The Kyoto Bubble Era: It started with selling off hundreds of millions of property

Chapter 101 Surprise in the quilt (1?, laptop battery bulging and scrapped)

After finishing all the real estate-related loans under the Financing Section in March, Kitahara Sosuke's only tasks at this time were to expand special financing projects and quickly develop Kitahara Logistics.

Kitano Ran returned to Osaka early the next morning and continued to worry about the subsequent development of Kitahara Logistics. The establishment of a club was bound to be accompanied by all kinds of messy little things. She was determined to run Kitahara Logistics well for Kitahara Sosuke, so she devoted herself to it. He has turned into a workaholic.

As soon as Kitahara Sosuke came to Tokyo, Hashimoto Shota heard about it and rushed there. The next day, he dragged him to eat and drink together. I attended with two good friends from the consortium.

The luxurious fascination of Tokyo's upper class circles opened Kitahara Sosuke's eyes. These descendants of the consortium are well-dressed and have personal assets of over 100 million. Brand-name bags and luxury cars are standard equipment. No matter where they go, they can take out money from a certain shopping mall. Premium membership card.

When they first met, two of Ryoko Uchida’s best friends gave Kitahara Sosuke a Rolex and the Handy Phone Minimo, a lightweight mobile phone just released by Panasonic. This is also the world’s first mobile phone weighing less than 300g. It has just been developed and has not yet been released. Officially launched.

This is obtained through internal channels.

The noon banquet felt like a blind date. Ryoko Uchida felt sincere admiration and admiration for Kitahara Sosuke's ability to snatch food from the mouths of Vice President Kurosawa and Managing Director Ito Man. She couldn't help but take a high look at this young man from an emerging wealthy family. Introduce brother.

The elders in the families of her two best friends are powerful figures in the Sanwa Consortium. They came to see Kitahara Sosuke with admiration. Not long after they sat down, they were fascinated by Kitahara Sosuke.

Handsome, wealthy and good-talking, such a man was too destructive to women in the 1990s.

Kitahara Sosuke was a little bit dissatisfied. Why do these descendants of the consortium all like to dress up in vacuum kimonos, especially the extremely well-developed Momo Sakai? It's hard to look away.

Anyway, it’s not a loss for me, he thought, and accepted the personal business card secretly handed over by the two of them, with their private addresses printed on it. It was a secret base that was not open to the public and was only open to close friends.

Because he received too many small cards from women, Kitahara Sosuke had to put an iron box at home and stuff all the business cards in to keep them. If he needed them one day, he could be contacted with a phone call.

The banquet in the evening was more formal. In addition to his close friend Shota Hashimoto, the attendees were all seniors of the Hashimoto family and the extended family who had a close relationship with them.

Eating with this group of middle-aged people in their 50s and 60s made Hashimoto Shota extremely stressed, not to mention the extremely outstanding Kitahara Sosuke sitting next to him.

Kitahara Sosuke dealt with it appropriately, as if he was familiar with this kind of scene, which made the middle-aged people even more fond of him. He bluntly said that the Kitahara family has produced a great descendant.

Those who could associate with the Hashimoto family were elites from all walks of life, including politics and business. Kitahara Sosuke distributed a circle of business cards, which was the first step to get his name into the upper class society.

Around the end of the meal, Kitahara Sosuke saw an unexpected person.

Bank of Japan President Mie Noyasu.

The old man was wearing a suit and had a serious appearance. Although he had a very bad relationship with the Ministry of Finance in the past and was on the same level as Ryutaro Hashimoto, he pretended to be friendly on the surface.

"Mie-san, this young man is Kitahara Sosuke. Haha, he made 30 billion yen in a month relying on your policies! Speaking of which, you are his God of Wealth." Hashimoto Ryutaro said in a teasing tone, really want to After further investigation, Kitahara Sosuke's behavior is actually a kind of speculation, but it is too technical to be replicated.

As the president of the Bank of Japan, the financial policies he made were made huge profits by speculators. Naturally, Mie Noyasu couldn't save his face.

But the old man laughed and was not angry at all: "It can only be said that Cang Jie has a vicious vision. I raised the interest rate three times within a month. He can predict my judgment, which shows that he and I The idea is so close, that’s the most amazing thing.”

Kitahara Sosuke was basically speechless on this occasion, and just responded hypocritically. He didn't like these people who stood at the top. Power corrupts people. There are indeed people who can survive the mire, but they are definitely not this group. People who watched the Japanese economy collapse and finally fell into despair and ignored it.

They know it better than anyone else, but they fight for their own interests, regardless of the country.

Kitahara Sosuke doesn't have much sense of belonging to this country. He has always been just a lone wolf. He doesn't even care about them. He has nothing to worry about. Making money and climbing up are the main business.

Later in the drinking, Mieye Yasu asked Kitahara Sosuke to talk alone for a while before he left. They didn't talk about anything major, they just briefly exchanged their views on the housing market bubble. Kitahara Sosuke spoke frankly, and Mieye Yasu gave him a meaningful look. .

"Yes, the housing market bubble will eventually burst. It's just a matter of when. But Sosuke, the real master of the national economy is not the Bank of Japan or the Ministry of Finance. You have to understand this." After saying this After a while, Mie Yeyasu left.

Kitahara Sosuke didn't come around at first. When Hashimoto Shota drove him home, he finally realized what Mie Noyasu meant!

He specifically raised the issue of his own housing market bubble!

It also answered the biggest doubt in his mind.

Why did the real estate market suddenly collapse when the consortium rescued the market and the momentum was so high?

Only mandatory policies can affect the real estate market and cannot be influenced by funds. However, the Bank of Japan, the Ministry of Finance and the financial group have all reached an agreement. Dinner tonight is Tsuchida Genmasa, the current director of the Ministry of Finance Bureau. He is also high-ranking. Claiming that “it is obviously unreasonable to strengthen individual financing controls while promoting liberalization,” the Ministry of Finance will never interfere in banks’ real estate-related lending business.

This is a symbol of economic development.

But it is not only the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan that can issue policies, but also a higher authority - the Prime Minister's Cabinet.

The current Prime Minister, Toshiki Kaifu, came back to power with the declaration of lowering land prices and won a lot of public support. However, when he was the Prime Minister before, his presence was weak and he did not achieve any impressive results. Many people subconsciously ignored him.

Could it be said that the Prime Minister's Cabinet will make big moves this time?

It's a pity that I don't know who Toshiki Kaifu is relying on. If it's really him, he can be considered a ruthless person if he dares to attack the trinity of the financial group, the Ministry of Finance, and the Bank of Japan.

Returning to his temporary residence in Tokyo, he declined Shouta Hashimoto's offer to take him to Tokyo night markets. He stayed alone in his room and smoked, continuing to reflect on Mie Yasu's words.

Seeing that he didn't want to come out to play, Hashimoto Shota smiled mysteriously and said that there was a surprise left for him in the room. Kitahara Sosuke didn't pay attention and continued to think about the game behind the real estate market.

Is it an American consortium?

Currently, the only country that can influence the Prime Minister's decision-making at this level is the United States, one of the two giants today.

The American conglomerate is inseparable from domestic politics. An old man named Soros is one of the big winners after the Japanese stock market crash. Their energy is indeed enough to influence the political circles of this small country.

After thinking for a while, Kitahara Sosuke ran to wash up, and then got into the soft velvet quilt. Just as he was about to sleep, he was shocked to find that there was a soft, white and beautiful body under his quilt!

"Sister Orihime! Why are you here!" Kitahara Sosuke was shocked, but he was not wearing any clothes.

"Aosuke-nii~ You're back and I'm already asleep." Onoue Orihime didn't care about the leaked spring light, yawned and moved towards him.

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