems a bit too long. The slightly more valuable things in the plant are pulled out and sold by the homeless people. There is nothing in the plant except a few broken sofas and a few empty oil drums.

At the same time, the gunfire outside the factory building became more and more intense, and it was obvious that SWAT's assault went very smoothly.

The gangsters were in chaos under the enemy.

Fortunately, at this moment, a man in a sweatshirt didn't know where he came out.

"Kill that first!" He grabbed a rifle from his subordinates and fired at Kay.

Seeing that he was about to be set on fire, Kay could only rush to the gangster when he couldn't find a bunker. There is no way that the vision is too wide, the enemy can easily focus on him, and there is nowhere to run. On the contrary, if you run into the gangsters, you can avoid being set on fire. They can't do it with their own people.

Thinking of it, he turned his body into a black shadow and rushed straight to the gangsters.

When the gangsters were called by the leader to set fire on Kai, Kai clung to one of the outermost gangsters. The culprit was about to shoot when he discovered that the hand holding the gun had been blocked by Kai's body. He just wanted to take his hand back, but his back was in pain. He had been hit by several bullets shot by his companion and fell softly.

Kai lifted the culprit's fallen body and rushed forward quickly. When the number of bullets on the corpse increased, Kai applied force and threw it to the left few culprits. He changed his direction and charged diagonally, rushing out from the other side, and the assault rifle in the same hand, flashing like a phantom, spurted out a spear flame from the muzzle.

Immediately a gangster fell to the ground and couldn't afford it!

At the same time when he got the gangsters, Kay turned and stood still, raised his guns with both hands, and shot at the gangsters who had just been smashed!

Da Da Da Da Da Da! ! !

The gangster who had just stood up felt a bright flame and fell down.

The assault rifle in Kay's hand clicked, emptying the magazine. Kay changed the magazine while moving to the side. At this time, bullets from surrounding bandits came one after another, leaving bullet holes one after another on the ground.

In less than ten seconds, at least fifteen people were killed by the gangsters.

A group of gangsters saw their accomplices fall down one by one, but the other party was unscathed, one by one was deeply stimulated, fearing on one side, anger on the other, but more fear! Don't forget, there are still a group of policemen with live ammunition attacking them outside! Each of them looked grim and yelled unconsciously. The guns in their hands pulled the trigger again and again. They wanted to kill the demon-like police as soon as possible, but they could only eat ashes behind Kai.

Bang bang bang bang!

After changing the bullets, the figure turned around like a ghost, and rushed into a group of bandits again.

This group of gangsters were frightened and frightened, and their hearts were desperate.Sure enough, the horrified companions didn't care about them at all, and shot them without hesitation. But their brains were too late to issue an escape command, and they were shot to the ground.

Worse still, there is a policeman behind them who thinks they didn't die fast enough!

The speed of this group of gangsters is the fastest, less than three seconds, basically everyone can stand in place.

At the same time, the gangsters on the opposite side were also killed by Kai Su Lengzi.

Now the remaining robbers fry the pot directly.

No matter what at the moment, no longer caring about his companions, no longer aiming, raising his hand and hitting in Kai's direction, this is a little more threatening. But it's just a little bit.

The real threat is not them, but the person hiding behind the gangster.

This guy has been wearing a sweatshirt hat since he appeared, hiding his face in the shadow of the hat.

Finally seeing that there were fewer and fewer people under him, he finally couldn't sit still.

I saw him tore off his sweatshirt. A familiar face appeared in front of Kai.

Remember the last terrorist attack at the Art Museum of Chicago?

This is the murderer of that terrorist attack!

Last time this guy didn't call Kay, he was beaten up by Catherine and Diana. If it wasn't for luck, he would explain to him there on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Kai would actually see him again here. Kay remembers that Egsey once told him about the details of this guy, Charlie, Englishman, and nobleman. He was once one of Kingsman’s candidate agents, even in the same period of Egsey, but he was eliminated at the last moment, and then abandoned himself, fell into the arms of Valentine, and became a glorious villain. When Shiman smashed Valentine's nest, Egesey interrupted his left arm. After losing his arm, he could only install a mechanical arm. After the evolution, he has a doomsday arm, which is amazing in combat power. Now Charlie seems to be playing for the famous drug queen Bobby, putting her on the back and forth.

I just don't know why it appears here

What Kai impressed him the most was that his left hand was a robotic arm! That thing looks very handsome!

Especially this thing can also launch missiles!

It's so handsome.

But if the rocket is aimed at itself, it's a different matter...

"Fak! It's a foul! It is said that guns are men's Langmei, how come they suddenly become black technology?"

A rocket ran over after Kay.

No way, since the opponent fouls, don't blame him for not being particular.

Kay immediately took out the pistol around his waist, bang! A bullet was thrown out.


In the middle of that miniature missile!

With the Ability of the bull's eye, it's so easy!

Someone has said, doesn't Kay have eyesight beyond ordinary people, body control Ability? There are also supernatural powers. Why do you need the Ability of the bull's eye to hit the rocket?

definitely need it!

Because after the bullet was shot out, it really went out, even if Kay had the ability, he couldn't control the direction of the bullet in the air. After all, there are too many conditions that affect shooting accuracy, such as wind speed, air pressure, humidity, temperature, etc., too many uncontrollable factors. It's good for people, after all, the target is big and the moving speed is fast, even if it shifts slightly, it can hit. But the high-speed rocket? That really can't be done.

The Ability of the bullseye can be done easily.

Because Ability can completely ignore those messy things!

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