The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 282: 76, the arrival of the black knight

  Chapter 282 76, the arrival of the black knight

  The gate of the Metropolitan Court.

Numerous people gathered on the square in front of the court, some held high "Superman get out of the earth", while others shouted "Superman" is a hero, in short, the people formed two completely opposite attitudes towards this matter, And can't argue.

   One and a half hours have passed since the agreed time.

   Just when everyone thought that Superman would not come, a black spot appeared in the sky far away.

   "Look, what's that..."

   "Is it Superman?"

   "No, that's the black knight! The black knight is coming."


  Rorschach was wearing a black cloak, hovering in the sky of the Metropolitan Court, and countless people below raised their mobile phones and frantically pressed the shutter on Rorschach.

  The appearance of the black knight turned the already very noisy scene into a frenzied atmosphere in an instant, and countless people shouted the name of "black knight" to Rorschach in unison.

   Rorschach slowly landed on the ground.

  However, his feet did not land on the ground, but were always in a suspended state, a bit higher than everyone else. Therefore, Rorschach's gaze was always looking down.

  However, this move did not arouse the dissatisfaction of the people, because the people have long been accustomed to the posture of the black knight.

  Compared to the approachable Superman, Rorschach has always had this attitude of not getting close to strangers.

  Because Rorschach needs to collect the power of faith, after coming to the DC world, Rorschach's character design is not following the line of being close to the people, but showing his "divinity" to everyone.

  People will only have the emotion of belief and worship to the gods above.

   "Black Knight, today is Superman's hearing, and it has nothing to do with you. I hope you can inform Superman, or simply leave without hindering us."

  A metropolitan police officer who maintained order at the scene raised his head and said to Rorschach.

  Rorschach looked at the other party indifferently, and said in a deep voice, "Superman, he can't come."

  As soon as they heard this, the reporters of major media heard the system of explosive news, and they flocked collectively.

   "Black Knight, why can't Superman come?"

   "Is Superman shirking responsibility, or is there something he can't get away with?"

   "Black Knight, what do you think about whether superheroes should abide by moral constraints and federal laws?"


  Faced with questions from various media reporters, Rorschach raised his wrist, and the wrist computer projected an electronic light curtain.

  Everyone present looked at the electronic light curtain.

  In the light curtain, Superman was hung in the air with his hands tied, and black substances appeared around him. It seemed that these black substances were eroding Superman's flesh and blood, making him miserable and wailing tragically.

  Looking at the god-like existence in the world, and falling into such a situation, everyone fell silent.

  The sin of superman is that some people think that he is a god, while others think that he is a human being. Between God and man, conflicts will arise.

  What Rorschach has to do is to pull Superman from the **** position in people's hearts and make him an ordinary person.

  People make mistakes. When manpower is limited, people are not omnipotent. In this way, all the contradictions in Superman will be easily resolved.

   "Superman feels that he has failed the metropolis and the trust of the people. Therefore, he voluntarily accepts the justice league's trial and punishment. He is now in self-exile, so he cannot reach the hearing."

  Rorschach showed the scene of Superman treating the doomsday spores to the public. People who didn't know the truth really thought that Superman was being punished.

   People who support Superman feel extremely heartbroken.

   And those who questioned Superman also had a feeling of unreality in their hearts.

  The reporters frantically took pictures and asked Rorschach who tried Superman, why Superman was not tried in the US federal court, and when Superman would return to Metropolis.

  But Rorschach didn't say much, but retracted the light curtain and flew towards the interior of the Metropolitan Court.

  In the hearing hall.

  The senators, jury, lawyers and others were a little surprised to see that it was the Black Knight instead of Superman.

   Soon, a few police officers ran in and explained Superman to everyone.

   "Black Knight, do you represent the Justice League you call, a group composed of superheroes, to the Metropolitan Court of the United States to accept open and democratic justice..."

   "Senator Finch, I didn't come to the hearing."

   Rorschach interrupted the female senator who presided over the hearing. He looked around and finally landed on the robber in a wheelchair in the corner.

  The robber still had a bandage on his head and plaster casts on his arms and legs.

  When the gaze and Rorschach were released, he immediately lowered his head in horror, not daring to look at Rorschach at all.

   "Tell me, who ordered you to sue Superman?" Rorschach asked, staring at the other party kindly.

   "I...I don't know what you're talking about, Senator, Your Honor, this man is threatening me..."

  The robber seemed very excited. Facing Superman, he dared to fight back, because he knew that Superman would not kill casually.

   But facing Rorschach, facing the famous black knight, the robber was really scared.

  The Black Knight's physical super-salvation is not a joke to save all living beings.

   Senator Finch, the judge and others looked serious, and said to Rorschach: "Black Knight, this is the sacred US federal court, please don't threaten the plaintiff."

"Compared to whether I threatened him, why didn't you check under his wheelchair? Why was such a big bomb brought into what you call the 'sacred' US federal court?" Rorschach said with a smile on his face. With a playful smile, he said.

  These words surprised everyone, even the robber had an expression of disbelief on his face.

  The next second, Rorschach's body moved, and a black speed force lightning appeared around him. Rorschach appeared in front of the robber at the fastest speed, ripped him off the wheelchair, and threw him forward.

   Then Rorschach directly raised his hand and tore open the opponent's wheelchair. There was a lead box underneath, which contained a super bomb.

   This lead box is to prevent Superman from X-ray vision scanning.

  Rorschach had already guessed that this hearing was a conspiracy against Superman, and he would pay special attention to things made of lead.

   "There really is a bomb!"

  When Rorschach took out the bomb, everyone present let out an exclamation.

  This bomb is remotely controlled, in order to detonate it after Superman enters the hearing, instantly killing everyone except Superman.

   There is a bomb at the hearing, and Superman becomes the only survivor.

   At that time, the keyboard warriors on the Internet will blame Superman for not discovering the bomb, why he didn't save everyone, and say something like, "Is such a Superman worthy of our trust?"

   After taking out the bomb, Rorschach soared into the sky, smashed through the ceiling of the Metropolitan Court, and flew into the sky.

  The next moment, the bomb exploded suddenly.

  But this level of explosion, even Rorschach's biological force field can't affect it.

   Countless people surrounding the court looked up and saw Rorschach flying into the sky with a bomb, and then the flames of the explosion swept all directions.

  If the bomb explodes in the courthouse, everyone in it will die except for Rorschach.

Ignoring the people outside who didn't know the truth, Rorschach flew back to the hearing hall, staring at the robber indifferently: "If it wasn't for me, you would have all died in the explosion of the bomb just now, now would you Tell me, who ordered you?"

  (end of this chapter)

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