The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1032: What is the relationship between these two

Su Hexiang glanced at her and smiled helplessly: "You are facing me."

Assistant: "I'm your assistant. If I'm not facing you, who is facing?"

Su Hexiang shook her head and said nothing.

She didn't say that she had done anything unnatural.

Although she has never had a serious relationship with each other, she has spent so many years acting in a scene and living a life.

In terms of experience, she is much more than Lu Qingyuan, who is addicted to art.

So when she found that Lu Qingyuan had such a thought, her first reaction was: she didn't want to have anything to do with him.

It doesn't matter if Lu Qingyuan came to him because he was not used to it, or if he really realized that he had moved something to himself.

For the current Su Hexiang, she has now decided to completely let go of this heart and decide to break all the relationship between herself and Lu Qingyuan, then Lu Qingyuan can only be unaccustomed.

Therefore, she bullied Lu Qingyuan and had no experience in falling in love, denied his intentions with Zhu Xin's words, and also vilified her own intentions for three years.

——No matter whether Lu Qingyuan is tempted or not, after saying this today, the two of them won't have a future.


She was right.

From this day to the end of the filming, she never saw Lu Qingyuan again for a long time, nor did she receive any news from him.

That time Lu Qingyuan came to the crew to visit the crew, and as he promised, no photos and rumors came out.

The crew seemed to have received some warnings, and they never asked about it again, and occasionally looked at Su Hexiang's eyes with a little dread.

It's just that Su Hexiang doesn't want to care about it anymore.

After the filming, she relaxed, turned off her mobile phone, and slept happily for two days and two nights before finally relieving herself and returning to China by plane happily.

What Lu Qingyuan, let him go.

Jin Li went to the airport to pick her up, and the two sisters who hadn't seen each other for a long time gave a hug.

Not surprisingly, it was captured by fans.

Knowing Su Hexiang's itinerary, many Su Hexiang fans came to the airport.

However, her fans are notoriously quiet and high-quality. Seeing that she didn't even scream, she didn't get in a crowd. They only asked her whether she was tired and how well she was doing recently, saying that she was thin again. To pay attention to the body.

Su Hexiang also answered them one by one, and it took twenty minutes to say goodbye to them.

"I'm thin." Jin Li looked at her and said affirmatively.

Su Hexiang helplessly: "The action movie has been filmed for more than a year before and after, how could it not be thin?"

Jinli took her hand: "Don't be afraid, I'll give you something good to keep your energy and spirits back, and you won't get fat."

Su Hexiang knew her identity, so she didn't reject her words, and said with a smile: "Okay, waiting for our good stuff from Koi."

The two left together holding hands.

Many people around are taking pictures with their mobile phones.

The two can't leave for ten minutes.

#苏合香电影開青回國,锦梨報場场迎# Such titles have appeared in the hot search.

In the beginning, no one felt wrong.

After all, Jin Li and Su Hexiang have a good relationship, which everyone knows.

But two hours later, a marketing account posted another revelation.

Did you eat melon today? : Who remembers the scene of the Jinli wedding? At that time, the real identities of the couple sitting on the wife's parent seat were actually Su Hexiang's parents. So, what is the relationship between these two people? 【Picture】【Picture】【Picture】


Today’s writing is particularly slow. One is the emotional drama between Lu Qingyuan and Susu, which is really not good at a single dog, Cavin.

Of course, the main reason is: this author was floating tonight. He ate a large bowl of leeks alone, and his fragile intestines couldn't stand it. It hurts me to death.

So... update... it... becomes like this...

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